How to Improve the Digestion Power of Your Body?

Digestion is vital to a healthy body. From staying hydrated to eating fibre-rich food, many ways can improve the digestive power of your body.
Kanchan Dulhani
08 Jul, 2023
11 min read

Imagine a symphony of flavours, a harmony of nutrients, and a well-functioning gut orchestrating it all. Ah! What a wonderful feeling that is. Eating what you feel like without worrying about the different digestion problems is a dream.

We welcome foodies to a journey of culinary wellness, where we will discuss the secrets to boosting your digestive health.

Our bodies’ digestive system is the powerhouse that holds the key to our overall well-being. But the question arises, how to harness its true potential? By making simple lifestyle adjustments, you can revitalize your digestion and nourish your body.

Let’s look at some tips on how to improve digestion power through this article.

What is the Importance of Digestion?

Once in a while, everyone faces some or other digestive issues. It can be due to a different lifestyle, stressful environment, or not being able to eat on time. But do you know how important digestion is for your health?

It is the process by which your body breaks down the different nutrients present in your food [1]. Your body needs these nutrients for daily energy, cell repair, and growth.

You will have a happy tummy and healthy life with a healthy digestive system.

Aashirvaad Digestive Quotient Test

Therefore, knowing about your digestive health is very vital. And now, it is as simple as just a click. Yes, you can take the digestive quotient test designed by Aashirvaad Atta with Multigrain, which can help you disclose how your digestive health is performing. So, what are you waiting for? Go and try this test now.

In the meantime, below are the ways through which you can improve your digestive health.

#1 Revitalize Your Digestion By Embracing the Power of Whole Foods

Whole foods are rich in nutrients and are linked to many health benefits, including good digestion.

Whole food includes fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grains, to name a few. Eating whole foods will support good gut bacteria and improve digestion.

You can eat green leafy vegetables, low fructose fruits, and whole grains such as oats which are rich in fibre and supports healthy digestion. You can also include Aashirvaad Multigrain Atta, made of different grains and exceptionally fibrous for a healthy and happy tummy.

#2 Eat Fibre Food For Your Digestive Health

Fibre is your digestive health’s best friend [2]. Soluble fibre helps absorb water and add bulk to your stool. Insoluble fibre, on the other hand, is like a big toothbrush, which helps your digestive tract to function properly.

A high-fibre-rich diet is associated with a reduced risk of digestive conditions, including constipation [3]. Prebiotics are another fibre that feeds your healthy gut bacteria [4].

Diets high in this fibre have shown improved barrier function and reduced gut inflammation.

If you want to know how much fibre intake is present in the food you consume daily, try this simple meal plan test prepared by Aashirvaad Atta with Multigrain.

You will see the amount of fibre in your food by answering simple questions. It will help you maintain the fibre portion, further supporting a healthy gut and happy digestion.

#3 Eat Healthy Fats for Your Digestive Health

Good digestion requires our body to eat enough fat. Eating healthy fat food will make you feel full after and will also help to absorb different nutrients and vitamins such as A, D, E, and K.

Food products with Omega 3 are also believed to be great for solving constipation and bowel problems [5]. Try including omega-3-rich food such as chia seeds, walnuts, flaxseeds, and fatty fish like salmon and tuna in your diet.

These food products are great for your gut and will support healthy digestion.

#4 Drink Loads of Water for a Great Digestion Power

One of the primary reasons why people face digestion problems, especially constipation, is drinking less than the required water. Water intake consists of plain water, different water beverages, and food items that contain water.

You should try and drink at least eight glasses of water daily for perfect water nourishment.

Also during the hot and summer months, your body will need more water than usual. You can include different beverages such as lassi, chaach, green tea, tea, juices, nimbu pani, and much more in your diet. These beverages are all good for your health and will help maintain your body’s water requirement.

Besides the ones mentioned, you can also include water-rich food and vegetables such as watermelon, cucumber, apples, oranges, and others.

Eating such food will ensure your gut will remain happy and healthy and will not face constipation and other digestion issues.

#5 Rest More and Remove Stress for Healthy Digestion

Today’s stressful life is another contributor to disturbed digestion. Because of stress and not being able to relax and rest, people often undergo issues such as constipation and diarrhoea [6].

You will be surprised to know that stress hormones are directly associated with digestion. When your body is fighting stress, it forgets to take rest and digest. It is because, during these times, the blood and energy are diverted from digestion to combating stress.

Therefore, you should try relaxing, meditating, and practising yoga to avoid stress. Meditation and yoga are also great tools for perfect bowel movements [7].

When you feel stressed, take a deep breath and focus your mind on positive things instead of negatives.

#6 Eating Carefully for Improving Digestion Power

Have you ever thought about why people face bloating, indigestion, or gastric issues after eating food at times? It is a very common question that often disturbs people. But there is a very simple answer to it.

When people eat too quickly without noticing what they are eating and how much they are eating, it leads to such issues.

Therefore, you should try and eat carefully and mindfully. You should always try to eat slowly while enjoying your food. Your family, especially kids, often watch TV while eating food.

This habit leads to overeating, which can, in turn, result in digestive issues. In such cases, turning off the TV and letting your child notice the colourful food on their plate is better.

#7 Detoxification for Digestion health

There are times when your body needs to be away from regular food. It is the best way to relax your body, especially your gut and improve your digestive health and overall wellness. You can include prebiotic food in your diet that is easy to digest and support good gut bacteria.

It is also a natural way of flushing out harmful chemicals and toxins from your body. These toxins often result in irregular bowel movements and an inactive digestive system.

You don’t have to skip meals to detoxify your body. Instead, you can add fresh fruit juice to your detox diet. At the same time, give your body plenty of rest to function correctly.

Closing Thoughts

One of the simplest ways to promote a healthy and happy digestion power is by making simple and easy lifestyle changes.

Eating healthy, fibre-rich food, including whole foods, will be your first step towards getting adequate nutrients and enhancing your digestion power.

Moreover, combating stress is another element of good digestion. You can avoid late-night eating, smoking or drinking too much alcohol, and you will notice significant changes in your digestive health.


1. Which foods can help you increase the digestion power in the body?

There are many food products that you can use to increase your overall digestive power. These foods include green leafy vegetables such as spinach and kale. You can also eat whole grains such as oats, lean protein like fish, and low-fructose fruits such as pears and apples. Also include different vegetables like peppers and broccoli in your diet.

2. What are the simple ways to improve weak digestion?

The first and foremost step is to relax and avoid stress. Your body diverts itself towards managing stress and forgets to digest food. Therefore, practice yoga and meditation while also eating more fibrous food.

3. Should you eat curd for good digestion power?

Curd is an excellent probiotic food and is good for the gut. Eating curd will help clear the digestive system and improve gut activity. It is also good for treating bloating and constipation issues.

4. How to solve digestion problems in a natural way?

By following a healthy lifestyle and eating balanced food is the perfect way to solve any digestive issues in a natural way. Remember to drink water and stay hydrated. Additionally, keep yourself active by exercising regularly.

5. What should you drink at night to improve digestion?

For happy and healthy digestion, you can include ginger, herbal, lemongrass, peppermint, or green tea. You can have them before going to bed, which will help promote good sleep while supporting your digestion activities.


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