Top 12 benefits of eating a roasted gram (Roasted Chana for Weight Loss) 

Roasted grams are a great way to add flavor and health benefits to your meals. Don't miss out on these top 12 benefits!
Shilpa Bhowmick
09 Dec, 2023
15 min read

There are a few foods that are deeply rooted in the Indian tradition. Roasted Gram is one of them. Also known as ‘Bhuna Chana’ in Hindi, this healthy snack is much loved across India.

In the South, it is mixed in traditional ‘chutneys’; in North and West India, it is eaten as a salty snack; in the East, ‘jhal muri’ embraces it. You’ll find it everywhere in India. Surely, they are super-delicious and super-healthy snacking options. But not many do know the numerous other benefits of roasted grams. 

So, let’s turn on the heat and roast them until the aroma of their roast impels us to make them a regular part of our diet. 

What are roasted grams / roasted chana?

What you know as bhuna chana are nothing but your beloved chickpeas roasted to a delicious and crunchy level. Just that we use black chickpeas (desi chana) instead of white ones. but how are they made?

Although the making process differs slightly from place to place, it is still simple – 

High-quality black chickpeas are selected, washed, and dried. Then a bit of salt and turmeric water is spilled over them and they are left for an hour. After an hour, these are dropped into the roasting equipment and tada! We have our healthy roasted grams. 

Worry not! We’ll also tell you how to roast them at home. But before this, let’s look at why we need to embrace their crunch. 

Roasted Chana (Roasted Gram) Benefits 

roasted gram best benefits

Note that nutrition-wise, varieties of chickpeas hover around each other. Desi chana, when it comes to its nutritional value, offers 368 calories in 100 grams. This makes it a superfood and also the first benefit on our list. [1]

1. Nutrient-Rich Powerhouse

Roasted grams offer almost all the nutrients present in black chickpeas. Firstly, one gets a good 368 calories as we just saw. Apart from this, it also provides numerous vitamins and minerals. Here is a brief: 

Roasted Chickpeas Nutritional Value – per 100 grams[2]

Calories368 kcal
Carbs66.32 grams
Fibre34.7 grams
Protein16.8 grams
Fat4.21 grams
VitaminsVitamin C, etc.
MineralsCalcium, Sodium, Iron, etc.

Having a diet full of healthy fats, complex carbs, fibre, vitamins, and minerals is crucial to walking joyfully with ease. 

2. Protein Boost

Protein is vital, as much as air and water are. Why? Because it is the building block of life. Protein supports not only muscle growth but also plays a crucial role in various bodily functions. Here are a few of its functions:

  • Cell growth and repair
  • Making antibodies and supporting the immune system
  • Hormone production
  • Enzyme production, which is necessary for digestion, nutrient absorption, and production of energy

100 grams of roasted grams offer around 16.8 grams of protein. This is almost 1/3 of most of our protein’s daily requirement. 

India is the biggest chickpea producer in the world. [3]

3. Roasted Gram Aids in weight loss 

Roasted grams contain a good amount of fibre. But what is this hype around fibre?

Fibre is a type of carb. Although our bodies fail to digest it, we still need it. Firstly, it adds bulk to the stools and thus aids in regular motions. Regular motions mean good gut health. 

Apart from that, fibre also acts as a probiotic. Probiotics are food for our good gut bacteria. When these bacteria eat healthy, they help us digest the food well. This means higher energy and metabolism.

Roasted grams are a good source of fibre with 100 grams providing around 17 grams of it. [4]

Studies have shown that a diet high in fibre leads to smooth weight loss and improves health. [5]

4. Regulate blood sugar

Blood sugar is rising as a challenge to global health. Irregular, fluctuating blood sugar levels lead to anxiety, depression, fatigue, and all that not-so-good. 

Foods with low GI (glycemic index) help keep blood sugar within healthy levels. [6]

Roasted grams have a low glycemic index. This means that as you eat them, the energy gets released into your bloodstream at a smooth rate. This maintains blood pressure and thus saves you from several health issues. [7]

5. Very humble to the heart 

Speak of heart health and speak of roasted grams. They will not disappoint you when it comes to your heart. But apart from their taste, they are also rich in good fat (poly and monounsaturated), fibre, and lots of antioxidants.

It has a direct connection to heart health. This good fat reduces the amount of bad fat present in our blood vessels and thus prevents them from any possible blockage. [8]

6. Gut Health Support 

Again, roasted grams contain good amounts of fibre. This same fibre strengthens our guts in these ways:

  • Regular motions ensure that our guts stay clean and we do not suffer from either constipation or loose motions
  • Fibre acting as a probiotic strengthens our gut microbiome and then our guts at last

Both regular motions and excellent digestion lead to good gut health. [9]

7. Roasted chana is full of antioxidants

Antioxidants have nothing anti in them, they are all positive. From nourishing your skin to enhancing youth, strengthening immunity, improving memory, and all the good deeds they do. Such is their power that even food commercials leverage themselves using antioxidants. 

When you eat roasted grams, you get loads of antioxidants. It contains numerous bioactive compounds including potent isoflavones. This makes our beloved grams a fantastic functional food and a delicious snack as well. [10]

8. Bone Health Booster

When it comes to even the hardest part of the human body, i.e. bones, roasted grams rocks. Rich in calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium, they support bone health and help prevent several conditions. And don’t we all understand the need to have good bones? 

Calcium, apart from providing us with stronger bones, also serves several other vital functions –

  • It helps with proper blood clotting [11]
  • Our nerves use it to send and receive signals [12]

This means that without this your brain won’t function normally either. It is one of the many nutrients that our brains need to function properly. 

9. Stress Buster, one gram at a time

Stress is rising as a huge by-product of the modern lifestyle. Work, deadlines, calls, relations, blah, and blah, all these things come pouncing at our peace. There are a few ways to neutralize this stress. One is yoga, meditation, and workout. Another is having a good diet containing nutrients that reduce stress. 

Roasted chana contains magnesium. This mineral is known for its stress-relieving properties. And then we have the wonderful taste of this delicacy that anyhow makes us forget our worries. Include it in your diet. [13]

10. Good source of iron

Eating a mere 100 grams of roasted grams offers us around 3.86mg of iron. Wonderful. This is around 33% of our total daily iron requirement. [14]

Men aged 19 years and over need 8.7mg per day while women need 14.8mg per day. [15]

Iron is a vital mineral that we humans need. Here is what it does to our well-being –

  • It alleviates fatigue by transporting oxygen in good amounts
  • Strengthens immunity
  • Helps our brains perform well with good cognitive ability
  • Iron also supports proper muscle functions

Most of all, iron is especially crucial during pregnancy. It helps prevent maternal and foetal complications by supporting fetal brain development and preventing maternal anaemia. [16]

11. Skin’s best companion

Roasted chana is a skin-friendly food due to its rich nutritional content. Packed with plant-based protein, it supports skin cell regeneration, elasticity, and a youthful complexion. Essential vitamins and minerals, such as B-complex, iron, and zinc, contribute to skin cell metabolism and oxygenation, while antioxidants combat oxidative stress, reducing the risk of premature aging. 

The fibre content aids in detoxification and promotes a healthy digestive system for clearer skin. The low glycemic index of roasted chana helps in blood sugar regulation, preventing skin issues like acne.

12. Hair Health Supporter

Roasted chana plays a significant role in promoting healthy hair. Its rich protein content supports the structure of hair by contributing to the formation of keratin, enhancing strength and resilience. 

The presence of iron and zinc aids in hair growth, with iron facilitating oxygen transport to the hair follicles, and zinc participating in the repair and maintenance of hair tissues. 

The vitamins foster a healthy scalp, preventing issues like dandruff and dryness. The antioxidants in roasted chana safeguard hair follicles from damage and reduce the risk of premature hair thinning. 

The fibre supports nutrient absorption, ensuring the effective delivery of essential vitamins and minerals to the hair follicles. 

Additionally, the protein in roasted chana contributes to collagen production, enhancing the elasticity and strength of the hair. 

So, will you say no to roasted grams again? Bare are the chances. But how do you prepare them at home? 

How to Make Roasted Grams At Home?

While commercially, roasted grams are made using a bit complex process, making them at home is pretty simple. All you need is a wok, salt, and black grams (desi chana).

  • Wash your black grams and sift out any pebbles or impurities
  • Let them get air dried for half to an hour until completely dried
  • Take the wok and put it on the gas
  • Add lots of salt to it, around half to 1 kg 

This salt will be used to roast black grams. You may save this salt and use later in cooking

  • Turn on the heat to a high level (Using a low flame might lead to the burning of grams)
  • Add a palm full of grams and keep moving your spoon through it
  • As soon as you see its outer cover breaking apart, the core turning golden, take it out using a skimmer. This might take around half a minute 
  • Repeat until all grams are roasted

There you have your roasted grams, delicious, for you. Add salt to taste, temper them with spices you like, or use them in chutneys. But use. However, take care of a few things if you decide to eat them regularly. 

Roasted Grams/Roasted Chana – Side Effects and Precautions

Roasted black grams are healthy and you rarely might face any negative effect. However, a few things must be taken care of when consuming them regularly:

  • Because they contain calories (although good calories), you might not want to keep eating them and reach a calorie surplus. This will lead to weight gain
  • Roasted grams are dry, so you must hydrate yourself properly as you eat. This is to prevent constipation
  • If you face any side effects, observe, and stop


Roasted grams, or ‘Bhuna Chana,’ has recently emerged as not just a popular snack but a powerhouse of nutrition. However, it has been a beloved part of Indian culinary tradition for ages. We cherish it. 

Protein, fibre, vitamins, minerals, good fat, antioxidants, and whatnot we get from consuming it. And the roasted grams’ benefits? Plentiful. From aiding weight loss and promoting digestive health to supporting heart and bone well-being, these tiny grams stand tall, versatile, and nutritious. 

It is time we include roasted grams in our diet and let their aroma beckon us toward a healthier and tastier lifestyle.


What happens if we eat roasted chana daily?

Eating roasted chana daily can offer numerous health benefits. It is a rich source of protein, fibre, and essential nutrients. Regular consumption may contribute to improved digestion, increased energy levels, and better overall health. However, it should always be in moderation along with a balanced diet.

What is the best time to eat chana?

The best time to eat chana depends on individual preferences and dietary needs. Chana can be consumed as a snack between meals or added to salads, soups, or main dishes for lunch or dinner. It’s a versatile food that can be incorporated into your diet at any time of the day.

How much roasted gram per day?

The recommended daily intake of roasted chana varies depending on factors such as age, sex, and overall health. As a general rule, a small to moderate serving (about 1/4 to 1/2 cup) can be a healthy addition to your diet. 

Can I eat roasted chana at night?

Yes, roasted chana can be consumed at night as a light and healthy snack. Its protein and fibre content can help keep you feeling satisfied, making it a good alternative to less nutritious evening snacks.

Which is better, soaked chana or roasted chana?

Both soaked and roasted chana have their own set of benefits. Soaked chana is a good source of nutrients and may be easier to digest, while roasted chana is a convenient and tasty option, with a longer shelf life. Choose the form that suits your taste and dietary preferences.

Is chana better with skin or without skin?

Chana with skin is often considered healthier as the skin contains additional fibre and nutrients. However, removing the skin can make digestion easier for some individuals. It ultimately depends on personal preference and digestive tolerance.

Is roasted gram good for digestion?

Yes, roasted gram can be beneficial for digestion due to its high fibre. It promotes a healthy digestive system by preventing constipation and supporting regular bowel movements.

Can we eat roasted chana with milk?

Yes, you can eat roasted chana with milk. Combining roasted chana with milk can create a balanced snack that provides a mix of protein, fibre, and essential nutrients. This combination can be particularly beneficial for those looking to increase their protein intake.

Does chana reduce belly fat?

While chana is a healthy food with numerous nutritional benefits, it is not a magic solution for reducing belly fat. A balanced diet, regular physical activity, and a healthy lifestyle are essential components of any effective weight management plan. Including chana as part of a well-rounded diet can contribute to overall health but should be combined with other healthy habits for optimal results.
