How Millets Can Improve Your Digestive Health

In this blog, we will learn about millets remarkable comeback as a superfood and benefits for improving our overall digestive well-being.

While it may seem ironic, ancient grains like millet actually hold answers to the modern gastrointestinal problems that people face in today’s time. According to one study, over 40% of people globally experience gastrointestinal issues like diarrhoea, constipation, or irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). [1]

Fortunately, millet is making a remarkable comeback as a superfood with numerous health benefits after being overlooked for so long in our modern diets.

Millets possess wonder properties that may promote the growth of beneficial gut flora and aid digestion. [2] They may also be highly effective at tackling common problems like nausea, lower belly gas pains, and abdominal bloating in general. Their sphere of influence also reaches to gluten intolerance conditions like celiac disease. [3]

In this blog, we will learn about millet’s benefits for improving our overall digestive well-being. Understanding its prebiotic properties is crucial to discovering how it promotes the growth of helpful bacteria while keeping harmful ones down.

Keep reading to learn why millet is a functional food and how it benefits digestive health while being good for the body in every sense.

The Impact of Millet on Gut Health

The digestive system is a complex system of organs. Central to this system is the gut microbiome, an ecosystem of trillions of microorganisms that contribute to various bodily functions. [4] 

A change or an imbalance in the bacterial composition of the intestine causes a condition called dysbiosis. Dysbiosis can be grouped into three different types, which are: [5]

  1. Loss of helpful bacteria.
  2. Excessive growth of potentially harmful microorganisms.
  3. Decreased overall diversity of gut flora.

Dysbiosis may be further associated with digestive conditions like bloating and diarrhoea. However, it may also contribute to problems outside the gut, like allergies, obesity, and even mood changes. [6] [7]

The Role of Diet in Restoring Balance

When it comes to managing a healthy microbiome in the gut, dietary choices play a very significant role. Millet’s exceptional nutritional profile and health benefits have made it increasingly popular in recent years. One key advantage is that millet exhibits prebiotic properties. This means it serves as a food source for beneficial bacteria in our gut.

The dietary fibre and resistant starch found in millets undergo fermentation by those gut microbes and they help to:

Furthermore, millets have unique bioactive compounds called polyphenols and flavonoids.  [10]  

These compounds help to increase the number of good bacteria in our gut, like Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium, which allows us to:

  • Ease irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) symptoms  [11]
  • Reduce the risk of infections [12]
  • Improve digestion [13]

Digestion, simple as it may sound, is the foundation of a healthy body. Many people unknowingly neglect their digestion because of their busy lifestyles, irregular appetites, or ignorance.

Aashirvaad and a team of professional nutritionists have specially designed the Digestive Quotient test. It helps you assess your digestive score out of 100 based on your diet.

Why not take this simple 2-minute test to understand your digestive health? Thus, you will take the first step to becoming a happier, healthier person.

Benefits of Millets for Gastrointestinal Health and Gluten-Free Diets

Millets can regulate digestive functions, improve nutrient retention, and serve as a gluten-free alternative to traditional staples like wheat.

The table below summarises the health benefits of millet, especially for people with digestive problems or for individuals with celiac disease. This is where the body has an allergic reaction to gluten. It is a protein found in rye, wheat, and barley that damages the small intestine. [14]

Millets Aspect         Details
Fibre ContentIt aids in the management of disorders like:
1. constipation (uncomfortable/infrequent bowel movements)
2. excess gas (bloating and discomfort from trapped air),
3. cramps (painful contractions of the stomach muscles)
Gluten-Free1. Provide safe alternatives for people with gluten intolerance and celiac disease.
2. Supports better food choices in the grain group without compromising on nutrition.
Digestive Process Regulation1. Increases nutrient retention in the body.
2. Reduces chances of severe gastrointestinal conditions like gastric ulcers.
PotentialThere is a growing demand for millet-based food. Their examples are:
1. Ragi sevaiyan (vermicelli)
2. Millet-based breakfast cereals.
3. Millet-based snacks and baked goods 

Fibre is a healthy carbohydrate. Millet contains about 65% carbohydrates, including complex carbohydrates, resistant starch, slowly digestible starch, and dietary fibres rather than simple carbohydrates. They help prevent constipation, lower blood cholesterol and ensure a slow release of glucose into the bloodstream during digestion. [15]

To help you optimise your recommended fibre intake, Aashirvaad Atta with Multigrains has created the ‘My Meal Plan’ test. This innovative tool counts the dietary fibre you consume every day. It then designs a personalised meal plan so that you can enjoy all the benefits of a high-fibre diet.

Millets: A Functional Food for Improving Digestive Health

Numerous studies have positively highlighted millet’s antimicrobial, antioxidant, and antidiabetic characteristics. These properties can help you to:  [16]

  • Prevent the growth of harmful disease-causing bacteria and pathogens in the body.
  • Keep blood glucose levels under control.
  • In addition to their prebiotic properties, millets provide a range of benefits for digestive health. Their high dietary fibre content helps to: [17]
  • Regulate bowel movements and prevent constipation.
  • Lessen the risk of digestive disorders such as  diverticulitis (inflammation of the diverticula in the digestive tract).

Consuming millet in daily meals will help you improve your nutritional profile. This makes it a favourable option for developing functional foods that aids in achieving optimum health benefits It is also advantageous for those managing conditions like diabetes or gluten intolerance.

Aashirvaad Multi Millet Mix Flour combines millets like jowar, bajra, ragi, and Navane, offering a combination of protein, zinc, and magnesium.

It is also naturally high in dietary fibre, which means it will make you feel fuller for longer. You can create delicious rotis, parathas, or dosas with just three easy steps while ensuring you meet your nutritional needs.

Nutritional Comparison: Millets vs. Wheat and Paddy

The table compares the nutrient values in various millet varieties against wheat and rice per 100g. [18] [19]

 Finger Millet (ragi)Sorghum(jowar)Pearl Millet (bajra)Foxtail Millet (kangni)Paddy (e.g., Rice)Wheat
Protein (g)7.310.411.812.36.811.8
Carbs (g)7270.76760.278.271.2
Fat (g)
Minerals (g)
Fibre (g)3.622.36.712
Calcium (mg)3442543313330
Phosphorous (mg)283222290160306
Iron (mg)3.95.4112.81.83.5
Energy (kcal)336329363351362348

While you may be having a balanced meal, are you sure you are getting the recommended dietary intake? Millets such as finger millet, foxtail millet and barnyard millet provide plentiful nutritional fibre, protein and other useful compounds.

Yet incorporating them into your diet in the right proportions is only manageable with detailed guidance. This is where the Aashirvaad Dietician Consultation can help.

Our team of certified dieticians will work closely with you to determine your individual needs. They will then provide personalised diet recommendations to optimise your gut health and overall well-being.

With our expertise, stay confident of your health.

Don’t leave your gut health to chance. Book your Aashirvaad Dietician Consultation today.

Role of Different Millets for Healthy Digestive Function

Each millet type offers unique benefits. Let us understand from the following table that summarises the contributions of various millets to gut health and digestive function.[20] [21] [22] [23]

Millet TypeImpact of Millets on Gut Microbiota
Finger Millet (Ragi)a. Adequate calcium intake may reduce the risk of gastrointestinal disorders. [24]   In this context, ragi contains the highest amount of calcium (300-350 mg/100 g). [25]
b. Maintains gut lining and regulates digestion.
c. The fibre in ragi is highly nutritious, which supports healthy gastrointestinal function and reduces intestinal transit time. [26]
d. Furthermore, dietary fibre from cereals protects the colorectal lining. [27]
e. Types of beneficial bacteria like Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium are commonly found in the gut. They enhance gut flora diversity to promote a nourished gut environment and are essential for maintaining a healthy digestive system. [28]
Foxtail Millet  (Kangni)It helps overcome fatigue, improves digestion, and is a natural detoxifier.
 Pearl millet might help ease stomach ulcers due to its ability to neutralize stomach acidity.It is one of the few foods available that may prevent ulcers by creating a more alkaline stomach environment. [32]
Sorghum (Jowar)It helps overcome fatigue, improves digestion, and is a natural detoxifier.
 Pearl millet might help ease stomach ulcers due to its ability to neutralise stomach acidity.It is one of the few foods available that may prevent ulcers by creating a more alkaline stomach environment. [32]
Pearl Millet (Bajra)It helps overcome fatigue, improves digestion, and is a natural detoxifier.
a. Pearl millet might help ease stomach ulcers due to its ability to neutralise stomach acidity.
b. It is one of the few foods available that may prevent ulcers by creating a more alkaline stomach environment. [32]
Barnyard Millet  (Sanwa)a. As prebiotic properties promote the growth of good gut bacteria, they may help improve gut microbial diversity. [29] In this, foxtail millet is preferred for producing prebiotic drinks with probiotic lactic acid bacteria.
b. A study revealed improved sensory attributes and high bacterial viability in foxtail millet beverages.
c. Prebiotic supplements significantly enhanced lactic acid bacteria counts in the fermented foxtail millet drink.  [30]
d. Contains prebiotics to nourish intestinal bacteria.
e. Increases the population of beneficial gut bacteria while reducing harmful ones.
f. Help prevent bloating and gas.Abundant in dietary fibre, which is good for digestion and constipation and cleans bad cholesterol.

Millets: A Key to Better Digestive Health

Many scientific communities and government programs in India promote the cultivation and consumption of millet. This helps tackle health issues like anaemia, digestive disorders, and other micro-nutrient deficiencies to improve the nutrition profile of the general population.

Including millet-based foods in your diet may aid in improving your gut health while creating a stronger economy. These grains are rich in dietary fibre, which promotes active bowel movements  and supports a balanced gut microbiome.

Its unique nutrition profile and being naturally gluten-free makes it best suited for people with dietary restrictions or having gluten intolerance or celiac disease. 

Its unique nutrition profile and its natural, gluten-free status make it best suited for people with dietary restrictions, gluten intolerance, or celiac disease. 

Now, millet has also shown potential for controlling blood sugar levels and managing cholesterol. It makes them beneficial for diabetics as well as people with cardiovascular problems.

You can reap numerous health benefits by adding millet to your balanced diet alongside other grains. They not only enhance gut health but also provide a necessary balance for healthy living.
