Red Banana: Benefits, Nutrition, Weight loss and Side effects

Curious about the health benefits of red bananas? Explore how this vibrant fruit into your diet boosts your overall well-being.

When someone speaks ‘banana,’ we envision only a yellow delight and minions. After all, banana means yellow. But what if we tell you that there are not one, two, or three, but countless varieties of bananas around the world?

There are over 1000 varieties of bananas worldwide

Red bananas are just a small but vibrant bunch! But they are not so small when it comes to their nutrition. Their fibre richness, vision-enhancing ability, immunity support, and many more benefits make them the right choice you are looking for. 

And if you care about climate, listen to this: “Red banana plants grow fast and use water efficiently.” They are a beautiful, sustainable crop.

Today, we’ll explore the many rich and tempting red banana benefits, their interesting past, nutritional values, how to eat, when to eat, and when to avoid. Furthermore, we’ll season it with numerous interesting facts. So, let’s peel it layer by layer and taste its potent core. 

Know Your Red Bananas – History, Names, and Nutrition

How long have red bananas been cultivated for? Well, the exact date is not yet known. But what is known is that red bananas originated in India and some Southeast Asian regions. In India, you’ll mainly find them in the farms of Kerala and Tamil Nadu. There, they are known as 


In Tamil, red bananas are called “Sevvazhai”, “Chandrabale” in Kannada, “Erra Chekkarakeli” in Telugu,

It is found in ancient literature as Raktakadli, and in Hindi, they are simply known as “laal kela”. A literal translation of its English name. 

Now, why are red bananas so sought after by health enthusiasts? Is there enough research supporting this trend? Or no? Let’s first start by looking at its nutritional value.

Red Banana – nutritional value – 100 grams [1]

Energy89 kcal
Water74.9 gram
Protein1.09 grams
Fat 0.33 grams
Carbs22.8 grams
Fibre2.6 grams
MineralsCalcium, Iron, Potassium, Magnesium, Selenium, Zinc, Phosphorous, etc.
Vitamins and other plant compoundsVitamin C, B6, A, K, Folate, Choline, Carotene, Lutein + Zeaxanthin, Flavonoids, etc.

The table vouches well for its nutritional brilliance. And so do its numerous proven benefits. 

Red Banana Benefits – A Nutritious Splash of Ruby Red 

Red Banana benefits infographic

Unlike their yellow counterparts, red bananas are adorned with a vibrant reddish-purple peel. Don’t be surprised if their appearance initially throws you off. Inside its ruby red peel lies a creamy and pinkish-white flesh, and inside that flesh lies a myriad of red banana benefits. Let’s taste them one by one:

1. A Sweet Spring of Antioxidants

If you’ve ever been to a dietician, then chances are that you must’ve heard a lot about how fruits and vegetables should be given priority because of their rich antioxidant content. Sheer bliss! They enhance our lives’ quality. Our lifespan gets increased. But not all fruits are the same. 

Red bananas are packed with anthocyanins. This is the antioxidant that gives them their distinctive colour. Anthocyanins are believed to combat free radicals in the body. These free radicals knock off our cells and bring damage to them. The result is cell damage, organ damage, skin damage, etc. Anthocyanins prevent this from happening. 

However, anthocyanin is not the only antioxidant present in it. Several others include

  • Carotenoids
  • Vitamin C
  • Dopamine 
  • Lutein and Zeaxanthin [2]

All these antioxidants, apart from saving our cells, bless our bodies and brains with other benefits too. Here are some proven ones:

  • Carotenoids increase life span, enhance weight loss, and bring that beautiful balance to blood sugar [3]
  • Vitamin C reduces bad cholesterol in the body (LDL), enhances skin health, etc.  [4]
  • Dopamine helps with low blood pressure, low heart rate, and low mood [5]
  • And the lutein zeaxanthin duo provides the strength of their strong anti-inflammatory properties, thereby helping with pain [6]

Wonderful right? Now, get ready to be amazed after reading these other red banana benefits as well. 

2. Strengthens Eye Health

Although we see the beauty of this world through our hearts, our eyes provide the much-needed bridge. Their health is our responsibility. 

Red bananas are a good source of eye-enhancers, vitamin A and carotenoids. These plant compounds enhance and maintain healthy vision. How?

Vitamin A plays a crucial role in the production of rhodopsin. This pigment is necessary for night vision. But don’t think that you’ll be able to see people in utter darkness. What it does is help you see things better in low-light conditions. [7]

Additionally, red bananas contain lutein and zeaxanthin. Studies say that these two antioxidants may help protect your eyes from age-related macular degeneration and cataracts.[8]

3. Enhances Immunity 

Red bananas contain several compounds that strengthen our immunity shields. For example, its vitamin C content is an excellent immunity enhancer. And the case is so sensitive that one study found a relationship between a slight fall in immunity and an increased risk of infection. [9] [10]

But how does vitamin C help us in immunity? It helps stimulate the production of white blood cells, which are the body’s soldiers in the fight against infection.

Additionally, red bananas contain other immune-supporting nutrients like

  • Vitamin A
  • Zinc
  • Vitamin B6 

All these nutrients add layer after layer to our immune system. Where vitamin A helps build the immune system, zinc bridges the communication gap between immune cells, and B6 stimulates the production of white blood cells (our immunity heroes) and antibodies.[11] [12] [13]

So, incorporate red bananas into your diet to give your immune system a much-needed boost, especially during times of stress or seasonal changes when your body is more vulnerable to illness.

4. Helps balance hormones

Red bananas naturally support balanced hormone levels due to their rich iron content and essential nutrients. Iron is vital for hormone synthesis, while the diverse nutrient profile of red bananas, including vitamins C and B6, potassium, and antioxidants, ensures optimal bodily functions. 

Their high fibre content and low glycemic index help stabilize blood sugar levels, a key factor in maintaining hormone equilibrium. 

5. Does Wonders to Digestion

Our digestive system is where all the magic happens. It is where the food gets digested, converted into energy, and diverted to all our body parts. The better its health, the better our health. In fact, in Ayurveda, there is a saying that emphasizes its importance. It says,

“When diet is wrong, medicine is of no use. When diet is correct, medicine is of no need.”

Red banana benefits our digestion in many ways. Two main ways of those are:

  • Its prebiotic content
  • Its fibre content

Red bananas contain prebiotics fibre that can promote gut health and aid digestion. 

What are prebiotics? These are a type of fibre that become food for your good gut bacteria and strengthen them. The better their health, the better they’ll digest our food. This means more nutrition and more energy. Also, we face reduced bloating, reduced constipation, and enhanced energy levels.[17]

These are the two types of prebiotics that are found in red bananas:

  • Fructooligosaccharides
  • Inulin [18]

Apart from prebiotics, red bananas also contain overall fibre. 

Fibre is important for our gut health in many ways. Firstly, it provides bulk to our stools and helps us regulate our motions. Regular motions have been linked to better health. 

Secondly, fibre reduces gut inflammation. Reduced gut inflammation lowers the risk of several gut diseases.

And lastly, it also stimulates the growth of our good gut bacteria. This means an extra army of our digestive allies. Isn’t this a win-win?

6. Helps Improve Heart Health

Struggling with lower blood pressure and concerned about your heart health? Don’t worry. Red bananas benefit by lowering blood pressure and promoting your heart’s health. 

The presence of potassium and fibre in red bananas can contribute to healthy blood pressure and heart function. Where potassium does the work of relaxing blood vessels and managing the rhythm of the heart, fibre works on lowering the LDL and triglycerides in our body. But how does it help our hearts? 

  • Consuming potassium-rich foods is helpful in not only controlling but also bringing down heightened blood pressure. More than 22 studies have shown that potassium did wonders at lowering BP, especially in those who already had high blood pressure.
  • Magnesium decreases the risk of high blood pressure by quite some margin. Taking it through foods can reduce the risk by as much as 5%. [14][15][16][19] [20]

7. Soaked In Nutrition

Red banana is a nutrition champ. Firstly, its complex carbs provide a sustained flow of energy. This takes care of blood sugar levels. Now, apart from its complex carb content, it takes a big leap in many other areas as well. Here is what it offers:

  • Plenty of potassium
  • Essential vitamins such as C, B6, A, K, etc.
  • Magnesium
  • Prebiotics for gut health
  • Numerous antioxidants, etc.

All these nutrients nourish our bodies and help us live a better life.

Now, why red bananas? How does the red banana benefit us more than its yellow fellow?

8. Improves Skin and Hair Health 

Red bananas significantly benefit skin and hair health due to their rich nutrient content, including iron, vitamin B6, and other essential vitamins and minerals.

Iron is essential for maintaining healthy skin and hair as it helps produce hemoglobin, which carries oxygen to the cells, promoting cell growth and repair. Vitamin B6 plays a crucial role in synthesizing collagen, a protein that provides structure to the skin and hair follicles, enhancing their strength and elasticity.

It contains antioxidants like vitamin C, which help combat oxidative stress and protect the skin and hair from damage caused by free radicals. These antioxidants also promote collagen production, further supporting skin firmness and elasticity.

How do you use red bananas for hair and skin?

Mix ripe red banana with coconut oil, amla powder, and honey to make a potent blend that promotes hair growth and strengthens the hair follicles, attracting moisture to the hair and scalp, leaving it soft and hydrated.

Apply this hair mask for 15-20 minutes to nourish and revitalize the hair from root to tip. Regularly using this hair mask can help improve hair texture, reduce frizz, and promote overall hair health.

Red Banana vs Yellow Banana

While both these types of bananas benefit us with their nutrients, there are areas where they surpass each other. Let’s see which one is better:

FeatureRed BananaYellow Banana
Potassium (important for blood pressure & heart rhythm)✓(in less quantity)
Fibre (aids digestion, lowers LDL & triglycerides)
Vitamin C (antioxidant, immune system booster)X
Vitamin B6 (energy metabolism, brain function)
Beta-carotene (precursor to Vitamin A, antioxidant)X
Overall SweetnessSlightly sweeterSweeter
Glycaemic IndexLow GIHigh GI
AvailabilityLess commonWidely available
CostSlightly higherLower

Also read – Health benefits of Yellow banana
Overall, Red Bananas have a slight edge in terms of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. However, Yellow Bananas are still a healthy and delicious choice.

Red banana plants are versatile! The fibres from their leaves can be woven into mats, baskets, and even clothing in some areas.

Red Banana – Risks and Precautions

Although red bananas are a much healthier choice, it is always wise to pick them with a few risks and precautions in mind:

  • Sometimes, proteins present in bananas can lead to banana allergies. This can trigger an abnormal immune response. So, if you feel any odd change, consult your doctor
  • Don’t consume red bananas in excess to avoid any side effect
  • Eating too many bananas can elevate your potassium levels, which can result in abnormal heartbeats
  • When giving bananas to babies, ensure they are properly mashed with no lumps in it
  • If you are on BP medications, consult your doctor before making red bananas a part of your diet because they impact blood pressure

And now, it is time for some delicious ways of eating these rub reds. 

Some Rich Red Banana Recipes

Red bananas might be a new discovery, but incorporating them into your daily routine is surprisingly easy:

  • A Tropical Twist to Your Breakfast – Start your day with a delightful twist! Dice red bananas, add them to your morning oatmeal, muesli, or yoghurt, and give yourself a delicious breakfast treat.  It’ll be a burst of flavour with a touch of the tropics.
  • Sweet and Savory Snacks – Snack might seem like a foul word in a healthy diet, but not with healthy ingredients such as red bananas. They are a healthy and satisfying snack option. You may either enjoy them on their own or pair them with a handful of nuts or a dollop of nut butter for a balanced snack. To give it a different twist, simply chop them into savoury dishes like salads or curries.
  • Sweet Treats Made Healthier – Looking for a healthier alternative to sugary desserts? Red bananas are a perfect option due to their slightly more sweet taste. Whip up some homemade red banana bread or muffins! They’re delicious and will surely satisfy your sweet tooth while packing essential nutrients.
  • Creamy Smoothies – Smoothies are rarely complete without bananas. And red bananas can not only add a vibrant colour but also a touch of sweetness to your favourite smoothies. Experiment with different combinations of fruits, vegetables, and yoghurt to create your perfect healthy drink.

Concluding the Rich Red Revolution 

So, are you ready to embrace the ruby red revolution? Red bananas not only seem exotic, they are a treasure trove of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants as well. While yellow bananas are healthy, red bananas offer a slight edge over them. 

The numerous red banana benefits make them an alluring option if you want a healthy addition to your diet. They are brilliant in terms of gut health, blood pressure, eye health, heart health, and immunity. While both varieties are delicious and nutritious, incorporating red bananas into your diet can add a delightful twist and a potent punch of health benefits. 

With their versatility and ease of use, red bananas are a welcome addition to any Indian kitchen. So, next time you’re at the market, don’t be afraid to experiment with these vibrant fruits. They might just become your and your body’s new favourite.

Happy Healthy Indulging!


What happens if I eat red banana every day?

Eating red bananas daily can contribute to your overall health by providing essential nutrients such as potassium, fibre, and vitamins. However, consuming them in moderation is recommended to maintain a balanced diet.

Which time is best to eat red banana?

No specific time is considered the best to eat red bananas. You can enjoy them as a nutritious snack between meals, as part of breakfast, or incorporated into smoothies and desserts.

Is red banana better than yellow banana?

Both red and yellow bananas offer similar nutritional benefits, but red bananas may contain higher levels of certain antioxidants due to their red color. 

Is red banana good for men?

Red bananas benefit everyone, including men, as they provide essential nutrients like potassium, which supports heart health, and fiber, which aids digestion. Incorporating red bananas into a balanced diet can contribute to overall well-being.
