9 Awesome Hacks To Treat Digestive Issues At Home

Read on to know about home remedies that cure digestive issues using natural ingredients.
HappyTummy Team
29 Jan, 2023
3 min read


I still remember when I was young and used to experience any kind of digestive issue, I would run to my grandmother. She always believed in certain home remedies to ensure a healthy digestive system, and there are a lot of simple home remedies that I have learnt from her. These remedies definitely helped me to stay away from medicines and I incorporated them into my daily routine.

Effective Home Remedies

I want to share with you all, the most effective home remedies I have tried and tested which are useful to treat digestive issues at home:

  • Include ginger in your diet. Ginger contains anti-inflammatory chemicals that could help smoothen the digestion process. One of the easiest ways to include it is by steeping some in your tea
  • Consume fennel seeds or water boiled with funnel powder after food.
  • Boiling carom seeds in water and drinking it regularly
  • Lemon juice with a pinch of baking soda helps digest food easier. This helps improve liver secretion and intestinal mobility.
  • Drink warm mint tea. Raw and cooked mint leaves are both suitable for consumption. We can powder or juice mint leaves and mix them with other foods and beverages too.
  • Basil leaves contain eugenol which regulates the acid content in your stomach. We can either chew a few fresh basil leaves or use dried basil powder. Basil tea is also another option.
  • Cinnamon has some important antioxidants which help in balancing the digestion process. So, try to include cinnamon in your dishes. A versatile ingredient, cinnamon, can be used in both sweet and savoury dishes.
  • Cloves can speed up the digestion process. I mix 1 or 2 tsp of ground cloves with 1 tsp of honey and consume it once a day. You can also boil some cloves in water and have it once or twice daily.
  • Another home ingredient that helps is cumin. It acts as an antimicrobial. Make sure you add at least 1 to 2 tsp of cumin, whole or ground, in your meals.

Additionally, an effective way to improve your overall digestive health is to consume multigrains in your daily diet. Did you know that you can gain 35% of the daily required fibre intake from just 3 multigrain rotis?

Digestive Health

Aashirvaad Atta with Multigrains has also come up with this amazing way in which you can keep track of your digestive health. You can take the digestive quotient test on HappyTummy.aashirvaad.com within 5 minutes and know your DQ score. A team of expert nutritionists have designed the Digestive Quotient Test to check your digestive score out of 100.

When I took the test, my score was a 94 out of 100. Along with your score, you also receive personalized suggestions that can help you improve your digestive health. Additionally, the website contains expert suggestions, free consultation with a dietician and super high fibre recipes which can be made using ITC Aashirvaad Atta with Multigrains.

Eat healthy and stay healthy!

Note: Dear friends do drop in a word of encouragement and appreciation if you like my write up.
