Discover the Shocking Truth about Roti Nutrient and Calorie Content

Roti is a balanced choice with moderate calorie content among the myriad dietary options. Keep reading and embark on a culinary delight.
Shivangi Goel
14 Aug, 2023
12 min read

Visualize a soft, warm, golden-brown disc that invites your senses with an enticing aroma. You’ll be whisked away to a world of superb flavours and textures with just one taste. It is none other than the basic yet humble roti, a staple dish that has endured through the ages in many homes around the world.

Wheat roti, commonly referred to as chapatti, is a treasure mine of health advantages that have been adored for years.

It is not merely a crucial component of traditional cuisines. Beyond its mouth-watering flavour and exquisite adaptability, this unleavened flatbread has unparalleled nutritional value.

Keep reading to learn the secrets of this modest culinary marvel and embark on a culinary delight and well-being voyage.

Let’s start with the health benefits that wheat roti brings to your plate.

1. Roti A Balanced Choice -The Calorie Count

Roti is a balanced choice with moderate calorie content among the myriad dietary options.

An average-sized wheat roti, which has a diameter of about 8 inches, has between 70 and 100 calories [1].

But this might change based on the recipe’s size, thickness, and proportions. However, when compared to calorie-dense substitutes like rice or potatoes, its calorie content is still relatively low.

This makes wheat roti an excellent option for individuals striving to manage their calorie intake while still relishing the pleasure of delicious, wholesome meals.

2. Roti Benefits for Digestive Health

Let’s face it – bloating and indigestion are just plain annoying. Luckily, incorporating wheat roti into your diet can help alleviate these issues.

The high fibre content in wheat roti promotes improved bowel movement, aiding digestion and reducing bloating. With wheat roti as a meal staple, you can finally bid farewell to these pesky digestive problems.

However, there’s still a lot more!

Wheat roti’s fibre helps maintain digestive health while making you feel fuller for longer [2]. This means less snacking and more sustained energy throughout the day.

So indulge in your favourite wheat roti dishes and reap the benefits of this nutritional powerhouse.

The magic of wheat roti doesn’t stop there! For those watching their waistlines, this wholesome delight can be a dieter’s best friend.

Compared to its calorie-dense counterparts like rice or potatoes, wheat roti comes to the rescue as a lower-calorie alternative.

With approximately 70-100 calories per piece, depending on size, it allows you to savour the taste without guilt.

Aashirvaad Atta with Multigrains

Yes, please! Consuming roti made from the finest atta is essential to reap the abovementioned benefits.

There is no need to seek further than AASHIRVAAD Atta with Multigrains, which offers the nutritional goodness of six distinct grains in one pack: wheat, soya, channa, oat, maize, and psyllium husk.

The high fibre content of atta aids in maintaining healthy digestion. Three rotis cooked from AASHIRVAAD Atta with Multigrains provide 35% of the daily recommended amount of fibre.

You may not know that three multigrain rotis have the same nutritional fibre as six carrots or four beets.

AASHIRVAAD Atta with Multigrains is high in fibre, which also helps you feel fuller for longer.

3. Roti for Cholesterol Management

Let’s talk about cholesterol management. Wheat roti is a champion when it comes to this. How, you ask?

It’s the complex carbohydrates and fibre, my friend. These two nutrients tag-team to manage your cholesterol levels like pros.

Eating wheat roti introduces complex carbs into your body, much healthier than the simple carbs of most processed foods [3].

And fibre? Oh my goodness, that’s the good part. It is crucial for controlling your cholesterol levels and keeping your digestive system in good condition.

Unlike its refined flour counterparts, wheat roti retains the bran and germ, offering a wholesome serving of dietary fibre.

This fibre promotes healthy bowel movements, supports digestion, and lowers the risk of digestive disorders. Thus, choose a pleasingly soft wheat roti the next time you’re looking for a delightful way to lower your cholesterol.

4. Roti Benefits for Skin

Absolutely! Wheat chapattis, known as roti, offer a wealth of skin-nourishing nutrients, including vitamin E and B complex.

These essential vitamins can work wonders for people with skin issues, as they are often found in skincare products to enhance skin appearance and health.

Moreover, consuming wheat chapattis can provide sun protection to some extent.

While it is not a substitute for sunscreen, the antioxidants and vitamins in chapattis may help counteract the effects of sun damage and reduce the impact of UV radiation on the skin [4].

5. Roti for Boosting Immunity

In addition to fibre, wheat roti is a respectable source of essential vitamins and minerals. This flatbread helps to boost your body’s metabolism and red blood cell synthesis as it contains B vitamins like niacin, thiamine, and folate.

Likewise, it’s loaded with minerals like iron, magnesium, and phosphorus, essential for maintaining healthy bones and muscles and enhancing immunity [5].

6. Roti for Strong Bones

Many people don’t know this fantastic benefit of wheat chapatti, but it is a good source of phosphorus [6]. It is known to be a factor in calcium absorption in your bones.

We may not get enough phosphorus from our regular meals every day.

Hence we need wheat chapattis. Moreover, the zinc in chapattis facilitates the absorption of other minerals, particularly phosphorus.

Getting adequate phosphorus is directly related to stronger bones as it is a building block of calcium.

Parting Wisdom

Unveiling the truth about roti’s nutrient and calorie content has shed light on its remarkable health benefits.

As a staple in many cultures, roti’s wholesome goodness offers a rich source of essential nutrients, complex carbohydrates, and dietary fibre.

Its moderate calorie count makes it a favourable choice for those seeking a balanced diet. However, it’s essential to remember that the calorie content may vary based on the ingredients used and the cooking method.

Excessive oil or ghee (clarified butter) can increase calorie count while preparing the roti. Therefore, healthier cooking techniques, like dry roasting, can preserve nutritional value without compromising taste.

Embrace the knowledge gained to savour the delightful taste and the nourishing wonders that each roti brings to your plate.

Remember, a balanced and nutritious diet and a healthy lifestyle is the key to overall well-being.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Is it OK to eat wheat every day?

Too much wheat consumption can make the intestines work more intensely, slow digestion, and lead to digestive issues like gas, bloating, and water retention. Hence, eating a balanced diet incorporating wheat in proportion is essential.

2. Is roti a good option for weight loss?

Roti can be an excellent alternative for weight loss when included in a healthy diet. When paired with healthy and nourishing sides, its moderate calorie level and high fibre content keep you satisfied for longer and can help with weight management.

3. How many rotis to consume each day?

As such, there is no standard recommendation on the number of servings. Depending on your age, gender, physical activity, metabolic rate, and general health goals, you can consume the roti.

4. Can I eat more rotis if I am physically active?

You might need more calories if you lead an active lifestyle or regularly exercise. To meet your energy demands in such circumstances, you can think about consuming a few more rotis or expanding your overall portion size. But maintaining a balance and avoiding excess is crucial.
