Bael Fruit Secret Health Benefits (Evidence Based)

Discover its natural goodness, from immunological support to digestive wellness of bael fruit and how this fruit improves your health.
Shivangi Goel
16 Sep, 2023
14 min read

Fruits have always been an integral part of Indian culture. Irrespective of the weather, season or climate, you will always find one or two fruits stocked up for consumption in Indian homes.

And why not? After all, these wonderful nature gifts are filled with unique components that are good for our bodies and offer numerous health benefits.

You may have eaten a lot of fruits, but we bet there is one that is nutritious and delicious but is not seen too often in our homes. We are talking about the bael or the bel fruit.

It is a fruit that not only tempts the taste senses but also provides a plethora of health advantages, as if nature had decided to create a fruit that is both delicious and good for you.

This ancient fruit, given the scientific name Aegle marmelos, is proof of the long-standing wisdom of folk medicine.

The bael fruit has long been praised for its exceptional taste and remarkable medical powers. Its thick, woody exterior betrays its inner treasure trove of health.

Not only this, the bael tree is considered sacred, and its leaves are used as offerings during pooja and prayers in India. So, let’s get started to know this excellent fruit, which is highly significant even in Ayurveda.

What is Bael Fruit?

Aegle marmelos, or bael fruit, is a tropical fruit that originated in India and is now widely grown in South Asia, Southeast Asia, and Africa. Various additional names for this fruit include wood apple, stone apple, and Bengal quince.

The bael fruit is well known for its distinctive appearance and a wide range of health advantages. It is usually round or oval and has a rugged, woody shell that must be cracked open to eat this tasty fruit.

People usually compare the flavour of its fragrant, sweet, and acidic flesh to that of tamarind and citrus. It can be used to make jams, juices, and preserves in addition to being frequently consumed fresh as a fruit.

Nutritional Profile of Bael

The below table will show the nutritional value and profile of different components present in the bael fruit [1]:

ComponentsValue in %
Vitamin A186
Calorific Value129

Bael Fruit Benefits

Bael benefits infographic

The bael fruit is well known for its distinctive appearance and a wide range of health advantages. It has been utilized in traditional medical systems like Ayurveda for millennia due to its possible health advantages.

Some of the advantages of eating this fruit that are frequently cited are:

1. Bael Fruit for Digestion

If there is one thing that people are keen to know is how to maintain and keep a healthy and happy tummy. Your gut instinct is fundamental in whatever you do.

If you cannot clear your stomach in the morning, you will feel uneasy the entire day. That is how vital a digestive system is to the human body.

Therefore, it is imperative to include foods that are good for the gut and keep your tummy a happy tummy. One such fruit to include in your diet is the bael fruit [2].

Dietary fibre, especially soluble fibre, is abundant in this fruit. For encouraging regular bowel motions and avoiding constipation, fibre is crucial.

The stool gains weight as a result, which makes it simpler to move through the digestive system. Additionally, the tannins found in bael are organic substances with astringent qualities.

Tannins assist in tying up loose stools, which is particularly helpful when someone has diarrhoea. Similarly, papain and chymopapain, two enzymes that help digest proteins and carbohydrates, are found in bael fruit.

These enzymes can improve digestion and lighten the load on the digestive tract. It also contains several substances that have anti-inflammatory activity.

The anti-inflammatory properties of this fruit may help calm and alleviate your gastrointestinal troubles because inflammation in the digestive tract can cause a variety of digestive ailments.

Also, it is essential to know that the alkaline pH of this fruit can help balance the stomach’s acidity. It might help with heartburn and acid reflux.

The bael’s natural antibacterial properties, which can help in the battle against harmful bacteria in the digestive tract, can also encourage a better gut environment.

So, how to include this fruit in your diet?

Bael fruit can be eaten in a variety of ways to help digestion:

The most straightforward way to take advantage of the digestive characteristics of the fruit is to consume its fresh pulp. The woody shell’s pulp can be removed and eaten.

Juice from the bael fruit is frequently used for digestion. This juice helps to relieve intestinal discomfort in addition to being delicious.

While discussing digestion, you should check the Digestive Quotient Test introduced by Aashirvaad Atta. It will give you an instant profiling of your digestion health.

2. Bael Fruit for Bacteria and Viruses

Immunity has become a significant concern these days. With just a wind blow, people, especially kids and elders, fall sick.

Therefore, it is becoming equally important to have ingredients in your kitchen to support a sound immune system for your family.

This fruit has shown antibacterial abilities [3]. These characteristics imply that specific fruit constituents can prevent bacterial and viral growth and activity.

It may be beneficial for preventing infections and bolstering the immune system’s capability to fight against microbes. Antioxidants found in this fruit include vitamin C and many polyphenols.

The body’s defence against harmful free radicals is aided by antioxidants, which can reduce oxidative stress and inflammation. As a result, the body may be able to fight infections better.

Its vitamin C content is known to help the immune system. The body needs a robust immune system to defend against bacterial and viral invasion.  

Therefore, eating Bael fruit regularly can improve general health and enhance the body’s overall immunity.

3. Bel Fruit for Inflammation

There is no one reason for body pain and inflammation; it could happen to anyone at any time. But if you have nature’s beautiful products, why not use them for your benefit?

Bel fruit is one such beauty that can help lessen the inflammation in your body [4]. It has specific natural properties and components that have anti-inflammatory effects.

Flavonoids and polyphenols, two bioactive components of the fruit, have been associated with anti-inflammatory properties. Such chemicals can assist in reducing inflammation in the body by preventing the activity of pro-inflammatory molecules.

Bel fruit also has a lot of antioxidants, including vitamin C and other polyphenols. Antioxidants counteract the body’s harmful free radicals, which cause oxidative stress and inflammation.

This fruit also lessens oxidative stress, which also helps to relieve inflammation. The alkaline pH of beel fruit can also assist in maintaining the pH equilibrium of the body.

Therefore, consuming alkaline foods like bael may assist in combating chronic inflammation, which an excessively acidic environment in the body can cause.

So, how can you treat inflammation with it? Directly consume the fruit’s fresh pulp or blend it with water and, if wanted, a sweetener to make juice. You can even add bael fruit to fruit salads or smoothies.

4. Bel Fruit for Ear Pain

There are times when we face a sudden earache or pain. If that happens, you can rely on bel fruit for instant relief [5].

Compounds in bael fruit have a slight anti-inflammatory effect. The ear canal or eardrum may occasionally become inflamed or irritated and cause ear pain.

Therefore, consuming bael fruit may ease discomfort by reducing inflammation. Bael fruit may have pain-relieving effects, according to some people who think it has natural analgesic characteristics.

A small amount of ear discomfort relief may be provided by eating bael fruit or using bael-based products.

5. Bael Fruit for Skin

Didn’t we say bel fruit is versatile and offers numerous health benefits? So how come the skin health is left behind?

Antioxidants abundant in bael fruit include vitamin C and different polyphenols [6]. Free radicals, which harm skin cells and produce oxidative stress, are fought off by antioxidants.

Moreover, this fruit may promote healthier, more youthful-looking skin by lowering oxidative stress. Antioxidants included in it can help lessen ageing symptoms, including wrinkles and fine lines.

These antioxidants shield the skin from environmental toxins and UV radiation damage. Moreover, the natural sugars and water in the fruit can aid in moisturizing the skin.

It is also good for people with dry or dehydrated skin. The anti-inflammatory qualities of this fruit can help calm irritated or inflamed skin. Skin issues like redness or itching may be relieved by it.

6. Bel Fruit for Hair

So, here comes the hair part. Yes, this fantastic fruit can do wonders for your hair as well. Want to know how? Read along.

The bael fruit is a good source of iron, calcium, potassium, vitamin C, vitamin A, and other necessary vitamins and minerals [7]. These vitamins and minerals are essential for encouraging strong hair development and good hair health in general.

This fruit’s natural antibacterial and anti-inflammatory qualities can aid in preserving a healthy scalp. A strong and bright head of hair depends on a healthy scalp.

The fruit’s vitamin C concentration can help create collagen, essential for hair development. Collagen supports the growth of longer, thicker hair by helping to strengthen hair follicles, which reduces hair breaking.

You can also use the pulp of the bael fruit to condition hair. Your hair can be moisturized and prepared by applying the fruit paste or pulp, leaving it soft and manageable.

The antioxidant qualities of this fruit may also aid in shielding your hair from oxidative stress and environmental harm. It might lessen the possibility of hair issues, including thinning hair and early greying.

When used as part of a hair care routine, this fruit’s natural anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties may help eliminate dandruff and calm an inflamed scalp.

How to Make Bael Juice?

You may have seen a lot of vendors selling bael juice in the summer months, especially in Northern India. You can make this fantastic, delicious and nutritional juice at home by following the simple steps:

Ingredients needed for the juice:

  1. One ripe bael fruit
  2. Sweetener of your choice – honey, sugar, jaggary
  3. Water


  1. Choose one that is ripe to get a sweet flavour and an easy-to-break fruit.
  2. Cut the fruit in half horizontally using a knife.
  3. Scoop the fruit pulp with a spoon or a scooper, then throw away the seeds.
  4. Fill the blender with a bit of water and add the pulp. Depending on the desired juice thickness, the amount of water will vary.
  5. Once blended, use a filter to strain the juice.
  6. You can add sweeteners at this time as per need.
  7. Chill or serve immediately.

Other Bael Fruit Recipes

If you are looking for other recipes besides the juice, here are a few for your reference. You can include this versatile fruit in many ways and give your family a healthy dose.

  • Smoothie – For a smooth and wholesome smoothie, blend the pulp of one fruit with yoghurt, honey, and a banana. You can also include a couple of ice cubes for a refreshing treat.
  • Sorbet – In a popsicle maker or ice cube tray, freeze bael fruit juice. After the cubes are frozen, add some honey to create a naturally sweet and chilly sorbet.
  • Chutney – To make a tangy chutney, combine bel fruit pulp, green chillies, cilantro, mint leaves, and a tiny bit of lemon juice. With grilled meats, kebabs, or as a dip for snacks, this chutney pairs well.
  • Jam – To create homemade jam, cook fruit pulp with sugar, lemon juice, and a little water. Use it as a pastry filling, ice cream, toast, or yoghurt topping.

More Recipes

  • Lassi – To prepare a delicious bael lassi, combine the fruit’s pulp with yoghurt, sugar, and a dash of cardamom. It is a hydrating and nutritious drink that is perfect for hot days.
  • Salad – Combine the fruit’s pulp with other tropical fruits, such as papayas, mangoes, and pineapples. Add honey and chaat masala to a fruit salad to make it sweet and sour.
  • Ice Cream – Add fruit pulp to the base before churning your homemade ice cream. Your ice cream will have a distinctive and unusual flavour from it.
  • Tea – To make a calming and fragrant tea, steep slices of dried bael fruit in hot water. You can drink it as is or add honey to make it sweeter.
  • Curry – Bael fruit makes a sweet and sour curry in several regional cuisines. It is made by simmering the pulp of the bael fruit with tamarind, spices, jaggery, or sugar. It frequently goes with rice or Indian bread as a side dish.

Side Effects of Bel Fruit

When included in a balanced diet and taken in moderation, bael fruit is often safe for most people. However, like many meals, excessive use or particular circumstances can result in adverse reactions or side effects.

Here are some possible negative impacts and corresponding factors:

  • Allergic Reactions: Rarely some people may experience adverse reactions to this fruit. Aside from itchiness and hives, allergic reactions can cause swelling and respiratory problems. If you experience any of these symptoms after eating bael fruit, you should immediately see a doctor.
  • Medication Interactions: Bael fruit may interact with some medicines, including blood thinners and diabetes treatments. Before drastically increasing your intake, speak with your doctor if you regularly use medications.


The bael fruit is a tribute to nature’s wonders with its lengthy history, distinctive flavour, and several health advantages.

It has earned its place as a prized fruit in many cultures, whether you enjoy it as a sweet and tangy juice on a sweltering summer day, as a treatment for digestive problems, or as a critical ingredient in mouthwatering cuisine.

Enjoy this tropical jewel in moderation as you experience its delicious flavour and discover its wellness-promoting qualities, honouring its bounty and your body’s demands.

The bael fruit is more than simply a fruit; it is also a reminder of the enduring wisdom tucked away in the heart of the orchards it grows in and a symbol of the balance between nature and sustenance.


1. Is bel fruit good for digestion?

Bael might be helpful in the case of digestion. It has been used for centuries to deal with digestion issues due to its potential activity against various bacteria that may cause it.

2. Do bael leaves have any potential health benefits?

Bael leaves are considered sacred and used for pooja and prayers in most parts of India. However, there is no evidence of any potential health benefits associated with them.

3. Can a diabetic person drink or eat bel fruit?

Yes, there is no harm in a diabetic person drinking juice or including it in any beautiful recipe.
