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Good eating habits are a never-ending topic, especially if you have a small child at home. When I became a mother, everyone came to advise me on how and what to make my child eat. He is ten, and it continues.
I have learned over the years from my experience that even though eating the right food is essential, forming eating habits is equally important. There are certain eating habits that I always wanted my child to have; some he has taken, others it will take some time.
Do You Know?
Going on a diet may only help you if you know what some good eating habits to follow are.
Eating properly will make your tummy happy tummy.
Let’s look at some of the best eating habits to help improve your health.
10 Good Eating Habits To Improve Your Health

You must have heard certain things like eating too quickly or skipping meals is not suitable for eating healthy, which is true. Here are ten more for you:
1. A Plate Full Of Vegetables
It is the most essential and much needed. When you eat, fill your plate with loads of vegetables. Filling your plate with veggies will give you the required fibre, vitamins, minerals, and energy for your body to function correctly.
If you want variations, add vegetables to the different snacks you make. For instance, you can add spinach in smoothies, carrots in dips, or even cucumber in sandwiches.
Doing this will ensure you are consuming vegetables throughout the day. To do this, go for seasonal vegetables that will change your taste and not make you bored of eating the same vegetables.
2. Balanced Breakfast
It is an ancient saying, eat breakfast like a king. Your breakfast is the first meal and the most important [1].
As the name suggests, it breaks your fast after a long night, so it should be balanced. It should have enough protein, carbohydrates, and fat to make your body function the entire day.
3. Include Whole Grains
Your body needs carbohydrates, and choosing whole grains is always the best option. Go for brown rice, oatmeal, multigrain atta, etc. These products have more fibre and are healthier for your body.
Eating food products made of whole grains will keep your body full for long and not make you feel hungry soon.
Have a Happy Tummy!
Fill half your plate with veggies and the other half with rotis or parathas made of Aashirvaad Multigrain Atta. It is a high fibre atta, and 3 rotis made from this atta can fulfil 35% of your daily fibre needs. You will be surprised to know that with just 3 multigrain rotis, you can get the same dietary fibre as 4 beetroots or 6 carrots.
4. Choose Better Options When To Dine Out For Good Eating Habits
Eating healthy does not mean eating at home or homemade food; instead, it is about eating the right food.
Also, there is no harm in eating out, but what is essential is choosing the right dish which will give you taste and also be healthy. You can even ask questions about what ingredients are used for making the dish to be sure.
For instance, you can go for salads, curd, non-fried items, depending on your choice. Satisfying taste buds is necessary but every time. Please reserve a cheat day for it! Plan Your Grocery for Good Eating Habits.
5. Plan Your Grocery Wisely
During my initial days after the marriage, my biggest mistake was picking everything that looked appealing in the grocery store. It resulted in more packaged and processed food instead of healthy food.
But when I realized this, I made a list of what I needed before heading to the grocery shop. It helped me to cut down on junk and encouraged me to pick whole grains, fruits, and fresh products.
I know resisting the temptation to fill your basket with wow-looking products is challenging, but accepting this challenge is for your good!
Planning is the key here because unplanned grocery shopping can load you with unnecessary items that put an additional burden not only on your pocket, but also on your tummy! Acting wisely is the need.
6. Include Fruits
One can add many tasty and delicious fruits to their diet. Try including watermelons for their water content, apples for their dietary fibre, oranges for Vitamin C, grapes for antioxidants, etc., in your diet.
Including fruits in your diet is a healthy way of nourishing your body. Your body needs these elements regularly to function effectively. Also, thanks to their natural sugar content, they are great energy boosters.
They are even great for adding as your pre or post-workout snacks.
7. Control Your Sugar And Salt For Good Eating Habits
Excess of everything is bad, and it goes well with eating habits, too, especially salt and sugar. Adding extra salt and sugar to your food can be bad for your body in the longer run.
You can start by drinking sugar-less tea and coffee and not adding extra salt if it is less in your prepared food.
You can opt for a salt-free salad, salt-free lassi, or something like that. Initially, it might taste different, but once you break the monotony of salt, you will feel better, healthier, and happier that you have made some efforts for yourself!
8. Focus On The Right Calories For Good Eating Habits
Calories are vital for the body, and it is needed for the body to work effectively. But remember, not all calories do the same well to your body. Consuming 100 calories by eating biscuits or cookies will not be good versus 100 calories through vegetables or fruits. So, choose your calories wisely.
9. Eat Frequent Meals
Being on a diet or wondering about weight management is common these days. Most people assume that skipping meals or not eating for long hours will help them lose extra calories; instead, it can negatively impact digestion [2]. People should rather try and eat smaller meals but at frequent intervals.
Rather than going for a heavy meal, go for crackers when you feel hungry or a light sandwich. This way, you will eat less, maintain weight and eat at regular intervals.
10. Drink More Water For Good Eating Habits
When thirsty, drink water and avoid sugary products such as cold drinks or juices. Cold drinks are carbonated drinks with excessive sugar content and will not do any good to your body. Instead, you can add lassi, chaach, or lemonade to your diet for relief in the hot summer months.
You may have always heard about eating slowly and chewing thoroughly as a part of good eating habits, but there is more to that.
You can have variations and still eat healthily. It would be best if you always tried to keep habits that are easy to adapt, and your family should enjoy following them, especially your children.
A good change will be to replace your big plates with smaller ones. It will help your family to learn about eating small and frequent meals. After all, consuming frequent and eating regular meals can help improve digestion.
Eating is just like performing a science experiment. You should reflect on what you are eating, replace it if it is not good, and reinforce the right products in your diet.
Add more fruits, whole grains, vegetables, and fat-free food products. You can even include protein for complete nutrition, depending on your eating choices.
Starting with eating habits may seem difficult initially, but it will help in the long run. You can start by planning and identifying unhealthy patterns and include healthy options accordingly.
Eating healthy means giving the proper nutrition to your body. When you start eating healthy, you will give your body the right resources to fight against diseases and build immunity.
First, create a meal plan that includes fruits, vegetables, beans, dairy, protein, and even a cheat meal. Next, if you have time, prepare a fresh meal every day according to the plan, else you can prepare the base in advance to save time.
It would be best to focus on eating less quantity but increasing the number of meals in a day. You can set a goal to eat every 2-3 hours and include different options to please your taste buds.