Decoding Pomegranate Benefits Odyssey from Seed to Superfood

Enter the pomegranate – a compelling fusion of taste and health that beckons with its luscious allure. Scroll to learn more.
Shivangi Goel
18 Nov, 2023
15 min read

Are you health-conscious, striving to infuse vitality into your daily routine? Do conventional “healthy” dishes bore you to tears since they frequently lack flavour and excitement? What if there is a vibrant solution that not only tantalizes your taste buds but also offers a cascade of wellness benefits?

Enter the pomegranate – a compelling fusion of taste and health that beckons with its luscious allure. It is understandable why people have valued this colourful fruit for so long. The pomegranate is like a beautiful, round jewel.

Its rigid outer skin is a pretty reddish-pink colour. You find many tiny, shiny, red, or pink pieces when you open it up. These pieces are called arils, and they look a bit like gems. Thin, white parts surround them.

Let’s dive deeper into why pomegranates are a smart choice for your health.

Nutrient Profile of Pomegranate

Pomegranates are low in calories and fat and provide essential nutrients like potassium, magnesium, zinc, and vitamin C. As per the research, the nutrient profile of 1 Pomegranate is as below [1].

Nutrients1 Pomegranate
Vitamin C28.8mg

Health Benefits of Pomegranate

Decoding Pomegranate Odyssey from Seed to Superfood

1. Fibre Fiesta Pomegranate

Pomegranates are an excellent source of dietary fibre. These fibres help to maintain a healthy digestive tract. It cleans out all the trash and toxins from our bodies [2].

This magical fruit helps regulate bowel movements, prevents bloating, and keeps our tummy happy. So, if you want to keep things moving down there, grab a pomegranate and let the fibre fiesta begin!

Maybe you find it challenging to design a balanced diet and continuously seek new ways to increase your fibre intake. But you’re unsure of who to talk to. Please allow us to simplify.

The My Meal Plan test, created by Aashirvaad Atta with Multigrains and a group of expert nutritionists, determines your daily fibre intake and offers a thorough meal plan. This implies that keeping a balanced diet is something you can do with just one click.

2. Digestive Friendly

Pomegranates are rich in fibre, essential for keeping our digestive system functioning properly. It gives our stools more weight, facilitating easier passage through our intestines.

This implies that it might aid in calming intestinal inflammation and lessen signs like bloating and discomfort [3]. So, if you’ve been experiencing any gas lately, including some pomegranates in your diet may help.

You can frequently feel uncertain about your digestive quotient. However, Aashirvaad Digestive Quotient makes things simpler. The digestion Quotient test, created by Aashirvaad Atta with Multigrains and a team of professional nutritionists, determines your digestion score on a scale 100. After taking this two-minute test to assess your Digestive Quotient, use your scorecard to properly plan your meals and evaluate your progress toward a Happy Tummy.

3. Gut Guardian Pomegranate

Pomegranates not only assist in digestion, but they also support gut health. According to research, the antioxidants in pomegranates may contribute to developing an environment favourable for good gut flora growth [4].

And as we all know, a happy tummy means a happy you.

4. Antioxidant-Rich

Move aside Superman; there’s a new superhero in town! And it comes as a juicy red fruit – the pomegranate. This magnificent fruit contains antioxidants to help the body fight off those pesky free radicals. For those unaware of antioxidants, our body produces free radicals, and antioxidants counteract their effect.

 Free radicals outweigh antioxidants by nature; thus, we must constantly feed our bodies antioxidants from fruits like pomegranates. These antioxidants help protect our cells from oxidative damage and play a vital role in reducing inflammation [5].

5. Immunity Booster Pomegranate

Pomegranate juice is anti-inflammatory and antibacterial. It contains flavonoids, which can reduce the chance of spreading infection within your body.

Fun fact: Traditional medicine has used pomegranates to boost immune function for centuries. The people of the past recognized beautiful things when they saw them!

So, to prevent cold and flu viruses, drink some pomegranate juice or sprinkle some ruby-like seeds on your salad.

6. Trimming Down

Pomegranate is an excellent addition to your weight reduction diet since it is high in fibre and low in calories. Pomegranate fibre keeps you full, lowering your propensity to graze on harmful foods throughout the day. Additionally, it aids in digestion regulation, reducing bloating and pain.

These tiny seeds are also proven to increase metabolism. This scarlet fruit contains antioxidants that can assist your body in burning fat more effectively, making it simpler to eliminate stubborn belly fat.

Not to mention, it has hydrating qualities. Since it speeds up your metabolism, staying hydrated is crucial for weight reduction. Pomegranates are juicy and full of water, which keeps you energized and aids with weight reduction.

7. Blood Sugar Regulator Pomegranate

Pomegranates have a relatively low glycemic index (GI). It means they are less likely to cause rapid blood sugar spikes than high-GI foods. Thus, people with diabeties can consume pomegranate as it prevents a surge in blood sugar [6]. It also helps limit sugar absorption.

8. Heart Healthy

Who doesn’t want their heart to be healthy? It’s best to take precautions regarding our health. How, you may ask?

The nutrients these luscious, ruby-red fruits are brimming with may maintain our hearts in top form. Loaded with antioxidants, pomegranates work magic by reducing inflammation and oxidative stress. They say no to free radicals like a boss, protecting our precious arteries from damage. Say goodbye to clogged arteries, and hello to a happy heart!

9. Skin Saver Pomegranate

Pomegranate might just be the ultimate beauty secret you’ve been looking for. Packed with antioxidants, this mighty fruit works wonders for your skin health.

It helps fight off free radicals, those pesky little molecules that damage your skin cells and cause premature aging. These little jewels also have anti-inflammatory properties, making them a superhero for reducing redness and calming irritated skin.

What’s more, this juicy fruit stimulates collagen production, promoting elasticity and firmness. No more saggy skin! With regular consumption of pomegranate or even using it in skincare products, you’ll notice a visible improvement in your skin’s texture and tone.

Pomegranate Delights

Pomegranate Salad

Making pomegranate salad is very simple. Choose veggies you like to eat raw. Chop them into tiny pieces. You can use vegetables like cucumber slices, radishes, carrots, and other greens.

Than combine all the veggies and add pomegranate arils on top of that and mix well. For a better taste, you can make a dressing using pomegranate juice, lemon, and a tinch of honey.

Over the salad, drizzle this delicious dressing. In each bite of this salad, savour a blast of flavours that perfectly balance sweetness, tanginess, and creaminess.

Pomegranate Raita

A delicious Pomegranate Raita will enhance your dining experience. Mix yogurt with colourful pomegranate arils and a dash of toasted cumin seeds for a flavourful explosion. This creamy and light side dish adds a lovely contrast of textures and a tinge of sweetness, making it the ideal accompaniment.

Pomegranate Pulav

Pomegranate Pulav is a delicious rice dish that mixes the richness of basmati rice with the sweet-tart explosion of pomegranate arils. Indulge in its mouth-watering flavours.

To begin with, chop onions and soak rice. Take a pan and sauté onions till they turn brown. While they are about to turn brown, add whole masalas like cardamom, cumin, and bay leaf.

Once brown, add rice and mix it well. Also, you can put garam masala of your choice. Add salt to taste and pour water. Green peas provide a hint of freshness as the rice simmers. After being cooked, top the dish with pomegranate arils resembling jewels, adding a splash of colour and a juicy flavour to each bite. The nutty rice and the vivid arils in this pomegranate pulav blend nicely to create a festive dish appropriate for any event.

The End

Let’s quickly review the main aspects of the benefits of pomegranates for your health.

Pomegranate is a great powerhouse for scavenging those troublesome free radicals since it contains antioxidants. Your cardiovascular health improves, and the risk of heart disease decreases. It does wonders for your heart.

And yes, it even strengthens your immune system, assisting you in maintaining a healthy, youthful lifestyle. This wonderful fruit also encourages healthy digestion, aids in weight loss, and improves the appearance of your skin. You’d be crazy not to include pomegranates in your diet with all these advantages!

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What happens if we consume pomegranates regularly?

Pomegranate is very beneficial for your body. It can improve digestion, lower blood pressure, strengthen the immune system, and even make skin glow.

2. Is pomegranate hot or cold for the body?

Pomegranates have cooling effects. Its ability to improve blood vessel function and calm pitta in mind makes it useful for high blood pressure.

3. What’s better, pomegranate juice or seeds?

According to studies, the juice may help decrease blood pressure and dangerous LDL cholesterol levels. However, as with other fruits, eating whole fruit (so you may ingest the fibre-rich seeds) is preferable to drinking the juice.
