Unlocking Vitamin C Benefits: Advantages and Sources

Discover the benefits of vitamin C for your health and wellness. Know the sources of this crucial nutrient and how it helps in healthier you.

Have you heard of that famous line – not all superheroes wear a cape. That holds for the different vitamins and minerals, offering immense health advantages. One vitamin we will discuss today is Vitamin C – the superhero in our lives that does so many wonders without wearing a cape.

Vitamin C is needed for our bodies for many reasons – to remove tiredness, to bring glow to our skin, and much more. But do you know which food product offers the maximum Vitamin C and how including it in your diet can have several benefits?

From immunity boosting to producing collagen, there are several reasons why this vitamin is considered one of the essentials. This article will be an eye-opener as you will discover such fantastic food products besides oranges with ample VitC.

So, let’s begin our juicy, tangy, and exciting vitamin C journey now.

Why Is Vitamin C Necessary, and What Does It Do?

Our body needs water-soluble vitamin C for several purposes. It is found mainly in fruits and vegetables and acts as an antioxidant in our bodies.

Vitamin C also helps prevent health issues like cancer, Alzheimer’s, and heart-related situations. Besides, you also need VitC to absorb iron and protein. Our bodies need this essential vitamin for some of the following reasons and more:

#1 Vitamin C for Immunity

Strengthening the body’s defence mechanisms, VitC is a powerful antioxidant essential for a robust immune system. This vital vitamin improves the development and performance of white blood cells, crucial immune system elements.

By scavenging free radicals, lowering inflammation, and assisting in the prevention of infections, VitC enhances the immune response. Consuming VitC regularly is essential for maintaining immune system health, guaranteeing the body’s defence against disease, and improving general well-being [1].

A quick tip: Snack on amla candies to boost immunity!

#2 Vitamin C for Wound Healing

Vitamin C is crucial in wound healing by promoting tissue regeneration and repair. It is essential for synthesising collagen and developing connective tissues, which heal and seal wounds [2].

Apart from offering structural reinforcement, VitC fortifies the immune system and aids the body in warding off infections during the healing process.

It is essential to ensure you get enough of it to boost overall tissue regeneration, reduce inflammation, and speed up wound healing for the best possible recovery.

#3 Vitamin C for Collagen Synthesis

Since VitC is a cofactor in the enzymatic activities that result in the formation of collagen fibers, it is essential for producing collagen. It is crucial in skin suppleness and overall connective tissue strength [3].

#4 Vitamin C for Cardiovascular Health

Vitamin C supports cardiovascular health by acting as an antioxidant, reducing oxidative stress, enhancing blood vessel function, and regulating blood pressure and cholesterol levels [4].

#5 Vitamin C for Bone, Tissue, and Tooth Health

Vitamin C supports the health of teeth, cartilage, and the rubbery thing that covers the ends of your bones. Additionally, osteoarthritis may lessen your chance of losing cartilage, especially if you have osteoarthritis [5].

#6 Vitamin C as an Antioxidant

Vitamin C is considered a fantastic antioxidant needed by our bodies. This antioxidant protects our bodies from different free radicals, which can damage cells. Our bodies get these free radicals from cigarette smoke, air pollution, and ultraviolet sun rays [6].

#7 Vitamin C for High Blood Pressure

Today, blood pressure is becoming a common issue many people face. Stress is one of the numerous factors that can lead to high blood pressure, which is unhealthy.

Vitamin C is said to lower blood pressure, and people with this issue should include VitC-rich food in their diet [7].

#8 Vitamin C for Cold

Because of its reputation for enhancing immunity, vitamin C is frequently recommended as a first-line cold treatment. Regular use of VitC has been linked to reducing the duration and intensity of cold symptoms, even while it may not prevent the illness from starting.

Including this vital mineral can be a helpful ally in the fight against colds, supporting general well-being, whether through supplements or a diet high in vitamin C sources [8].

#9 Vitamin C for Skin Health

Powerhouse vitamin C has numerous advantages that help achieve a glowing complexion, making it an excellent choice for skin health. Its potent antioxidant properties aid in scavenging free radicals, lowering oxidative stress, and delaying the onset of premature ageing.

Vitamin C helps strengthen the skin’s defences naturally and leaves it looking bright, youthful, and strong. You can incorporate VitC into your skincare routine or diet [9]

Quick tip: In a bowl, add 1 tablespoon vit c powder,also honey or curd, coconut oil being optional [9]. Apply it for 10 minutes and wash it off with fresh water.

#10 Vitamin C for Hair Health

A vital component in fostering robust and glossy hair is vitamin C. Being a potent antioxidant, it fights oxidative stress, shields hair follicles from harm and enhances scalp health.

Furthermore, VitC is required to manufacture collagen that keeps hair strands solid and intact. It also helps your body produce sebum, the natural oil that lubricates your scalp and keeps it from drying.

This crucial nutrient is an indispensable part of a holistic approach to hair health because it helps prevent split ends and hair breakage and adds to your locks’ general vibrancy and resilience [10].

#11 Vitamin C for Iron Absorption

Like vitamin C, our bodies also need other minerals like iron. Iron is necessary for haemoglobin and red blood cell production. That is why people who have less HB are given iron supplements.

However, you can eat a VitC-rich diet to ensure your body absorbs the iron perfectly.

This vitamin helps in absorbing iron effectively. Hence, doctors often suggest taking iron supplements and juice rich in vitamin C together [11].

Vitamin C Required Daily Intake Amount

Like every other element, even vitamin C has a daily required limit in our bodies. It is 90 mg for men and 75 mg for women [12]. If there is a deficiency of VitC, our bodies may face the following issues:

  • Gum bleeding
  • Anemia
  • Frequent infections
  • Poor wound healing

Different Sources of Vitamin C

Let’s look at the various excellent sources of VitC and how you can include them in your diet.

1. Red Pepper

Red peppers are a fantastic way to get your recommended daily vitamin C intake in a delicious proportion. 100 grams of boiled and cooked red peppers can give 171 mg of vitamin C [13], whereas 100 grams of raw peppers offer 128 mg [14].

Moreover, red peppers are also an excellent source of other vitamins, such as A, B, E, and K. Additionally, including them will also offer folate, potassium, phosphorus, manganese, and magnesium – all needed by our bodies.

It is easy to include these in the diet. You can cut them into strips, eat them raw with a dip, or add them to salads or omelettes.

2. Lemon & Oranges


Beyond being delicious, lemons provide a zesty and colourful source of VitC and a citrus boost. Lemons are a vitamin-dense, zesty food that may be squeezed into a glass of water, drizzled over salads, or added to various culinary pleasures. They are a simple way to improve taste and health.

This citrusy food is also filled with antioxidants and can help with anaemia and many other health issues. In 100 grams of lemon, you can get 53 mg of VitC [15].


Orange is everyone’s favourite when it comes to consuming VitC. It is juicy, delicious, and citrusy and loved and enjoyed by all. You can eat it alone or make a fruit salad combining different fruits.

You can even squeeze them to make juice, which is a healthy drink in itself. In 100 grams of oranges, you can get around 53 mg of VitC, which is almost like what one can get from lemons [17].

3. Strawberries

We are sure no one would have considered strawberries a VitC-rich fruit. However, these are amongst the ones that contain a good amount of this vitamin.

In 100 grams of strawberries, you can get 58.8 mg of VitC, which is even more than you can get from lemons [16]. Moreover, these little berries are so delicious that you can add them to almost anything.

They can be eaten fresh or added to milkshakes, ice cream, salads, desserts, jams, and jellies.

4. Noni


5. Watermelon

Watermelon is a famous summer fruit that is high in water content and can prevent dehydration. Besides its water content, this fruit is also an excellent source of VitC.

Eating 1 cup of diced watermelon will get around 13 mg of this essential vitamin [18]. You can eat it just like that or make its juice for a healthy drink.

6. Cantaloupe

Cantaloupe, often known as musk melon, is again a rich source of VitC. In 100 grams of cantaloupe, you can get 37 mg of vitamin C [19]. You can include this summer fruit in salads, desserts, milkshakes, or eat it as such.

7. Broccoli

Broccoli belongs to the cabbage family and is a delicious winter vegetable gaining much popularity in Indian kitchens. It has several health advantages, including the abundance of VitC.

If you eat 100 grams of broccoli, your body will get 89.2 mg of VitC, around 148% of your daily required amount [20]. This crunchy vegetable can be added to your diet in different ways.

You can steam it and eat it as a snack, stir-fry it for salads, make soups, or add it to sandwiches or wraps.

8. Kiwi

Another fruit rich in vitamin C is the tangy kiwi. It is one fruit often recommended to eat if people fall sick, especially with dengue. It contains a good amount of VitC and other essential nutrients.

If you eat one kiwi fruit, you will get 64 mg of VitC, and by eating a cup of sliced kiwis, it will increase to 167 mg [21].

9. Tomato

If you are looking for an option readily available at home, there is nothing better than tomatoes. You will find them easily in almost every Indian kitchen. You will get 24.7 mg of VitC in one cup of raw tomatoes [22].

However, if you cook them, the level of this vitamin may decrease. That is why eating them raw in salads is recommended to get the maximum nutrients, especially if you want to increase VitC in your body. You can also drink it as a juice, offering the same nutrients.

10. Amla

The concentration of Vitamin C in Amla must amaze you! 100 gm of fruit will give you around 450 mg of Vitamin C, almost 9 times than that of oranges.

The good thing is that it is easily available, and you can add it to your diet in several different ways. From eating raw fruit to adding it to coriander chutney to having a cup of Amla juice in the morning, there are several ways you can think of. This juice in the morning (read empty stomach) is an excellent detox drink, too!

11. Noni Fruit

Derived from the tree Morinda citrifolia, this lumpy, mango-sized fruit has 33 percent of the Reference Daily Intake (RDI) of Vitamin C. It might help enhance your endurance, may relieve arthritis pain, and improve overall immunity!

It can also be considered a preventive way for tobacco-related issues. You can mainly consume it as a juice blend, which will be an antioxidant-packed drink ready to provide several health benefits.

Final Thoughts

Finally, it should be noted that VitC has many more advantages than being a well-known cold cure. This vital ingredient is crucial to our general health because it does so much for our skin’s brightness, cardiovascular health, wound healing, and immunity.

Bright vegetables, bell peppers, citrus fruits, and strawberries are rich sources of VitC. A tasty and nutritious method to benefit from VitC is to include these items in our regular diet.

While we enjoy the bright tastes of these nutrient-dense foods, let’s also celebrate that leading a VitC-rich lifestyle makes you healthy now and lays the groundwork for a robust and colourful tomorrow.


1. Which is the best source of vitamin C?

Most citrus fruits, such as oranges, are considered an excellent source of vitamin C. Besides, you can also find this vitamin in red peppers, strawberries, blackcurrants, broccoli, and potatoes.

2. Why is vitamin C essential?

Our bodies need VitC for various reasons. Some reasons are building immunity, maintaining bone and skin health, and preventing chronic illnesses.

3. How do you get the required amount of vitamin C daily?

Many food products can be added to your diet to meet the required VitC amount. You can include them as salads and juices or eat them as raw.

4. Are tomatoes rich in VitC?

Yes, tomatoes are a rich source of vitamin C if eaten raw. If you cook them, the amount of VitC may be lower. However, they will still have this essential vitamin.
