Kokum Fruit's Amazing Health Benefits: A Wonder Wellbeing

A fantastic health advantage of kokum fruit, a naturally occurring superfood loaded with minerals and antioxidants for general well-being.

The superfood we will discuss today is not something people use often. This superfood is mainly used in the Southern Indian regions and primarily for adding sourness to any dish.

However, this fruit is not only for souring purposes; it can be used for various culinary reasons. We are talking about none other than Kokum – the bright red-purple-coloured fruit known for its tangy and sour taste.

So, let’s set off on an exploration as we reveal the myriad advantages of this unique fruit. This tropical gem has a wealth of health benefits. It is a superfood with powerful antioxidants and anti-inflammatory qualities that promote general wellbeing.

Let’s start with our exciting and knowledgeable article and discover the benefits and uses of this versatile ingredient.

What is a Kokum Fruit?

Kokum is a summer fruit with a very tangy taste. When the small, spherical fruit is still on the tree, it is red; however, when it ripens and dries, it turns a deep purple that almost looks black.

Native to India, this tree is widely distributed in the Western Ghats. This fruit is often used as a souring agent in regional delicacies, whereas its drink is often consumed as a summer beverage.

The truth is that the entire kokum fruit, including the seeds, is incredibly nutrient-dense and can strengthen your body’s defences against disease. Did you know that this summer fruit is so nutrient-dense that it can provide you with some excellent health benefits?

Nutritional Profile of Kokum

Listed below is the nutritional profile of this versatile fruit for 100 grams serving [1]:

Nutritional ComponentAmount
Total Fat3 grams
Total Carbohydrates6 grams
Dietary Fibre15 grams
Protein3 grams

Health Benefits of Kokum

This versatile fruit has been long used in Ayurvedic medicines because of its health advantages. Let’s find them out below:

#1 Helps in Weight Loss

All the Weight Watchers who are constantly looking for ingredients that support them in weight management should include this fruit in their diet. Many people deliberately use this fantastic fruit for its weight-loss properties.

However, this fruit contains hydroxycitric acid. This acid might helps in reducing body fat and also may assists in burning the fat stored within the body. Thus helping with weight loss loss [2]

Disclaimer– Weight gain or loss does not depend entirely on one particular food, ingredient, cuisine or medicine. It involves multiple factors such as Dietary intake, lifestyle patterns, metabolic conditions, genetics, stress, etc.

#2 Kokum for Anti-Inflammatory Properties

Another reason why this fruit is known as a superfood is because of its anti-inflammatory properties. Our bodies need these anti-inflammatory ingredients in our diet for various reasons.

These properties assist in lowering swelling and pain caused by inflammatory conditions, such as arthritis. Moreover, these properties also protect our bodies from cellular damage caused by free radicals and oxidative stress [3].

#3 Aids in Digestion

This fruit can be an excellent addition for people who face regular digestion issues, offering many health advantages. One of its most essential qualities is its ability to aid digestion and keep our tummy happy tummy.

It is because of the presence of dietary fibre, which is essential for maintaining a happy tummy. This fibre helps regulate bowel movements, prevents constipation, and promotes the growth of good gut bacteria.

You can take 500 mg of dried kokum fruits before bedtime to relieve constipation issues. If you wish to know the fibre content of this fruit, check it out on my meal plan.

This fruit is also known for reducing inflammation and can reduce the same in the stomach lining. It can further help prevent stomach ulcer formation, thus promoting a healthy and happy gut.

To know more about your digestive health, take a small digestive quotient test prepared by experts at Aashirvaad Atta. By answering simple questions, you can determine how your digestive health is performing and take necessary actions to improve it [4].

#4 Kokum as a Natural Coolant

During the summer months, it is very natural for our bodies to feel dehydrated and warm because of the hot and humid weather outside. In such cases, the juice made of this fruit can be of real benefit.

Its juice is a known summer drink with hydration properties. If you drink it in the summer months, you can save yourself from dehydration. The drink is said to normalize the body temperature and keep it cool, thus preventing heat strokes [5].

#5 Helps in Managing Blood Sugar Levels

Another significant use of this fantastic ingredient is controlling blood sugar levels. This fruit is loaded with goodness; one such is the benefit it offers to manage the body’s sugar levels.

Its juice offers antioxidant and anti-diabetic properties that aid in controlling blood sugar levels by increasing insulin secretion [6].

#6 Kokum Boosts Skin Health

One can use the fruit in many ways, including in curries or drinking its juice. You can also find its oil, which is considered excellent for skin health.

This oil’s antioxidant properties can be excellent for delaying signs of ageing and reducing wrinkles. This oil can also be used for treating skin burns and allergies [7].

#7 Say goodbye to Acidity

Resolving acidity is a known benefit of this fruit and is mentioned and recognized by Ayurveda. In today’s world, if there is one thing everyone suffers from, it is acidity.

And who is responsible for acidity – stressful and hurried life and unhealthy eating habits? The best way to eliminate this problem is by adding this fruit to your diet.

How? Drink a glass of chilled sharbat made of this fruit and say goodbye to all your acidity problems. However, remember not to add too much sweetener to the sharbat as it can increase the acidity [8].

#8 Kokum Butter for Stretch Marks

Kokum butter is a white, non-greasy, and odourless butter extracted from the fruit’s seeds. It is rich in antioxidants, fatty acids, and vitamins and protects hair and skin.

This butter can also be used to reduce stretch marks. It can also aid in removing wrinkles and fine lines. You can apply some of this butter on your stretch marks and see the fantastic results [9].

#9 Get rid of Itchy skalp and Dadruff with Kokum Butter

Hair problems are pretty common these days. You can see people with flaky or itchy scalp, hair loss, or many other issues. If you also face any of these, go for kokum butter.

Because of its anti-inflammatory properties, it can reduce inflammation and infection on the scalp. Plus, it also helps in keeping the skin moisturized. It is needed to prevent dandruff and dryness and create a healthy scalp.

When applying this butter, you can also mix almond or castor oil into the mixture. Then, apply it on your scalp and rinse it with sulfate-free shampoo [10].

#10 Kokum for Healthy Heart

Heart diseases are becoming a significant cause of concern these days, affecting both men and women. Plaque accumulation in the arteries can lead to angina, arrhythmia, or stroke, among other heart problems.

This fruit is known for its cardiotonic properties that may reduce triglyceride levels and lower the risk of heart disease. Because of their anti-inflammatory qualities, polyphenols, including hydroxycitric acids and garcinol, the active component of this fruit, is known to protect the heart [11].

#11 Immunity Booster Kokum

Our bodies fight infections and viruses regularly that can impact the immune system. To protect and promote immunity, adding vitamin C-rich food to your diet is imperative.

This fruit is one such ingredient that is loaded with this essential vitamin, thus acting as an immunity booster [12].

Kokum Recipe to Try

We are sure you are excited to introduce this excellent fruit to your family. If you are wondering how let’s share some exciting recipes to try out.

Kokum Sharbat


  • Kokum petals – 3-4
  • Salt – as per taste
  • Water – as required
  • Jaggery or honey – as needed for sweetener
  • Ice – for serving


  • Soak these beautiful petals for at least 3-4 hours.
  • Add the soaked pieces in a blender along with water.
  • Add salt as required and blend it until smooth.
  • Strain the juice and mix the sweetener of your choice.
  • Before serving, add ice to the glass, pour sharabat, and serve chilled.

Kokum Kadhi


  • Semi-dried Kokum – 24-25
  • Green chillies – 2 tsp (chopped)
  • Salt – to taste
  • Oil – 1 tbsp
  • Cumin seeds – 2 tsp
  • Curry leaves – 4
  • Garlic – 1 tsp (chopped)
  • Whole dry red chillies – 2
  • Coconut milk – 1 ½ cup
  • Coriander – 2 tbsp (chopped)


  • Combine kokum, green chillies, and salt in 1 ½ cup hot water and leave for 15-20 minutes.
  • Strain this water and keep it for use.
  • Heat oil in a pot or kadhi and add cumin seeds.
  • Once they crack, add garlic, curry leaves, and red chillies and saute for a few seconds on medium heat.
  • Next, add coconut milk, strained water from step 2, and salt. Mix well and cook for 2-3 mins on medium heat.
  • Remove from heat, garnish with coriander, and serve hot.

Other Ways to Incorporate Kokum in Your Diet

Besides the above-mentioned exciting recipe, let’s look at some other ways through which you can add this nutritious fruit to your diet:

  • Sola bhende – a bhindi dish
  • Sour dal – by replacing tamarind
  • Different curries, dals, and beverages
  • Pickles

Final Thoughts

Discover the life-changing potential of this fruit and start living a more energetic, healthy life. With its unique combination of nutrients and therapeutic qualities, this fruit is a living example of nature’s abundant bounty.

With so many health advantages, this fantastic fruit still captivates people, whether they eat it raw or add it to their diet. Include it in your everyday routine to experience its beneficial effects on your health firsthand.

Take your health journey to the next level with this versatile and nutritious fruit, and enjoy everything this excellent fruit offers.


1. Is kokum beneficial for health?

It has antioxidants that shield the body from free radical-induced cellular damage and oxidative stress. It also has essential minerals and vitamins like potassium, calcium, iron, and vitamin C. It also facilitates digestion, which is one of its most significant advantages.

2. Can you drink kokum juice daily?

Yes, you can drink the juice daily for numerous health advantages. However, the quantity should be taken in moderation to avoid any adverse health concerns.

3. Do you have any side effects of eating kokum?

Excessive eating of this fruit may cause upset stomach or diarrhoea, among other gastrointestinal problems. It is always advised to consult a doctor if you face any such symptoms.

4. Is kokum considered hot or cold?

Juice from its fruit is cold and refreshing, and it shields the body from sunburn and dehydration.

5. Can you eat kokum daily?

Yes, but in moderation, just like the juice, the fruit can also be eaten daily as it is filled with essential nutrients.
