10 Magical Health Benefits of Gourd (Lauki) (You Need to Try)

Wondering why gourd is such a favourite of health enthusiasts? Find out the innumerable health benefits of lauki in this blog!
Shilpa Bhowmick
26 Jul, 2023
min read

Lauki – the nice and kind guy of the vegetable world. It does so many wonders to our health, and yet it is often looked down upon. 

Chances are that even you might have grunted once after hearing it as your lunch from your mother. 

Bland, mild, lacking that wonderful taste, such has been the image of this wonderful vegetable. But it was not so in the ancient Ayurvedic times. 

In Ayurveda, lauki (bottle gourd) is lauded well as a highly beneficial vegetable for maintaining overall health and well-being. The bottle gourd benefits are immense and go for ceaseless miles. 

So, let’s cherish the ancient wisdom once again and see why you must have this magical vegetable often. And make sure you don’t miss the secret tip we’ll be revealing.

Benefits of Gourd

Gourd health benefits to know

1. Gourd guards you against indigestion

Lauki is as light as any food can get. And our guts love food that is light and gentle. It doesn’t want any extra stomachache in the name of taste. 

Bottle gourd is known to be easy to digest. It promotes healthy digestion. This helps alleviate issues like constipation and flatulence. Wonderful for those who constantly suffer from digestive issues.

2. A soothing weight-loss recipe

The table today has suffered much. It no more sees the grace of healthy foods. We eat friend, too-spicy, and nutrition-less food. This has pushed the rate of obesity to a new high. And when obesity kicks in, so do follow many ailments. 

Bottle gourd is known to be a good pal when it comes to losing weight. It contains few calories (too few to be true) – around 22 Kcal in 1 cup (146 grams) of gourd. Furthermore, it is packed with essential vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients.

All these things come together to create a state of weight loss. And trust us, if you know how to cook lauki, it can soon turn out to be your favourite. [1]

3. Soothing source of hydration

If you are anywhere near cooking or have seen your mother doing it, you might know how bottle gourd loses water while being cooked. Lots of water. It is because this vegetable is nearly 92% water. And don’t we all know how necessary hydration is for well-being?

Staying hydrated helps our bodies function in a sane way. Furthermore, it strengthens our immunity and allows white blood cells to roam around and fight. This is why doctors recommend increasing oral intake while suffering from sickness.

Try including a glass of lauki juice in your diet. 

This not only will hydrate you but will do another great thing. And this takes us to the third of 10 gourd benefits.

4. Provides respite from the heat

Summers are great only when you don’t feel their terrible heat. Going through a scorching spell of heat can really ruin things inside our bodies.

Thus, this requires us to take measures to bring down our bodies’ temperature. And what healthier way than having a glass of bottled gourd juice?

 Lauki juice might not look like a tempting thing, but health-wise it truly is. 

Ayurveda has written a great deal of length about the cooling effect of lauki. This is why it is often called a summer vegetable.

It can help balance excess heat in the body. This makes it beneficial during hot weather for those with Pitta imbalances.

5. A humble heart healer

As much as we love people who take care of our hearts, we must love vegetables. Eating fruits and vegetables has been directly related to improved cardiovascular health and lifespan. And gourd is no less some god when it comes to heart-beneficial veggies. 

Not only Ayurveda but modern studies have also confirmed that intake of gourd extract lowers cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood. Pretty romantic news for the heart indeed. [2]

Other names of bottle gourd –
Long melon
Opo squash

6. Enhances urinary health

Feel like urinating again and again? Came back emptying your bladder, sat down, and a few minutes later that same urge again? Pain or burning sensations?

Or maybe suffer from weak urine flow? All these are a few symptoms of ruined urine health. And you must not ignore it.

One of the relieving gourd benefits is that it enhances urinary health. This veggie has diuretic properties. Consequently, it is often recommended for promoting healthy kidney function and managing urinary disorders.

7. Delightfully Detoxifies 

If you usually surf through health-related videos, you might have seen lots of detoxifying drinks. And of those all, one is our graceful gourd. 

Lauki juice is believed to have detoxifying effects. It may support the liver in eliminating toxins from the body. Its antioxidants may even help lower liver inflammation. And once the liver is healthy, it helps the body get rid of unhealthy stuff.

8. Reduces acidity and heartburn

Ugh! Those nights when you just cannot sleep because of acidity. It is never a good thing. And when this acidity becomes chronic, the body gets derailed from peace. But lauki is a well-known acidity reliever.

One of the greatest gourd benefits is that it helps reduce acidity. How? Because of its alkaline nature. So, the next time you feel that uneasiness down your gut or throat, have a glass of gourd juice.

9. Blesses hair and skin

Skin and hair – the pride of beauty. We all awe and adore the person with flawless hair and skin health. But it doesn’t come with unhealthy habits. It comes with strong discipline regarding diet and cleanliness. And gourd is one such step you must take.

Bottle gourd contains vitamins and antioxidants that are beneficial for maintaining healthy skin and hair. It has also long been used in Ayurvedic beauty treatments. It is also because of its richness in vitamin C.

10. Calms mind and body

Lauki, this sober-looking vegetable, does wonders when it comes to brain health. Firstly, it calms the mind and body, thereby reducing the spells of depression. Apart from it, it has also been found to be improving brain functioning.

It promotes blood flow to the brain, reduces brain inflammation, blesses it with antioxidants, and provides choline (a brain function supporter) to the brain. Brilliant!

Precautionary Note –

Never drink juice from a bitter bottle of gourd. It contains a toxin called cucurbitacins that can act fatally. Always choose lauki that is mild and free of any bitterness. [3]

Pro-tip –

Mixing bottle gourd juice with jamun juice enhances its taste and functional properties. [4]

So, the next time you look at it, rather than sadly sighing, sense its goodness and find ways to incorporate this healthy delicacy into your life. Gourd Appetit. 

Is it good to eat lauki (gourd) every day?

Yes, incorporating gourd (lauki) into your daily diet is beneficial for your health. Gourd is low in calories and rich in essential nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, and dietary fibre.

Its high water content helps keep you hydrated, and the fibre content aids in digestion along with many other benefits.

Is gourd helpful for weight loss, and why?

Yes, gourd is beneficial for weight loss due to its low calorie and high fibre content. As a low-calorie vegetable, gourd helps create a calorie deficit, making it easier to manage weight. The high fibre content in gourd keeps you feeling full for longer, reducing the likelihood of overeating and snacking between meals.

How can I incorporate gourd into my daily diet?

Incorporating gourd into your daily diet is easy and versatile. You can prepare gourd curry with spices and other vegetables, make a delicious stir-fry, or add it to soups for a hearty meal.

Another option is to include grated gourd in parathas and koftas, or mix it with other vegetables for a nutrient-packed side dish. For a refreshing twist, you can blend gourd into smoothies or juices to enjoy its health benefits in a drinkable form.
