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You may have seen a lot of wildflowers growing everywhere, but do you know what those flowers are? There are many, to be honest, and one of them is the Dandelions- “सिंहपर्णी का फूल”, which can easily be found growing everywhere and most of all in the Himalayas.
A very famous writer, Euell Gibbons, said in one of his books that there are many different ways in which the wildflowers can be used, including using in various dishes.
So, in this article today, let’s learn more about the Dandelion plant and how it can be used in our lives.
About Dandelions
People often believe that Dandelion is just a weed plant, but little do they know this plant is enriched with Vitamin A, B, C, and D, and a lot of minerals. In our country, Dandelion is known by many names, such as dhudi, patri, phuleejhaar, and many others.
You may be surprised that it belongs to a famous flower family – the sunflower family- and has a bright yellow flower head.
Dandelion’s name derives from the French phrase “dents de lions,” which means lions teeth. It is because the shape of the plant’s leaves resembles a lion’s teeth. Many call it a puffball, blowball, yellow gowan, etc.
The dandelion plant has more than 30 species and is produced in almost all parts of the world. These flowers can be abundant during the spring, and continue to grow till the early winter. In India, these can be found mainly in the Himalayan region.
Do you know that the Dandelion plant contains the same amount of iron as a spinach plant and has four times Vitamin A?
Properties of Dandelions (Singhparni)
People who research herbs say that the Dandelion is quite a useful plant and can be used completely. All the parts of the plant can be used in some or the other way.
From a long time Ayurveda has been using the stems, leaves, flowers, and roots for medicinal reasons. Apart from its health benefits, dandelions have also been used to make the following products:
- Shampoo bars
- Lotion bars
- Sunscreen
- Lip balms
In India, you can see people using the roots of the plant for stomach and digestive problems. The juice extracted from the plant also has a lot of medicinal properties and is said to be good for health.
Additionally, the plant has a lot of medicinal properties, some of which are discussed below for your understanding.
Medicinal Properties of Dandelion
Dandelion is a plant with massive health-related properties. According to numerous kinds of research, the dried leaves of dandelion plants are used to help with gastrointestinal and hepatic diseases. [1]
For a long time, dandelion has been used to treat several problems. Even the plant has registered its significance in Ayurveda, which is said to decrease pitta and kapha while also helping clean and purify our blood.
It is also believed that if the dandelion leaves and roots are combined, it can be an excellent substitute for the Ayurveda herb – punarnava. This Ayurveda herb is known to treat hepatic and urinary disorders.
Besides dandelion being very effective in curing disorders, below are some things where it can prove to be quite beneficial.
What are the benefits of Dandelions (Singhparni) ?

1. Dandelions for Digestive Health
A lot of research has happened on both the dandelion roots and its leaves, and it’s proved to be very effective in case of digestion issues.
Dandelion is used as a plant bitter for improving your digestion and a mild laxative (a product or ingredient useful in treating constipation problem) for increasing your appetite.
You can easily use this plant to cure your constipation issues as it contains certain chemicals that help improve gastro problems.
Dandelion is also a great source of fiber; hence it offers an excellent digestive solution. But it would be best to restrict yourself from eating large quantities, as there is a fiber known as inulin present that can cause allergies.
Also, checking for allergies before eating new food items is always better.
2. Dandelions for Healthy Skin
Over a period of time, when we all start to age, our skin texture also changes. Also, it becomes very loose and fragile and can easily be damaged by the sun’s harsh ultraviolet rays.
Some research indicates that the dandelion plant has properties that can help in protecting our skin from getting damaged.
For this purpose, dandelion milk extracted from its sap is used, effectively controlling fungal infections. Moreover, this milk-like substance has alkaline properties and can help eliminate and reduce fungal and bacterial growth in the body.
Since it is a natural ingredient, dandelions have no side effects, and thus you may even use it as a natural skin care treatment option and it may be used to cure acne, ringworm, itches, and eczema.
It would be best to remember not to let this substance enter your eyes as it can irritate them.
Additionally, it is always better to use a small portion of it and apply it on your hands to check for any allergic reactions before applying it to your skin.
3. Dandelions for Weight Loss
If you are worried about excessive weight and looking to shed some extra kilos, here is some good news. You can start consuming dandelion in different forms for effective weight loss. [2]
Dandelion can help you eliminate the extra fluids that are stored in the body and thus reducing your overall weight.
Eating or drinking food items prepared using dandelion will help fulfill all your nutrient requirements by adding just a few daily calories. Also, You can use dandelion in salads, tea, sandwiches, and coffee or drink it just as water by boiling its leaves and roots.
In the below sections, we will share some recipes you can quickly try using dandelion and be slim and fit.
It is easier to shed those extra kilos using dandelion since its high-fiber plant makes you feel full for longer. Additionally, research indicates that the plant promotes better metabolism and carbohydrate ratios, thus reducing fat absorption.
All in all, dandelions can give excellent weight loss results while you enjoy a happy tummy.
Additionally, you can also check for Aashirvaad’s Sugar Release Control Atta and Aashirvaad Atta with Multigrains, which are also rich in fiber and can help you control your weight and support your weight loss journey.
4. Dandelions to Boost Immune System
You will be surprised to know that dandelion is one such plant whose all parts have exceptional properties. Not only are the flowers helpful in treating a lot of problems, but it is also rich in different vitamins and minerals.
You can get Vitamin A, B, C, and D from a dandelion plant and minerals such as iron, calcium, and potassium.
Additionally, it also has antibacterial and antiviral properties that can help in boosting your immune system.
Nutritional Value of Dandelions [3]
In 100 grams of raw dandelion greens, you can find 45 calories.
Therefore, it is said to be one of the best ingredients for weight loss. Below is the nutritional summary in detail:
Total Calories | 45 |
Protein | 2.7 grams |
Fat | 0.4 grams |
Carbohydrate | 9.2 grams |
Calcium | 187 mg |
Fiber | 3.5 g |
Cholesterol | 0 |
It is evident from the above table that dandelion has a good amount of fiber and other essential minerals. Additionally. If you see, you will notice that this beautiful plant has 0 cholesterol making it suitable for your heart and body.
How Much Dandelion Can You Consume Daily?
We have always heard that everything should be consumed within a limit and that excess of anything is wrong. It is valid with food items as well. If you begin to consume ingredients in excess, they can start to react negatively with the body parts.
In the case of dandelion, here is the amount that you can consume comfortably in a day without any worry:
- If you want to consume fresh leaves of the plant – 4 to 10 grams daily (4-5 leaves in a day).
- If you wish to consume dried leaves of the plant – 4 to 10 grams daily (4-5 leaves in a day).
- In case of consuming juice extracted from the fresh leaf – 1 teaspoon (5 ml) twice daily.
- In the case of a fluid extract – 1 to 2 teaspoons (5 to 10 ml) daily.
- If using fresh roots as an ingredient – 2 to 8 grams daily.
- In the case of dried powder – 250 to 1000 mg, four times a day.
Easy Way to Eat Dandelion
The entire plant, apart from the stem of the Dandelion, can be consumed in one or another. You can use it in drinks or eat it in your salads. The plant has excellent properties and can significantly help you and your body.
Below are some of the ways through which you can incorporate the excellent plant into your daily life. Before starting with it, check the amount you should consume daily to avoid any adverse effects on your body.
1. Dandelion Water
You can use dandelion leaves or roots and boil them in the water for 15-20 minutes, strain them, and drink. You should either use the leaves of the plant or the roots or boil them in the water.
2. Make it a Part of Your Daily Salad
Mix the dandelion leaves, flowers, and shoots by steaming or sautéing them and adding them to the raw salad. If you prefer a plant-based diet, choose the young leaves and mix them with other green leaves, such as chard or kale and make it your perfect plant-based diet.
3. Drink It as Tea
The plant’s roots are used for making tea and roasted for flavors. Once roasted, you can keep it stored and use it when needed. To prepare tea, boil water, add roasted dandelion roots, and let it simmer for some time. Remove and add honey as per your taste, and your dandelion tea is ready to be served.
If you don’t find dandelion plants near you and still want to try out this nutritional tea, you can easily find dandelion teas in the market. Just use it as a regular tea and drink it every day.
So, it would help if you chose to drink dandelion tea to have a happy tummy.
4. Use It as Coffee Powder
Dry roasting the dandelion roots can produce a flavorful coffee powder that can easily be replaced with the available ones. If you don’t have access to a dandelion plant near you, you can get dandelion coffee in the stores for consumption.
The best feature of drinking this coffee is they are non-caffeinated.
You will notice your coffee’s actual taste and aroma after drinking this healthy, nutritious, and mineral-packed drink. Dandelion coffee tastes and smells just like your regular brewed coffee.
5. Use in Sandwiches
Dandelion makes a good substitute for your sandwiches. Since it is packed with goodness, give your kids a reason to be healthy. And making dandelion sandwiches is very easy.
Add low-fat grated cheese, a good handful of fresh dandelion leaves, crushed almonds, black pepper, chill flakes, dried mint powder, salt, and any other veggies of your choice in the mixing bowl. Spread this mixture on your sandwich bread and toast it as you like. Your dandelion sandwich is ready.
6. Chutney
Surprised to see chutney on the list; after all, Indians and chutney go hand in hand. Next time you plan to make your mint and coriander chutney, add some dandelion leaves. Your chutney will have additional nutrients and minerals in it.
Wrap Up!
Dandelion is not a very common ingredient, but it is power-packed. If you are thinking of cutting your caffeine or starting your weight loss regime, add this excellent include to your diet.
Dandelion has been used for a long time in Ayurveda for treating different problems and has some exceptional medicinal properties. Consuming products made from dandelions will take you on a healthy and well-balanced lifestyle. Moreover, using dandelions is very easy and does not require much preparation or work.
Try including dandelion in different forms in your lifestyle, and you will be amazed to see the results in your mood and body.
Dandelion is a good source and ingredient to help increase appetite and digestion problems. People facing constipation issues can also consume dandelion food products and see results.
Yes, dandelion is available easily and can be seen growing as a wildflower. It is a very common plant found mainly in the Himalayan region of India. You can find yellow dandelion blossoming in the Hydel Park, Kerala. However, this wildflower is native to Europe but known worldwide.
Yes, dandelion may be a wildflower grown everywhere but contains remarkable value and properties. Almost the entire plant is edible and can be consumed in one way or the other. The only inedible piece is the stem, which should be avoided.
Dandelions are known as kanphool per India’s Ayurvedic and Hindu culture, and their existence is known from 1500 BC. It is known as a bitter herb with sweet and cooling properties.
Even though dandelion is a natural ingredient and safe to use, people with allergies to plants such as ragweed, marigold, or daisies should avoid dandelions.
Dandelion has some great and wonderful properties that can help reduce the inflammation caused by excess pitta. Dandelion roots are said to have a cooling effect, and it even helps in blood purification.