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Til or sesame seeds are of great importance in our house. Whenever we have a puja done in our house, especially havan, til are used. It is believed that offering ‘kale til’ to god helps remove all negative energies from the home.
And our story with til doesn’t just stop here. I have always tried to use til oil on Diwali for lighting my diyas. This oil is also good for cooking, just like your regular oil.
You can find two kinds of til in the market – black and white. And both these have their own nutritional values and health benefits.
Through this article, let’s learn more about black sesame seeds, their benefits, and their uses.
Do you know of the various names by which sesame seeds are known?
Check them out below:
Sesamum indicum, gingelly-oil seeds, teel, tila, simmiasim, tili, tall, accheellu, nuvvulu, ellu, and kunjad.How many names did you know?
What Are Sesame Seeds?
Sesame or til is a flowering plant from the plant family of the Sesamum genus. These tils are produced in pods and are edible. They are very popular for culinary uses in tropical regions worldwide.
Til is a very versatile crop and can easily grow in areas where the other crops can’t survive. It is one of the oldest crop seeds, having been used for over 3000 years for making oil.
The seeds produced the highest quality and quantity of oil compared to other oilseed crops. Sesame or til oil is nutty and flavorful and is used in different cuisines.
Do you know?
In 2018, India was one of the top sesame seed producers. The other two countries were Sudan and Myanmar.
Nutritional Value of Sesame Seeds
Til or sesame is a power-packed, nutritious, healthy ingredient used in Indian kitchens. They have some fantastic health benefits; let’s look at the sesame seeds nutrition chart below:
Nutrition chart per 100 grams [1]
Total Fat | 64g |
Carbohydrates | 29g |
Fibre | 14g |
Protein | 23g |
Potassium | 607mg |
Calcium | 1286mg |
Sesame Seeds Benefits

The seeds may be tiny, but they are sure a powerhouse. There are various reasons why you should include these in your diet in one or the other form.
Given below are the benefits of sesame seeds:
1. Sesame Seeds For Digestion
Our body functions well when we eat fibrous food or include fibre. If you have digestion or constipation issues, consider using til.
They are rich in fibre and good for digestion. It can help solve constipation and diarrhea issues while promoting a healthy gut.
You can eat ½ a teaspoon of these seeds during the day for all constipation-related matters.
For Happy Tummy
Include til in your diet by roasting and eating them as it is or using them in one of the many recipes. They are an excellent source for digestive health and the gut.
2. Til For Hair Health
One of the features of these til seeds is that they are great for promoting hair health. These minerals and vitamins are also found in the sesame oil. You can use this oil and regularly massage your scalp for results.
It is one of the sesame oil benefits that prevent your hair from turning grey and increases its growth. Additionally, there are certain antioxidants and amino acids that help to regain the dullness of your hair.
So, use til oil if you want the bounce back in your hair.
For better results:
Mix two tablespoons of til oil with two tablespoons of aloe vera gel. Heat it for a minute or so. Let it cool and apply on your scalp and massage.
Leave it on your head for 30 minutes and rinse and shampoo.You will see a lot of difference in your hair fall.
3. Til For Pain
Til oil has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, significantly reducing body pains, especially joints.
Using this oil on the pain area and gently massaging over it can help reduce the pain.
4. Sesame Seeds Oil For Oral Health
Til oil is very effective for oral health. Oil pulling is a technique that helps remove plaque and removes bad breathing.
Most of these oils used in oil pulling have sesame oil in them. The antibacterial properties of til oil make it efficient for oral health. It is also effective in removing mouth bacteria. Using til oil for oil pulling can also aid in improving gum health.
5. Til Seeds For Relaxation
Stress is a common issue faced by millions today. After a long tiring day, everyone wants to be relaxed. Til oil can do wonders in this case [2]. You can use the oil to massage your head or legs for relaxation.
Put some drops of til oil in the oil burner for a beautiful aroma. It can help instantly uplift your mood and make you calm and relaxed.
6. Sesame Seeds For Skin
These seeds are full of zinc, which is needed for healthy hair, skin, and muscle tissue. If you include these seeds in your meals, you can enhance your skin.
Apply its oil on your face and leave it overnight. It will make your skin tight and soft. Moreover, its antibacterial properties help to heal wounds faster.
Additionally, these properties also help in fighting any skin infections.
7. Sesame Seeds For Plant Protein
Your body needs protein, and you can get a good quantity of it by consuming til in your diet. You need protein to build muscle strength and hormones in your body.
These seeds are also suitable for vegans and vegetarians who eat plant products to fulfill their daily protein needs.
8. Til Seeds For Healthy Bones
One of the nutrients that til seeds are full of is calcium. Your body needs calcium for healthy bones. The best way to get the maximum calcium from these seeds is by eating them after soaking, roasting, or sprouting.
9. Til Seeds For Immunity
Your body needs super foods to build its immunity. You need strong immunity to fight against various diseases, viruses, and infections. These seeds are high in copper, zinc, iron, vitamin E, and vitamin B6.
Consuming til helps in enhancing your immunity and prevents you from falling sick.
10. Til Oil For Nose Blockage
Oil extracted from these seeds is very effective in solving a lot of problems. During weather changes, people often go through cold and nose blockage instances.
In such cases, you can use sesame oil and spray a little in your nose. It can help you to open nose blockage.
11. Sesame Seeds For Weight Loss
Obesity, or overweight, is becoming a significant problem, especially when people find it hard to balance the different nutrients. If you are looking for ingredients to support your weight loss journey, go for sesame seeds.
They are fibrous, and after eating them, you will feel full. If full, you will not have the urge to eat more. Hence, it will help you in weight management.
Uses: How to Use Sesame Seeds in Your Diet?
Til seeds are abundant in the market and come in different forms. Some of the forms which its available are:
- Sesame seeds
- Sesame milk
- Sesame oil
- Sesame seeds powder
- Sesame seeds paste
Below are some of the ways through which you can easily add these til to your family’s meal:
1. Til In Salads
Roasted til seeds are very delicious and crunchy. You can sprinkle some on your vegetable or protein salad and increase your nutrition.
2. Til In Sabzi
Many mughlai dishes use sesame seed paste in their recipe. If you like to try mughlai cuisine, do try these wonderful seeds. Adding its paste will bring your dish a unique and different texture and taste.
You can even use sesame oil for cooking these sabzis.
To enhance the flavor and make your tummy happy tummy, eat your mughlai sabzi with naan or roti made with Aashirvaad Multigrain Atta. The atta is rich in fibre and is made of six whole grains.
3. Sesame Seeds In Soups
If drinking soup makes you feel bored, try it with til next time; you will definitely fall in love with the taste.
Sprinkle roasted seeds on your favorite soup and get the crunchy and nutty flavor. It will make a complete meal in itself.
4. Sesame Seeds For Oil
Do you know, you can make til oil at home also. If you want to make it at home, toast the til seeds until you see a golden brown color. You can take a blender and add these toasted seeds with your favorite oil.
Now, let it blend until smooth. You can refrigerate the oil and use it for up to 2 years.
5. Sesame Seeds In Baked Goods
You all may have seen these gorgeous little til on your burgers. You can also add them if you know how to bake. When you prepare the dough, add them on the top and then bake them.
The seeds will increase the taste of your burger buns. Similarly, you can add til seeds in your breads, muffins, and crackers.
6. Sesame Seeds in Boiled Veggies
Going on a diet is a trend these days. People look for healthy yet tasty options to include in their diet. One such is boiled veggies. But these can be boring to eat regularly.
You can add toasted til seeds on boiled veggies such as broccoli for change. These seeds will add nutrients and crunch to your veggies.
7. Sesame Seeds In Cereals And Smoothies
Adding these nutty seeds to your breakfast bowl can be really good. These seeds will provide the nutrients, vitamins, and minerals you need for the entire day.
You can add these to your shakes, smoothies, cereals, and yogurt bowls.
8. Til Seeds In The Milk
For using til seeds in the milk, you can soak 1 cup of sesame seeds in 2 cups of water overnight. Next day, blend the seeds and water until smooth.
Using a cheesecloth, strain the mixture and extract the sesame milk. You can serve it cold.
Side Effects of Using Til Seeds
Black sesame or white, they both are good for health. Even though these seeds are full of nutrients, you should not overeat. Here are some of the side effects of using sesame seeds:
- Excess eating of til can result in drops in blood pressure.
- These til are full of fibre; excessive eating can cause gas or bloating.
- If these seeds are not digested properly, they will be left in the stomach for long. It can cause weight gain in such a case.
- Some people may even get allergies using seeds or oil.
- If you are on any medications, you should consult a doctor before eating them.
How Much Sesame Seeds Can You Eat Daily?
Since sesame seeds are available in different forms, their dosage is also different. Here is a list of how much is considered a moderate amount to eat til.
- If eating seeds, you can take one to two tablespoons a day.
- If using in the capsule form, One or two capsules twice daily.
- If you are using the oil extracted from its seed, you can take 2-3 teaspoons once or twice daily.
- If using the powder, then ¼- ½ teaspoon once or twice a day.
- If you use the paste, you can take two teaspoons a day.
Til seeds are a great source of fibre and nutrition. They can provide a lot of health benefits when consumed regularly. Moreover, it is a versatile ingredient that can work great in different types of cuisines and not just Indian. You can make new dishes using whole seed, paste, or flour. You can toast, roast, soak, or sprout them for enhanced flavor.
Additionally, the edible husk on these unshelled seeds can be used to feed farm animals. So, the entire seed can be used in multiple ways. These seeds are also used in cosmetics, medicines, lubricants, and soaps.
Also read in Hindi – तिल के चमत्कारिक फायदे
You can eat these seeds raw by roasting them and sprinkling a little salt.
You can eat one tablespoon of these seeds, either raw or used in any recipe daily.
It is very easy to roast these seeds. You can use your oven for it. Spread them evenly on the baking tray or sheet and let them roast in the oven for at least 5 minutes.
You can store these sesame seeds in an airtight container in a cool & dry place.
One of the black sesame seeds benefits is they are gluten-free. It means that people with gluten allergies can also eat these and the white ones.
Yes, oil made of til seeds are excellent in preventing hair loss and helps in promoting hair growth. Massaging the scalp with this oil also prevents it from greying.