Water Apple: The Secret benefits That Will Transform Your Health!

Have you ever heard of a water apple? Discover the superfruit packed with vital nutrients that keeps you healthy and energized all day long!
Shilpa Bhowmick
26 Jun, 2023
13 min read

You may not have heard of this fancy fruit. The chances are higher! 

But you must hear and know about it. Its sheer brilliance and taste are something you cannot resist. 

And when we tell you about its benefits, you will love it even more. We are talking about water apple. 

Neither does it grow in water, nor is it an apple, but still, it is brilliant. 

A small, smooth, glossy, pear-shaped delight. And when you take a bite, it’s sweet and juicy. And you must include this secret superfruit into your diet. We’ll tell you why.

Water Apple – Scooping out its nutritional value

When it comes to fruits, we care less about nutrition and more about taste. We eat them because they sweeten our senses and elate us to bliss. Agreed! 

So, surely, you might also want to know what water apple taste like. 

Well, water apple has a crispy texture with lots of juice or water inside, over 90%. When you hold it, you have a very light fruit in your hand, similar to a heavy capsicum. 

Taste-wise, it has a sweet flavour with subtle tartness. And know what? You’ll get a flavour that is similar to a rose — sweet, tarty, and floral. This is one big reason water apple is popular with many similar names around the world. Some common names include:

  • Rose Apple
  • Plum Rose
  • Wax Apple (because of its waxy outer appearance, similar to capsicum)
  • Java Apple 
  • Wax Jambu
  • Bell Fruit
  • Watery Rose Apple

And when this fruit comes to India and travels throughout different states, it wears the local language and gets different local names. 

You might hear it by names such as Jambu, pani seb, chambakka, jamb, amrool, safed jamun, amrul, paninir champa, etc. 

Whatever the name, the fruit remains the same, and so does its nutrition. Let’s have a look at what nutrition we get from this superfruit. 

Water Apple – Nutritional Value – Raw 100 grams[1]

Energy25 Kcal
Water93 grams
Protein0.6 grams
Fat0.3 grams
Carbs5.7 grams
VitaminsVitamin C, Vitamin A, Thiamine, Riboflavin, Niacin, etc.
MineralsCalcium, Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorous, Potassium, Zinc, Copper, Manganese, etc.

All right, we see that they are loaded with potent vitamins and minerals. These micronutrients surely cosher our bodies with goodness. How good? Let’s take a bite into it. 

Water Apple Benefits — What happens when you eat this superfruit?

Water Apple BENEFITS

The water apple tree is a versatile and useful tree. Its bark is used for medicinal purposes, its wood is hard and used to make tools, and its leaves are edible and are used to wrap food. And we’ve not yet mentioned the fruit. 

Its fruit is what is priced and cherished highest. Imagine, a tree whose bark is medicinal, what would its fruit be like? We’ll tell you what it’ll be like.

1. A soothing source of hydration

Its very name suggests that it hydrates. But can’t we simply hydrate ourselves with water? Surely, but hydrating yourself with water is a bit different than hydrating with fruits. It is due to many reasons, such as

  • You get plenty of nutrients alongside water
  • The fibre content in fruit keeps you satiated for longer
  • Fruits release water slowly into your body
  • Electrolytes get balanced 

So, when you eat water apple, which is over 90% water, your body gets the hydration it needs. And when the body is hydrated well, it functions well. 

Firstly, water is important to perform immune functions sanely. Our bodies fail to fight infections and diseases in a dehydrated environment. This is the reason why doctors ask us to increase our oral intake when we get sick. 

Then, proper hydration helps the skin stay flexible and supple. No breakouts, acne, or wrinkles. Super soothing and glowing skin. Wow!

2. Boosts your immunity

We just saw how proper hydration is necessary for flawless immune functions. But apart from it, we also need certain nutrients to enhance our immunities. If you remember the cruel covid times, you might have noticed how certain vitamins and minerals were getting prescribed to us. Exactly! This apple does the same.

Water apple is rich in certain vitamins and minerals that are known to boost immunity. A few of these nutrients include vitamins A, B, C, zinc, iron, potassium, etc. These nutrients together enhance and support numerous immune functions.

Apart from these micronutrients, water apple is also rich in antioxidants. These antioxidants are known to prevent cells from damage. And when the cells are sane, the health is super sane. And this point takes us to the next water apple benefit – rich in antioxidants.

3. Blesses us with antioxidants

The word antioxidant has become par with some supernatural molecule that does wonders for our health. Something that could bless us with immortality, take us to an extraterrestrial flight, land us in another galaxy, and make us witness god there. Although antioxidants cannot do these currently-impossible wonders, they sure are super-beneficial to our health.

Water apple is rich in antioxidants. These antioxidants bless our bodies in various ways such as:

  • Reducing oxidative stress and preventing cells from damage. This means extra years added to our age
  • Enhancing immunity by strengthening immune cells
  • Preventing our bodies from unnecessary inflammation, thereby improving overall health and well-being
  • Upgrade heart health by improving blood circulation and maintaining blood pressure
  • And enhancing skin health, thereby gracing it with a youthful complexion

Know that although antioxidants surely do have positive effects in these areas, one must not depend on one source alone. Try having a diverse diet with lots of fruits, vegetables, and other food ingredients.

4. Enhances bowel health

Water apple contains a nice amount of fibre in it. Now, fibre is something that is necessary for proper digestion. A diet lacking fibre means constipation and poor nutrient absorption. And when it happens, diseases arrive. Not the case with water apples. 

Having water apples means proper bulk to the stool. This leads to regular bowel emptying, thereby helping our bodies get rid of toxins and bad buildups. One more thing, because this fruit has good fibre content, it allows our bodies to absorb the nutrients that it offers. 

5. Pumps goodness into the heart

Heart health is something that the whole world is talking about. And why not? The heart keeps us alive (if not truly modulates love). It makes sure that whatever the body needs, it reaches every corner of the body. And so, we must take care of it. And water apple helps us do just this. 

The fibre that it contains lowers bad cholesterol in our bodies. Now, reduced LDL (bad cholesterol) means less chance of plaque buildup in arteries. Also, its antioxidants such as vitamin C and polyphenols protect blood vessels from oxidative damage. Another brilliant thing. And when you think this is all, it also contains vitamins and minerals that help the heart. 

The potassium found in water apples regulates blood pressure and maintains it. Calcium is popular to maintain heart rhythm and muscle contraction. And magnesium? It also helps in maintaining the right heart rhythm and several cardiovascular functions. Overall, your heart might love water apples more than your tongue. 

6. Has antimicrobial, antidiabetic, and anti-toxic properties

Too many antis right there. But know that it is a positive thing for you. We don’t know about other apples, but this water apple surely will help you keep the doctor away. Why? Because it is effective against microbes and toxins. 

In ancient times, water apple was used traditionally in folk medicine. And this led researchers to study it. And the outcomes were positive. The results indicated that this fruit has potential effects against toxins and several microbes. The extracts from water apple leaves and fruits exhibit antimicrobial properties against certain bacteria and fungi.

Furthermore, this fruit also has a compound that prevents starch from becoming sugar. Consequently, blood sugar is maintained. A truly sweet thing for those who suffer from insulin issues. [2]

7. A brain and liver tonic

Traditionally, water apple was used to boost brain and liver functions. Also, it was believed to relieve pain and ulcers. But then modernity outshined its true benefits. But this superfruit is gaining its well-deserved popularity again. [3]

Its infusion acts as a diuretic, which helped bodies discard toxins from the liver and kidneys. Its anti-inflammatory properties and antioxidants also help protect the brain from inflammation-related damage. This means memories stay preserved for longer. Its regular consumption may help one have a healthy liver. Its this benefit becomes more of a boon considering we only have one liver. It doesn’t have its duplicate buddy and thus should be taken care of nicely. [3]

So, the ice is no more below the water. Now, we understand the many benefits that come from this rare superfruit. Beautiful and brilliant. But, how should we eat it?

How to eat water apple?

One fruit, many uses. This beauty has been in the culture for so long that its uses have expanded like a seed does into a tree. Earlier, the tree was used for therapeutic purposes. Its bark had a use, its leaves had a use, and so had its fruit and its seeds. But here, we are talking about the fruit. 

When eating in raw form (which is the best way to enjoy it), wash it thoroughly. After washing, eat it along with its skin. Why miss out on several other nutrients? However, make sure that the produce is organic. It will save you from consuming unnecessary pesticides. Try to have them as fresh as you can. 

Here are the other ways you can consume water apple:

  • Wash it, juice it, and drink it. This delicacy is super soothing in its beverage form.
  • You may slice it and make it a part of a salad.
  • This super fruit is also used to make jellies and jams.
  • It can also be turned into a pickle and cherished for a long.
  • Many people even use it to cook. 


In the vast realm of nature’s offerings, hidden treasures await our discovery. Among these, the water apple stands tall. It has potential medicinal properties and culinary delights — a nature’s secret stash of health benefits just waiting to be unlocked. 

These bell-shaped delights help control blood sugar. Apart from it, the antioxidants and antimicrobial properties of water apples help our bodies in numerous ways. Our cells are saved from damage, skin health is improved, the heart is elated with goodness, and weight is managed. The fruit is less-caloric. Lovely. However, rather than hogging over it, make it a healthy part of your diverse diet. Our bodies love diversity, and this is a good one. 

So let us raise a glass of water apple juice and marvel at the miracles of nature. Who knows what other treasures await us in the realm of fruits and plants? The adventure continues, and the water apple has just whispered its secrets into our eager ears. Cheers to the wonders of nature and the discoveries that lie ahead!


Can water apples be included in a diabetic-friendly diet? 

Water apples have a low glycemic index, meaning they have a minimal impact on blood sugar levels. However, it’s important for individuals with diabetes to monitor their overall carbohydrate intake and consult with a healthcare professional for personalized guidance.

Can water apples be used in cooking or baking?

Water apples are often enjoyed fresh as a snack, but they can also be incorporated into various culinary creations. They can be used in salads, desserts, or even infused into beverages for a hint of their delightful flavour.

What is the best time to eat water apples?

The best time to eat water apples is whenever they are fresh, ripe, and convenient for you. However, it is said to eat this nutritious fruit in your breakfast or mid-meal snack because they are rich in dietary fibre.
