Noni Juice: Benefits, Nutrition and Precautions

Among the many herbs and natural foods that Ayurveda embraced for health and longevity, one is Noni. Also, known as the Indian Mulberry, this food is hailed by the name of ‘Achuka’, which means longevity. 

Among the many herbs and natural foods that Ayurveda embraced for health and longevity, one is Noni. Also, known as the Indian Mulberry, this food is hailed by the name of ‘Achuka’, which means longevity. 

Noni Juice (along with leaves, bark, fruits, etc.) has been used extensively in herbal medicine for thousands of years. Today, science is proving it as well. From helping to treat sore throat to supporting the digestive system, and immunity, this juice is powerful. And we’ll see just that.

Today, we’ll be exploring all the proven noni juice benefits, how to drink it, when to avoid it, and the side effects involved. Let’s get started.

What Is Noni Juice?

Noni is a fruit of the Morinda citrifolia tree. It has a grenade-like shape with a lumpy, yellowish-white flesh and reddish-brown seeds. And the taste and smell? Pungent and foul. But its benefits are amazing. When ripe, the noni fruit is plucked and turned into noni juice.

Noni fruit is so amazing that it has over 100 names around the world. 

Some common names of noni include:

  • Great morinda
  • Indian mulberry noni
  • Aal – in Hindi
  • Achuk, Akshi Phal and Ranjandru – in Sanskrit
  • Surangi and Bartondi – in Marathi
  • Numakaai – in Tamil
  • Vomit fruit
  • Rotten cheese fruit

And the list goes on. 

In terms of nutrition, noni juice is exceptional – fewer calories, more micro-nutrients. 

Nutritional value – Noni Juice (100ml)[1]
Energy17 kcal
Water contentNot Provided
Carbs3.33 grams
FibreNone in Juice
Vitamin C30 mg
Total Sugar3.33 g
Sodium17 mg 

Beautiful! Now, let’s learn why this foul-smelling fruit is so loved worldwide. 

Noni Juice Benefits 

For 2,000 years, noni juice has been used throughout Asia in folk medicine. Let’s understand why through the numerous noni juice benefits proven so far.

1. Helps in weight management

Noni juice is known for its potential benefits in weight management. Studies have highlighted its ability to support weight management efforts when coupled with a low-calorie diet and adequate physical exercise. The juice is rich in antioxidants and phytochemicals, which may help regulate metabolic processes, reduce oxidative stress, and improve energy levels. These factors contribute to better weight management and enhance overall well-being. [2]

Moreover, noni juice’s anti-inflammatory and immune-enhancing properties make it a valuable addition to a weight loss regimen. By reducing inflammation, which is often associated with obesity, noni juice may help in creating a more favorable environment for weight reduction. Additionally, its the potential to improve sleep and digestion, which may further support weight management goals.

2. Good for Skin

Today, people are ageing faster than ever due to the rise in pollution levels and stress. These are the symptoms of wrinkles, fine lines, reduced immunity, bone loss. One of the prime benefits of noni juice for which it is consumed are its anti-acne and anti-ageing benefits. [3]

Drinking noni juice may help manage acne, ageing, and other age-related disorders. Studies have highlighted that drinking noni juice, which is composed of  89% noni juice, may help enhance the immune response by stimulating thymus growth, which is responsible for generating T cells, the cells involved in the ageing process and other immune functions. 

Thus, It may affect the anti-ageing process and control other age related degenerative disorders, and enhance overall functioning.

Pro tip- Take 10 ml of noni juice along with 10ml of amla or aloe vera juice for improved skin health.

In some regions, noni juice is fermented to change its taste and enhance its benefits.

3. Anti-Oxidative

The high antioxidant content of Noni juice helps scavenge free radicals too. Now, free radicals are unstable molecules that attack our healthy cells and damage their structure. This results in cell damage and organ damage. Noni juice contains lots of antioxidants that protect our bodies from oxidative stress and enhance our health. Here are a few:

  • Vitamin C
  • Iridoids
  • Beta carotene
  • Vitamin E

Antioxidants present in noni juice can neutralize free radicals and prevent lipid peroxidation. This directly means it may help manage heart, lung, brain, and numerous other diseases. And here is a bonus benefit – these same antioxidants may slow down ageing and promote overall health.

4. Anti-inflammatory 

When our body is under chronic inflammatory stress, it may lead to numerous health issues such as joint pain, brain degradation, memory issues, etc.

Noni juice may help manage pain and inflammation associated with conditions like arthritis by suppressing the enzymes that are responsible for the same. In traditional medicine, noni juice was used to treat inflammation-related pain. [4]

Studies indicated that consuming 15 ml of noni  juice for a month was effective in lowering neck pain. They even reported that 60% of the subjects reported a marked improvement in their symptoms of neck pain and stiffness.

Despite its name, the noni plant belongs to the fruit bearing tree in the coffee family.

5. Anti-diabetic 

A blood sugar rise is not a good sign for the body. It may lead to weight gain, obesity, heart issues, and much more. One of the numerous benefits of noni juice is its anti-diabetic effect. Its intake may control the blood sugar spike, as Noni fruit can mimic the action of insulin and maintain the glucose levels in the blood within the normal range. 

Not just this, apart from regulating blood sugar levels, it can even help you improve lipid metabolism. Brilliant news for those with difficulty in insulin management. 

A study conducted to understand the effect of the daily consumption of Noni fruit juice on the physiological status of patients with diabetes type 2, revealed that this juice had the potential to regulate elevated blood sugar levels and therefore may serve as a suitable addition to the diet of diabetic patients. [7]

6. Anti-bacterial

Noni juice contains numerous beneficial compounds such as acubin, anthraquinones, etc. that possess strong antibacterial properties. Taking it every day may help you not only enhance your immunity and protect you from diseases, but it may even help you fight several bacterial and viral infections. 

Due to its antibacterial properties, many companies nowadays consider noni juice a safer ingredient in their mouthwash and mouth rinses. [8]

However, know that it should never replace your diet or treatment. Always consult your doctor before taking this approach. 

Oil extracted from noni seeds is rich in essential fatty acids. It’s used topically for skin health and hair care.

7. Immunity Enhancer

Noni juice is rich in antioxidants and other plant compounds that can boost your immunity. For example, the vitamin C content present in noni juice has been found to be quite effective in enhancing immunity. 

Same way, the beta carotene present in noni juice enhances immunity as well. 

These noni juice benefits are few of the many out there. This folk medicine has still left much scope for science to check. 

Due to its potential skin benefits, noni extract is even used in skin care products like creams and lotions.

Noni Juice – Risks and Precautions

While noni juice has been consumed for over 2,000 years for its numerous benefits, there are a few areas of concern that must be noticed. 

  • If you have liver or kidney problems or are taking medications, talk to your doctor before drinking noni juice. This is mainly because of two reasons: 

Firstly, noni juice contains high amounts of potassium. So it is not recommended for patients with a restricted diet, as it could lead to nausea, muscle weakness, and irregular heartbeat. That can harm people with Kidney or Liver dysfunctions.  Secondly, it may interact with certain medications. [9]

  • Pregnant women should also consult a healthcare professional before taking this juice as studies have reported that Noni Juice delays skeletal alteration in the fetus. [10]
  • While naturally extracted noni juice is healthier, as juices available in the market may contain added sugar, hence it is advisable to always check the labels before buying it.

Some studies have found that excessive intake of noni juice can lead to severe liver issues. However, most studies state it is safe in moderation. The best is to consume noni juice within limits. 

The Bottom Line

Noni juice is a rarely known folk medicine that is gaining some momentum in the modern market. Where In Ayurveda, it is known by numerous names including ‘achuka’,  ‘akshi phal’, ‘ranjandru’, etc. and is used as a balancing agent. It can help remove pitta and balance kapha. 

Science has so far proven noni juice to be extremely beneficial. If you are looking for a healthy drink to support your health and a diversified diet, noni juice can be a great option (except for its taste). It may aid in managing age-related disorders, enhance your immunity, control blood sugar spikes, has antibacterial activity, reduce inflammation, and even support your health through its numerous antioxidants. 

However, if you consume noni juice daily, know that it can be harmful in three cases: if you take it in excessive quantity, if you have kidney issues, and if you consume the juice with added sugar. Excessive consumption can also harm your liver. Balance is always the key.

So, are you ready to pick up the forgotten lore of noni juice again and harness its numerous benefits that our ancestors once did? 


#1. What is noni juice good for?

Consuming noni juice may help you reduce the risk of age-related diseases, control blood sugar spikes, enhance immunity, deal with inflammatory pain, and even fight numerous bacterial and viral infections.

#2. Who Cannot drink noni juice?

Because noni juice contains high amounts of potassium and has blood pressure-lowering effects, it must not be consumed by those with kidney and liver issues and those taking blood pressure medications.

#3. Is noni safe to drink?

Consuming noni juice in moderation (30ml-60ml) daily is considered to be safer. However, observe your body for the changes or consult a healthcare professional for understanding how much to take.

#4. What diseases are cured by noni?

Noni juice is not a treatment and should not be used as a cure for any disease. However, you may consume it daily as a part of your balanced diet to harness its numerous benefits and strengthen your overall health.
