Rock Candy (Mishri) and Its Surprising Health Benefits

This article examines the health advantages of rock candy or mishri containing many vital elements as a home cure for common ailments.

Have you ever thought about the potential health advantages of sweeteners? Not only does this type of sugar fulfill your sweet appetite, but it also offers many health advantages that we shall cover today.

The sugar version we are discussing is called rock candy, or Mishri. In Indian homes, rock candy is a household name. You often use it traditionally in pooja or while preparing Kaadha whenever we get sick.

Most importantly, it’s one of the staples we snack on after a delicious dinner to aid digestion. It’s also a fantastic mouth refresher.

There are several health advantages to this little confection. Continue reading to learn more.

What is Rock Candy?

Rock sugar, commonly called sugar candy or rock candy, is a hard confection formed by chilling sugar syrup into giant crystals occasionally encircled by a stick or string. Some varieties used to make it are brown sugar, sugar maye, palm sap, sugarcane, and white granulated sugar.

Typically, this rock sugar is available in clear white and caramel (dark brown or light yellow). They are bundled and offered for sale as square stones or crystalline sugar. Rock sugar has a rigid feel and resembles a huge sugar crystal.

Asian cuisines use rock sugar extensively to sweeten beverages, sweets, and even savory foods. It is a perfect, mild sweetener for many drinks and foods since it is less sweet than a comparable volume of granulated, white table sugar.

How Mishri Became a Health Powerhouse?

Mishri’s two-phase crystallization method facilitates easy digestion and has a cooling impact on the body. The term “two-phase crystallization method” refers to the initial stage involving dissolving sugar in water and heating it up.

The first step involves heating water to dissolve sugar. Crystals of sugar begin to form as it cools. These crystals are gathered and sometimes heated or refined in the second stage to produce more giant, purer sugar crystals. This unique two-phase process forms Mishri (rock sugar), which breaks down more readily in your stomach.

This implies that, in contrast to certain other kinds of sugar that could take longer to digest, your body may handle it with little effort.

Different Names of Rock Candy

There are several regional and linguistic names for rock sugar in India. Some of them are as follows:

  • In Hindi and other North Indian languages: Mishri or Mishree
  • In Tamil: Kalkandu
  • In Telugu: Patika Bellam
  • In Malayalam: Kalkandam
  • In Kannada: Kanda Sakkare
  • In Sanskrit: Sharakara or Sita

Health Benefits of Rock Sugar

#1 Rock Candy for  Common Cold And Cough

Common issues include a sore throat, cold, and cough, particularly in the winter. You may relieve these issues by the fantastic therapeutic qualities of rock sugar.

Mishri contains many vital elements that help break down the cough and remove the mucus. This eventually aids in throat clearing. It also has a calming impact on your mouth cavity and throat.

How do you use mishri for coughing?

  • One method is putting a few mishris in your mouth and gently swallowing them. This will release the sugar granules gradually, giving you rapid relief from your sore throat.
  • An alternative method involves combining equal parts rock sugar and black pepper, then grinding the blend into a fine powder. Take this powder in the evening before going to bed. After eating, avoid drinking any water as this will make you cough more.
  • You may drink your mishri and black pepper tea twice a day.

However, because of the sugar rush, it’s only a means of diverting the brain. While it may halt coughing momentarily, in the long term, toxins that cause coughs and phlegm must be removed from the cells by a clean diet [1]

#2 Mishri for Digestion

Because of how our bodies react to the high temperatures in the summer, reduced appetite and digestive problems are prevalent. During heatwaves, it’s best to keep your body cool naturally and eat foods that support a healthy digestive system.

Saunf and mishri water, the ancient cure for managing heat-based conditions and assisting detoxification and metabolism, is a summertime potion that may benefit the body and mind.

Mishri may calm your stomach because of its cooling qualities. It also has cleansing properties that aid in clearing the body of toxins. Frequent water consumption improves the body’s natural detoxification and boosts liver function. 

Frequent consumption of this water improves the body’s natural detoxification processes and boosts liver function. As a result, rock sugar is a suitable sweet to take after a heavy meal to aid digestion[2]. It initiates digestion immediately and serves as an after-meal dessert.

#3 Rock Candy to Boost Energy

When the sun shines brightly outside in the summer, mishri may help you stay cool. It relieves stress and has a relaxing impact on the body and mind. It provides immediate energy.

Mishri may calm your senses, restore your body’s electrolyte balance, and help manage dehydration.[3].

Additionally, rock sugar is a simple carbohydrate readily metabolizes in the body[4]. After eating them, they quickly break down into glucose, which causes sudden rises and falls in blood sugar levels.

Because of this, your body’s cells, tissues, and organs may quickly obtain energy from rock sugar, just like table sugar. Mix a tablespoon of misri powder along with mint leaves with a few ice cubes in a glass of water for a refreshing drink 

#4 Rock Candy for Culinary Benefits

Compared to regular table sugar, mishri is the healthier option because it is lightly processed. Its distinct flavor complements all conventional maydies, including chocolates and other confections.

Instead of crystal-clear mishri, use organic ones that are gray to yellow.

#5 Rock Candy Boosts Haemoglobin

For people with low iron, and females who suffer more menstrual bleeding, ayurvedic specialists advise including rock sugar into their regular diet.

Frequent use of rock sugar, abundant in minerals, vitamins, and amino acids, might improve blood circulation and guard against anemia-related side effects, including weakness, exhaustion, and dizziness[5].

#6 Rock Sugar for Mouth Freshener

After a sumptuous dinner, mishri is your magic solution for the fresh sensation in your mouth. In addition to eliminating foul breath, it stimulates digestive fluids to promote healthy digestion and helps avoid stomach issues.

Mishri is also considered “ruchya” in Ayurveda, meaning it improves taste.  To reap the benefits, consume fennel seeds and half a teaspoon of mishri.

#7 Rock Candy for Nausea

When it comes to easing nausea and vomiting, mishri is a miracle remedy. You may reduce any discomfort caused by acidity by holding these little sweets in your mouth.

Having some mishri on hand will help lessen the effects of mountain sickness when traveling in the mountains. Pop one as soon as you start feeling nauseous.

#8 Rock Sugar for Healthier Sweetness Alternative

The sweetness level of rock sugar is usually lower than that of an equivalent quantity of pure table sugar. It is more diluted than refined sugar since it is manufactured from a mix of sugar and water.

You may reduce your sugar and calorie intake by substituting the same amount of crystallized rock sugar for refined sugar—but only if you don’t add extra rock sugar to make it sweeter.

#9 Rock Candy for Good Vision

There might be several causes of declining eye health, such as a sedentary lifestyle, genetics, prolonged screen time, excessive use of mobile devices, or a poor diet. Experts assert that the

Rock Candy can, however, organically strengthen and enhance eye health and eyesight. Combine rock candy with almond and fennel seeds; consuming this mixture daily can support eye health[5]

Side Effects Of Rock Candy

The following are some unavoidable adverse effects of rock candy:

1. Obesity risk:

Overeating rock sugar increases the chance of gaining weight, which in turn increases the risk of becoming obese.

Numerous medical disorders, including type 2 diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, and others, are associated with obesity[5].

2. Type 2 diabetes:

Excess weight and a diet high in carbohydrates both increase the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Rock candy, though less sweet than refined, is high in carbohydrates 

3. Oral Health:

Although sugar itself doesn’t damage teeth, it makes sugar-eating bacteria more likely to adhere to teeth and develop a plaque coating.

Bacteria may live on your teeth for a long time due to plaque. Tooth decay results from bacteria-producing acids that gradually degrade tooth enamel.

Be Careful—It’s Still Sugar

Any sugars that you eat in excess may lead to several health problems, such as metabolic syndrome, obesity, diabetes, and heart disease.

While rock sugar has a somewhat better nutritional profile than table sugar, the two should have similar side effects. Use rock sugar sparingly, just as regular table sugar.

Are you still unsure about adding rock sugar to your diet? You can consult a health expert to understand any health-related issues. Schedule a 45-minute appointment with our professional nutritionist to receive a customized nutrition plan created just for you.

Mishri Types

The following three types of rock sugar are available in the market:

  • Mishri crystallized on a thread
  • Small machine-made crystals of mishri
  • Large crystallized lumps without any thread

Ayurveda suggests utilizing mishri with a thread as it reflects the real and conventional form of mishri. Although sugar-based mishri is widely available nowadays, it lacks a distinctive thread.

Look for “dhage wali mishri” or mishri with a thread to ensure you are getting real mishri and not simply sugar. This distinction will enable you to purchase rock sugar with more knowledge.

Mishri Recipes

This sweet delight may satisfy your sugar cravings. So, step in your kitchen and try out mishri recipe today and impress everyone with your culinary skills

#1 Mishri Mawa recipe


  • Half a cup of mishri
  • One-half tsp black cardamom
  • Two and a quarter litres of milk
  • One-third tsp ghee
  • 1/4 cup of sugar
  • Half a teaspoon of almonds
  • One and a half tsp pistachios


Bring milk to a boil in a skillet to begin making this dessert. Stir it constantly and heat it until it thickens. Add the rock sugar, green cardamom powder, and ghee to the pan afterward. Stir everything well.

Give it a further five to ten minutes to cook. Once the mixture thickens and has a pleasant aroma, please turn off the heat source and let it cool.

Put almonds and pistachios in the pan. Stir everything well. Put in the fridge for one hour. Before serving, garnish with chopped almonds and silver leaf.

#2 Mishri Thandai Recipe


  • One cup Mishri
  • About 25–35 raw almonds, or 1/4 cup
  • 2 tsp fennel seeds (saunf)
  • 4-5 cardamon pods  
  • Ten black peppercorns
  • 1/2 tsp cumin seeds
  • 2 tsp coriander seeds
  • 2 tsp poppy seeds
  • 2 tsp melon seeds
  • 4 cups filtered water


Soak all the ingredients at room temperature for at least 6 hours in a large dish or jug, ideally overnight. Transfer the soaking ingredients and water into a powerful blender or food processor.

Blend for two to three minutes until all the ingredients are thoroughly combined, and no big parts are visible. Transfer the blended liquid to a clean container using a nut milk bag, cheesecloth, or thin kitchen towel. To extract the last of the pulp’s liquid, squeeze the cloth.

To ensure no more solids are in the thadai base, undergo this straining and squeezing procedure three or four more times. The residual liquid will appear thinned-out almond milk with a zesty aroma from all those spices!

Toss the remaining pulp from the fabric. Transfer the liquid thadai foundation into a covered jar or container and store it in the refrigerator until needed.

You may keep this thadai foundation in the refrigerator for up to four days. Alternatively, freeze for a lot longer and defrost when you’re ready to drink.

Transfer one-third cup of the thadai foundation into a glass for serving. To fill the glass, add extra water, a generous amount of ice, and one teaspoon of rose water, if desired. Serve it.


Rock sugar is a mouthwatering, simple stuff from your kitchen. Benefits from mishri are hard to overlook. You may include this little confection in your diet.

There are several advantages, but there are also numerous potential risks. Consequently, you shouldn’t overuse rock sugar in any cake, drink, or meal, and instead, do not become too attached to its sweet flavor.

Nutritionists usually advise against overeating any sugar.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is mishri?

Made from the juice of sugarmaye and the sap of palm trees, mishri is an unrefined sugar.

2. What advantages does rock candy offer?

Rock candy is sucrose in its purest and most unprocessed form. It contains minerals, vitamins, and amino acids. It enhances digestion, raises hemoglobin levels, and gives you more energy.

3. What negative impacts does rock sugar have?

Excessive consumption of Mishri or other refined or unrefined sugar may negatively affect blood sugar levels. Furthermore, obesity, type-2 diabetes, heart disease, and other health problems may be brought on by excessive use.

4. What is the procedure for making rock sugar?

Rock sugar is a hard confection formed by chilling giant crystals of a supersaturated sugar solution. The steps in the procedure are:
·         Making a thick liquid by boiling sugar cane juice.
·         Allowing the liquid to pour into an urn via a bamboo pipe
·         Transferring the mixture into drums and inserting threads within
·         Letting the threads’ around the solution dry
·         Awaiting the formation of crystals over a while which may take six or seven days

5. Is rock sugar better than refined sugar?

Instead of refined sugar, rock sugar is an absolute treasure trove of nutrients, including amino acids, minerals (such as potassium, iron, and zinc), and B-group vitamins. According to Ayurveda, it balances the pitta dosha and has cooling properties.
