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The moment we speak of dates, an Arabian scene sweeps our minds. But dried dates have been a part of Indian culture for centuries. We consume these sweet delicacies for not just their taste but the many benefits they bless us with. One variety that gets lauded much for its brilliance is its dry form – dried dates.
Dried dates, also known as chhuara, are used extensively throughout, especially for their power potential. Chances are that your mother or grandma must’ve asked you to boil these in milk and drink and feel energetic. Science says that tradition works. But dried dates benefits go much beyond that.
Packed with essential vitamins like B6 and minerals such as potassium and magnesium, dried dates offer numerous potential benefits to the heart, muscles, etc.
Here, you’ll learn how the benefits of dried dates, or chhuara, can be harnessed to deal with several health issues and enhance overall health. Plus, you’ll know the risks involved, when and how to eat, and a few fun facts.
The oldest verified germination of a date palm seed is a 2,000-year-old seed called Methuselah, which sprouted in 2005 in Israel
Dried Dates (Chhuara) – History, Name, and Nutrition
Dates, although a part of Indian culture for centuries, are not native to India. Some sources put its origin to the time when Alexander invaded the Indian land. Claims are that he brought the seeds of date palm to India and gave it a fresh tropical start. The time was around the 4th century BC. Since then, the bitter tale of invasion has only gotten sweeter. [1]
Today, dried dates are cherished throughout India for their amazing nutritional profile. Let’s have a glimpse of it and see why chhuara is much loved.
Dried Dates – nutritional value – 100 grams [2]
Energy | 320 kcal |
Protein | 2.5 grams |
Fat | 0 grams |
Carbs | 75 grams |
Fibre | 8.95 grams |
Minerals | Calcium, Iron, Potassium, Magnesium, etc. |
Vitamins and other plant compounds | Vitamin B1, B2, B3, B5, C, Lutein, Zeaxanthin, Carotene, etc. |
A beauty indeed, dried dates are known by numerous names throughout India.
- Hindi: खजूर (Khajoor)
- English: Date Palm, Wild Palm
- Arabic: Rutab
- Bengali: খেজুর (Khejur) or (তারিখগুলি Tārikhaguli)
- Gujarati: ખરેકા (Khareka)
- Malayalam: ഈതപാല (Eethapala)
- Marathi: खजूर (Khajura)
- Tamil: (பேரீச்சம்பழம் Pērīccampaḻam)
- Telugu: (ఖర్జూరం Kharjūraṁ)
Now that you know what name to buy it by, let’s first look at why you must buy it.
Dried Dates Benefits
Dried dates (chhuara) are made by simply drying the date palm fruit (khajoor). One of these two paths is usually taken to get them:
- Sun drying
- Processing in a dehydrator
But what puts dried dates apart? Let’s understand this by looking at the many dried dates benefits:

1. A Boon For Blood Sugar
Dates and blood sugar? This seems quite controversial. However, dates do not cause a sudden spike in blood sugar.
- They release energy into your bloodstream slowly
- And their high antioxidant content
All these things come together and put a halt to the rise in blood sugar. Numerous studies have found that dates and dried dates are good for those suffering from insulin resistance.
So, if blood sugar is something that doesn’t let you cherish the joy of your life, try giving a chance to dried dates.[3][4]
2. Dried Dates Help with Inflammation
Inflammation does not stand tall like a problem before our health. In fact, it is a natural response that prevents the impact of pathogens and heals the injured area by pushing blood there. However, when inflammation becomes chronic, it becomes brutal.
Chronic inflammation, if left untreated, can damage cells, brain, tissues, organs, bones, and whatnot. It is never a good thing.
Dried dates stay rich in antioxidants such as
- Lutein and Zeaxanthin
- Vitamin C
- Carotene, etc.
These antioxidants possess anti-inflammatory properties, which means that they control unnecessary inflammation.
One study found that dried dates helped reduce foot swelling. [5]
Bedouin tribes of the Middle East have a diet that largely contains dates. It is believed to be a reason for their low cancer rates
3. Dried Dates Are Beneficial For Brain
Dried dates benefit the brain as well.
Brain health is something that we rarely care about. However, recent studies have shown a fall In brain health, which has further created numerous other health issues. And so, as we age, we start losing hold of our dear memories, fail to function well, and fall towards an irreversible condition. The solution? Prevention!
Eating brain-beneficial foods such as dried dates can help you protect your brain from several brain issues, including memory loss.
- Dried dates contain certain compounds that reduce brain inflammation. This prevents brain cells from dying down. [6]
Degradation of brain cells has been found to be the main reason behind memory loss. So, if you don’t want to lose your dear memories, embrace the grace of dates each day.
4. High In Fibre and Improves Digestive Health
You might have heard a thousand times, if not a million, about how wonderful fibre is. Dried dates stay rich in fibre. A mere 100 grams load our bodies with around 8.5 grams of fibre. This is around 1/3rd of our daily requirement.
But why fibre?
Fibre is a nutrient that our bodies can’t digest, and yet, it helps our guts by
- Providing bulk to motions and thereby promoting regular bowel movements
- Enhancing the quality of good gut bacteria by feeding them, thereby improving digestion
- Regulating digestion and preventing common digestive issues such as constipation, diarrhoea, IBS, etc.
And when digestion stays good, life stays joyful.
One study found that consuming dates for 21 days enhanced the frequency of stools. [7]
Fibre also slows down the rate at which energy gets released into our bloodstream, as seen above, which helps those with blood sugar. [8]
Date “honey” is a natural sweetener made by blending dates with a little water.
5. Rich In Nutrients
In Indian tradition, dates are usually recommended to fight weakness. “Add a few into boiling milk and gulp.” And why not? Dried dates offer a high amount of calories.
A 100-gram dried dates offer around 320 calories. But their calorie content is not the only thing that makes them a fount of nutrition.
Dried dates provide iron. Now, iron is an essential mineral that helps in the production of red blood cells and carries oxygen to body parts. This prevents fatigue and weakness, which are symptoms of anaemia.
Apart from this, dried dates offer several other nutrients. Here are some known nutrients and how they benefit us:
a. Minerals:
- Calcium: This mineral provides strength to our bones and helps us run well and long in our lives. Bones pain less with enough calcium provided to our bodies. [9]
- Iron: Iron delivers oxygen throughout the body and fuels us with energy and positivity. [10]
- Potassium: It has numerous benefits such as reducing blood pressure, regulating heart rate, balancing water retention, etc. [11]
- Magnesium: Ever felt low? Depressed? Physically weak? Lack of magnesium might be the reason.[12]
b. Vitamins:
- B Vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B5): Vitamin-B is one of those vitamins that convert your food into energy. Not only this, but it prevents DNA damage, brain damage, migraine, and whatnot. B is brilliant. [13]
- Vitamin C: Vitamin-C works like an antioxidant and provides our bodies with strengthened immunity, cell protection, skin health, heart health, and whatnot! [14]
- Lutein and zeaxanthin: These antioxidants are a power couple for your eyes. They provide them protection from harmful light and keep their vision sharp. [15]
- Carotene: This is the antioxidant that transforms into Vitamin A. And as we know, vitamin A is what infuses the sharpness into our eyes and glow into our skin. [16]
These vitamins and minerals vouch for the nutritional vastness and potential of dried dates.
6. Supports Heart Health
Dry dates offer a trifecta of benefits for heart health. Firstly, they are a rich source of potassium, crucial for regulating blood pressure by counteracting sodium’s effects, thereby reducing hypertension risk and easing the strain on the cardiovascular system.
Additionally, dry dates are naturally low in sodium and cholesterol, making them ideal choices for heart-friendly diets. Excessive sodium intake is linked to high blood pressure and heart disease, making low-sodium options like dry dates favorable.
Furthermore, dry dates contain magnesium, vital for heart rhythm, muscle function, and blood sugar regulation. Adequate magnesium intake is associated with reduced cardiovascular disease risk and improved heart function.
7. A Source of Antioxidants
Dried dates (chuara) offer numerous antioxidants such as
- Lutein
- Zeaxanthin
- Carotene
- Vitamin C
- Vitamin A
- Several flavonoids
Now, antioxidants serve numerous purposes. Firstly, they are known to protect our cells from the damage done by free radicals. Free radicals are unstable molecules that keep knocking off our healthy cells and thus cause them damage. And as cells die, our organs die. Ageing comes quicker. [17]
Taking enough antioxidants daily protects our cells from this. Also, antioxidants enhance
- Skin health
- Brain health and memory functioning
And extends lifespan. [18]
All these dried date benefits make it a must-have addition to your lifestyle. But, before you do, there are certain risks and precautions to take care of to ensure that its good stays good.
In ancient Mesopotamia, date palm trees were considered the “Tree of Life”. People revered them and associated them with fertility and immortality [19]
Dried Dates – Risks and Precautions
We’ve talked about all the amazing things dates can do for your body, but like any beneficial food, they have their limitations too. Here are a few situations where dates might not be your best friend:
- If you have IBS, dates might not be the best thing to consume. They may trigger some bloating and discomfort because they contain FODMAPs. It’s a type of sugar that can be tricky for some people to digest. [20]
- While dried dates are high in fibre (which is a beneficial thing), they might not be ideal after a massive meal. The reason? They might leave you feeling uncomfortably full.
- Although rare, some people might still get date allergies. If you experience any unusual reactions after eating dried dates, speak to your doctor.
- Dried dates contain a sugar alcohol called sorbitol. This is not usually a problem but it can loosen things up a bit too much for those already experiencing diarrhea. The best thing here is to hold off on the dates until your system settles down. [21]
Last but not least – don’t overeat. This will turn its benefits into disadvantages.
Now, apart from it, there is nothing you should worry about except one thing – timing!
What is the best time to consume dried dates to get the most of their benefits?
Best Time To Eat Dried Dates For Maximum Benefits
Simply speaking, the best time to eat dates is whenever your tummy is giving you hunger signals. However, certain times might be more favourable when it comes to dried dates. Here is when you can best consume chuara to harness its potential:
- Breakfast – Dried dates can be your best breakfast buddy. They are high in calories, rich in nutrients and full of fibre. This can keep you energetic and full for the rest of the day. Either add them to your fruit salad or your bowl of dry fruits.
- Afternoon snack – Afternoon is the time when your energy levels might start crashing down. But dried dates can help due to their high fibre content and low Glycaemic Index. Due to this, your body releases energy slowly and smoothly to keep you uplifted.
- As a post-workout duel – We all need something highly energetic to refuel our bodies after a workout. Dried dates can work wonders by adding a boost to your post-workout drink due to their high energy content. It will provide you with a respite without spiking your sugar levels. Also, its anti-inflammatory properties can help your muscles heal quickly. Simply mix some jaggery and a few dried dates into your drink and blend.
Also, you may simply boil it into milk and let it cool down. This way, you can get the most of its benefits.
The Bottom Line
Dried dates (or chhuara), although not native to India, have been extensively used for centuries due to their power and nutritional potential. The numerous dried dates benefits are the reasons our mothers always asked us to eat these whenever we felt weak.
They offer not just a sea of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, but they also boast a range of other health benefits such as promoting good digestion, boosting brainpower, treating weakness, etc. Furthermore, their high fibre and antioxidant content make them a wonderful addition for those suffering from digestive issues such as constipation, insulin issues, skin problems, etc.
However, as you cherish this potent beauty, remember to keep a good conscience. Don’t overeat. Not only will it hurt your weight goals but your stomach as well. Don’t eat if you have IBS or diarrhoea, and don’t eat rightly after a meal.
Apart from these things, you are good to stock up on these delicious treats.
Happy healthy munching!
Dry dates, also known as chuara, offer numerous benefits such as better digestion, reduced inflammation, better brain health, high energy, blood sugar control, etc.
Anyone can easily consume 3-4 dried dates each day to reap their amazing benefits. If you have an active lifestyle, up this number. If you are diabetic, eat in moderation to harness its sugar-controlling benefits.
Dry dates can be cherished by anyone. However, if you have IBS or diarrhoea, try avoiding it as it may worsen the situation. Also, avoid them right after a meal.
Dried dates must be a part of a healthier lifestyle due to their potential health benefits. Try consuming them each day in moderation.