Top 11 Benefits of Peaches (Aadu)

Learn about the advantages of aadu, or peach, and how their high vitamin, antioxidant, and fibre content may improve general well-being.

Peaches, or aadu, in Hindi, are soft and pulpy fruits. These are known by different names – pica in Bengali, peechu pandu in Telugu, and alu in Gujarati.

This is one of India’s popular summer fruits and abundant in many essential nutrients, offering numerous health benefits.

Hence, they may be a delicious and healthy addition to your diet. Let’s learn more about them in this article.

Everything About Peaches

Aadu belongs to the nectarine and apricot family and has an off-whitish to pale yellow skin with a large seed in the centre.

The fruit has a red and yellow-orange outer skin with a velvety texture. Peaches have a very pleasing and subtle aroma with a tangy and sweet taste.

This fruit is often used in salads, pastries, jams, and juices. They are an excellent mid-meal snack and can be added to smoothies, oatmeal, or a post-workout meal.

Nutritional Profile of Aadu

Aadu has an imposing nutritional profile. Let’s look at its nutritional profile in 100 grams of this fruit in the below table [1]:

Calories40.15 kcal
Sodium1.15 mg
Poly Unsaturated Fats62.61 mg
Vitamin C5.49 mg
Vitamin E0.02 mg
Iron0.35 mg
Potassium281 mg
Magnesium8.06 mg
Phosphorus19.08 mg
Zinc0.10 mg
Catechins2.33 mg
Dietary Fibre2.13 g

Health Benefits of Aadu

There are many health benefits of including peaches in your diet. Some of them are mentioned below:

Top 11 Benefits of Peaches (Aadu)

#1. Digestion

A healthy gut depends heavily on a healthy digestive system, and aadu may be your perfect companion for an excellent digestive flow and happy tummy [2].

Aadu may also be an excellent remedy for treating common digestive issues like gastritis. This fruit contains dietary fibre, both soluble and insoluble.

The insoluble fibre may help keep everything moving quickly in your digestive tract. This fibre may also help you stay regular with your stools and prevent you from facing constipation issues.

On the other hand, soluble fibre may provide good bacteria, which may help maintain a healthy gut and happy tummy.

This fruit may also contain short-chain fatty acids that improve the digestive tract by reducing inflammation.

To explore your digestive health more, attempt this quick digestive quotient test from Aashirvaad. In just 2 minutes, you can determine how well your digestive health is performing.

#2. Strong Bones

Peaches may strengthen the body’s connective tissues because they are naturally high in phosphorous, a trace mineral necessary for keeping bones’ form and stiffness [3].  

In addition, consuming peaches regularly may help stave off serious bone conditions, including osteoporosis and arthritis.

#3. Immune Health

Aadu contains many different antioxidants and beneficial plant compounds that may help combat oxidative damage.

These antioxidants may also help protect the body against many diseases and prevent ageing. Hence, it may support the immune response.

Aadu contains a compound that may help suppress the release of histamines in your body. These histamines are released when some allergen triggers your senses, leading to coughing, sneezing, and itching [source].

Vitamin A and E in this fruit may also help fight infections and strengthen the immune system. It also contains zinc and iron, which may boost overall health.

Do you know – the fresher and ripe the peach is, the more antioxidants it may contain?

#4. Skin Health

Peaches are a powerhouse of many minerals and vitamins that may be beneficial for enhancing complexion and skin tone.

Regular consumption of vitamin C may also help improve your skin’s health and appearance and prevent photodamage. Vitamin C in this fruit is a powerful antioxidant that may support collagen synthesis.

This collagen may work as your skin’s support system, enhance skin’s strength, and promote wound healing.

Besides, adding vitamin C-rich foods to your diet may also reduce wrinkles, roughness, elasticity, and colouring.  

This fruit also has a good amount of water that may keep your skin hydrated. A hydrated skin may be less prone to irritation, dryness, and fine lines.

#5. Hair Health

Do you know peaches may be great for your hair health as well? They are rich in vitamins A and C, which may be vital for scalp health. Vitamin C may help produce collagen that aids hair repair and growth.

#6. Heart Health

Peaches are rich in vitamins C, K, and iron, which are excellent for heart health. Vitamin K may prevent blood clotting and avoid heart diseases [4].

Iron in aadu may help form red blood cells. This fruit is also rich in lutein and lycopene, which may reduce the risk of heart disease.

The fruit’s potassium may help regulate blood pressure and maintain fluid balance. Thus, it may support controlling heart rate and protecting against strokes.

Because of these nutrients, this fruit may even help lower cholesterol levels, making it an excellent addition to heart health.

#7. Eye Health

Aadu is an excellent source of beta-carotene. This compound is converted into vitamin A and may help in retina health.

Moreover, this fruit has antioxidants called zeaxanthin and lutein, which may prevent macular degeneration.

Lutein may also help in reducing the chances of age-related eye problems. The potassium and zinc present in this fruit may also be beneficial for eye health. Zinc is beneficial in maintaining protein and retinal health. 

#8. Detoxification

This fruit has vitamins A, C, E, and selenium, which act as antioxidants and may help detoxify your body. Besides, fibre and potassium in this fruit may help reduce heartburn and inflammation.

Detox-rich food may help clean your body from the inside. This fruit may act like a diuretic that may flush out toxins from your bladder.

#9. Weight Loss

A good amount of dietary fibre in this fruit may help increase satiety and contribute to weight loss. Besides, this fruit is also low in fats and calories, making it an excellent addition to the weight management diet.

You can quickly check the fibre content in peaches by going to my meal plan by Aashirvaad.

#10. Dental Health

This fruit contains vitamin C and iron. Peaches also contain calcium and fluoride, which may help prevent dental issues and tooth decay.

Additionally, phosphorous may regulate the tissues in teeth that absorb calcium, strengthening the gums and jawbones.

#11. Anemia

Anaemia is a situation that happens because of iron deficiency. This fruit is an excellent source of iron and may be effective in increasing iron levels in the body.

Another cause of anaemia can be low levels of vitamin C in the body. Since this fruit is also rich in vitamin C, it may be excellent in fighting anaemia.

How to Choose Peaches?

If you want to choose the best peach, smell it. The sweeter the peaches will smell, the riper they will be. Press them with your fingers, and if you can gently press them, they will be ready to be eaten.

How to Store Aadu?

Unlike other fruits, aadu continues to ripe after being picked. Once you have bought them, and if you find any still unripe, you can keep them at room temperature.

Once they are entirely ripened, store them in the refrigerator. Please do not keep them out when they ripen, or they may lose their nutritional value.

How to Use Peaches for Skin Health?

Now, since you have read so many benefits about this fruit on your skin, it’s time to see how to use it to keep your skin healthy.

You can combine aadu paste with honey and curd and apply it on your face. Keep it until the paste dries, and rinse it with fresh water.

It will moisturize your skin and keep it soft and supple. Another way is spraying its juice on your face as a toner mixed with glycerine and distilled water. 

Aadu Halwa Recipe


  • Aadu – 2 cups chopped
  • Aashirvaad svasti pure ghee – 2 tablespoon
  • Khoya – ½ cup grated
  • Sugar – ½ cup
  • Elaichi powder – ½ teaspoon
  • Almonds – to garnish


  • Add ghee to a pan, add aadu and cook on medium heat for 4 minutes.
  • Once done, mash it slightly.
  • Add khoya and sugar, mix well, and cook for at least 10 minutes on medium heat.
  • Mix elaichi powder.
  • Serve it hot and garnish with almonds.

Final Thoughts

Aadu is considered to be one of the healthiest fruits. They are low in sugar and calories and excellent in fibre. Thus, it may help you lose weight and maintain a healthy digestive system.

This fruit also contains a lot of antioxidants and vitamins that may help you fight off many diseases. The potassium in the fruit may help keep your heart health on track.

So, why wait? Add this wonderful fruit to your diet today and take advantage of its many benefits. If you want to know more about incorporating this fruit, you can speak with Aashirvaad’s in-house dietician.


1. Is aadu a healthy fruit?

Like any other fruit, the whole raw aadu is considered healthy and a great source of many vitamins and minerals. It is also low in fat and calories and high in fibre.

2. Can you ripen an unripe aadu?

Yes, you do not have to worry if your aadu is not ripened when you buy them. The best way to ripe them is to keep them in paper bags and leave them at room temperature.
