7 Benefits of Vitamin A for Good Health

You can try retinol ( functional vitamin A) serums, readily available in markets, for their anti-ageing properties.

Do you also wonder why your parents insist on eating carrots, fish, and dairy products? Well, that’s because these foods hide vitamin A in plain sight. Vitamin A is a jack of all trades, a powerhouse full of nutrients essential for our good health.

But wait, what if we tell you that the health benefits of Vitamin A go far beyond supporting good vision?

In today’s fast-paced world, we constantly juggle personal and professional lives while compromising on the nutrients our body receives. We know that dairy products are full of Vitamin D, and citrus fruits offer Vitamin C, but what about Vitamin A?

In this blog, we will explore the amazing health benefits of vitamin A, its sources, symptoms of vitamin A deficiency, and other helpful information.

Let’s get you started if you are ready to embrace and live a healthy life.

What is Vitamin A?

In simple words, Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin. It is present in numerous fruits and vegetables and is crucial to maintain overall health. The most common causes of vitamin A deficiency include an inadequate percentage of the vitamin in diet, diarrhea, and frequent infections. [1]

It is not only for eyesight but also significantly helpful for skin and fertility. Yes, you heard it right! Most of us might easily connect vitamin A to eye health and vision, but it is more than that. Let’s explore its different forms first!

  • This type, known as an active form of Vit (retinol), is found in fish, liver, dairy products, and eggs.
  • Provitamin A: This vitamin is found in vegetables and plant-based products. It is actually a carotenoid that is turned into a vitamin by the body.

Health Benefits of Vitamin A

Health Benefits of Vitamin A

Below, we have mentioned the diverse benefits of Vit A for your holistic well-being.

1. Vit A for Fertility and Reproduction

Are you considering family planning but worried about your fertility health? Vitamin A might have you covered. How?

It is an essential nutrient that might help maintain a healthy female reproductive system. It might also prevent sperm from oxidative stress, thereby supporting male reproductive functions. 

A study observed that although Vit A deficiency is uncommon, it can affect fertility in women, as observed in some cases of second fertility. However, restoring the Vit A levels showed positive results in the body. [2]

2. Vitamin A for Acne and Anti-ageing

These days, acne and pimples have become a common skin issue among people of all ages. They usually occur due to hormonal imbalances, pollution, poor skincare routine, etc. Vit A might relieve you if you feel defeated by those stubborn bumps.  

You can try retinol ( functional Vit A) serums, readily available in markets, for their anti-ageing properties.

Research shows that Vit A might also help people with stubborn acne issues. A study revealed that the patient who consumed oral Vitamin A (retinol) for four months experienced significant improvement in severe acne issues. [3]

3. Vit A for Foetus Growth and Breastfeeding

Vitamin A is an essential micronutrient for pregnant women and their foetus. During the developmental stage, a good amount of Vit A in the mother’s body helps to develop the foetus’s limbs. Additionally, it might support the formation of many organs, such as the heart, ears, and eyes. [4]

The abnormality of Vit A in the mother’s body can affect the development and growth of the kidneys and urinary tract. It can also cause night blindness and bone issues among foetuses. [5]

4. Vitamin A for Red and White Blood Cell Production

Are you looking for ways to improve blood flow and strengthen heart health? Vitamin A might be able to help you.

Vit A might boost the production of red blood cells from stem cells found in your body. This superhero ensures you have enough RBCs to energize you throughout the day.

But how does it do everything?

Vitamin A might mobilize stored iron to ensure that your red blood cells are full of haemoglobin and keep you feeling energized. This, in turn, helps transport oxygen through your entire body. In other words, the more oxygen you get, the more energy you will have to kick-start the day. [6]

5. Vit A for Immunity

Did you know that vitamin A is widely known as an anti-infective vitamin? Well, this is because it is among the most important components required to keep your immune system healthy and happy. The mucosal cells, which line the digestive tract, the urinary tract, and the airways, act as a barrier against infection.

Consuming an adequate amount of Vit A through a balanced diet might help these cells to function more effectively. This way, you can help your body fight against numerous infections and diseases. [7]

6. Vitamin A for Good Eye Health

Have you ever wondered why our mothers insist on cooking green leafy vegetables when they are in season? Turns out that these vegetables are a rich source of Vitamin A, which is crucial for maintaining your eye health at its best.

Several factors, such as poor nutrition, excessive screen time, and natural aging, can take a toll on our vision. This makes it even more important to ensure that we get enough Vit A through our meals.

This is when vitamin A plays a crucial role. Consuming foods packed with Vit A regularly might improve your eye health. It may protect the outer part of your eye, called the cornea. Also, it produces retinal pigments, which may protect against age-related vision loss.

Moreover, it might also boost the production of the required components for vision. This way, Vit A might reduce the risk of numerous eye-related issues. [8]

7. Bone and Teeth Health

Some studies suggest that vitamin A might benefit your overall bone health. It might help your body absorb calcium, thereby strengthening enamel. Also, it might support mucous production in the mouth, preventing infections.

A good amount of Vit A in your body might increase Bone Mineral Density (BMD), which measures the strength of your bones. In this way, it might also reduce the risk of fractures. Interestingly, this benefit of Vit A is attributed to its antioxidant properties, which help deal with age-related issues. [9]

Benefits of Vitamin A for Men and Women

BenefitHow it Benefits MenHow it Benefits Women
AcneIt might reduce the appearance of new pimples.Oral vitamin A dosage might provide relief from acne issues, improve skin, and overall anti-ageing.
BloodIt might boost the production of red blood cells.Vitamin A might also help transport oxygen throughout the body by increasing red blood cells.
EyesVitamin A might improve your eye health by protecting the outer part called the cornea.It may reduce the risk of eye-related health issues by improving your eye health.
ReproductionMight prevent sperm from oxidative stress.Vitamin A might support reproduction and foetal development.

Symptoms of Low Vitamin A

The symptoms of low Vit A include: [10]

  • Night blindness, or the inability to see in low light
  • Anaemia
  • Loss of appetite
  • Damaged skin lining, acne, and other skin issues

Different Sources of Vitamin A

Here are a few rich sources of Vit A that you can include in your diet to increase the intake of this essential nutrient. The best part is that you can use these versatile ingredients in different ways and make delicious finger-licking good food.

Meat High in Vitamin A

NamePer 100 grams
Beef [11]16900 IU
Fish [12]120 IU
Egg [13]540 IU

Vegetables High in Vitamin A

You can also make smoothies, shakes, and jams of these fruits to include a good dose of Vit A in your diet.

NamePer 100 grams
Sweet potato [14]14200 IU
Squash [15]10600 IU
Collards[16]5020 IU
Sweet red peppers [17]3130 IU
Carrots[18]16700 IU
Spinach [19]9380 IU
Tomatoes [20]833 IU
Eggplant [21]23 IU

Nuts and Seeds High in Vitamin A

Here are a few options you can include in your diet to increase your intake of Vit A. 

NamePer 100 grams
Almonds [22]2 IU
Hazelnuts [23]20 IU
Sunflower seeds [24]50 IU
Pine Nuts [25]29 IU
Pistachio Nuts [26]516 IU
Pecans [27]56 IU

Fruits High in Vitamin A

You can also make smoothies, shakes, and jams of these fruits to include a good dose of Vit A in your diet.

NamePer 100 grams
Avocados [28]146 IU
Mangoes [29]1080 IU
Apricots [30]1930 IU
Raspberries [31]33 IU
Blackberries [32]214 IU
Kiwifruit [33]87 IU
Cranberries [34]63 IU

Recommended Dosage of Vitamin A

Here is an overview of the recommended dosage of Vit A for all age groups: [35]

Age groupRecommended daily intake for MenRecommended Daily Intake for Women
0-12 months600 mcg600 mcg
1-3 years600 mcg600 mcg
4-8 years900 mcg900 mcg
9-13 years1,700 mcg1,700 mcg
14-18 years2,800 mcg2,800 mcg
19+ years3,000 mcg3,000 mcg

Can Vitamin A be Harmful?

Yes, consuming high amounts of vitamin A can be harmful to your health. This goes for all foods, as an excess of anything can have certain side effects on your health.

For instance, while Vit A is necessary to keep your eyes healthy and immunity strong, its high amount can cause common side effects, as mentioned below. To determine whether including this in your diet is a good idea, you may speak with our nutritionists for expert guidance.

  • Headache
  • Blurred vision
  • Nausea
  • Dizziness
  • Muscle aches
  • Excess of Vit A in the mother’s body might cause an adverse impact on foetal growth.

Final Thoughts

To sum up, Vit A is definitely a crucial component of our lives. From enhancing the working of your immune system to improving vision, it offers a myriad of health benefits.

Moreover, numerous fruits, vegetables, and nuts are a rich source of Vit A, making it easy to increase its consumption and keep numerous health issues at bay. However, you must consume it in moderation to avoid common side-effects.


What are the 5 major functions of Vit A?

Consuming Vit A might help improve your skin, boost immunity, improve vision, promote growth, fight pimples, and help with female fertility. 

What foods are highest in Vit A?

Foods such as fish, eggs, dairy products, and green vegetables contain high amounts of vitamin A.

Which disease is caused by a deficiency of Vit A?

Deficiency of vitamin A can cause numerous health issues. Night blindness, characterized by difficulty seeing in relatively low light, is commonly seen in pregnant women.

What are the symptoms of low Vit A?

Dry skin, dry eyes, night blindness, irregular heartbeat, and constant fatigue are common symptoms of Vit A deficiency.

Which fruit is rich in Vit A?

Fruits such as mangoes, papaya, cantaloupe, and watermelon are rich sources of vitamin A. You may include them in your diet to increase your intake of vitamin A along with other essential nutrients and keep yourself hydrated.
