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We’ve always heard our wellwishers asking us to eat lots of fruit – “Consume fruits. They are super healthy. Your body will bless you” True. Undoubtedly! But sometimes, our dietary goals evict a few fruits from that healthy fruit basket.
Obesity is a devil that must be reduced to memory alone to have a healthy and long life. And if you are on your weight loss journey, there are certain fruits that you must keep a healthy distance from. Why? Because some fruits
- Stay loaded in simple sugars
- Contain so many calories
- Have a high GI (Glycaemic Index)
- High in calories
So, here is a list of 10 fruits to avoid for weight loss and to achieve that dream weight faster.

1. Mangoes
Who knew that the king of the fruit world could actually be puffing you up? If mangoes are your favourite, of which there are higher chances, you’ll have to put some brakes on its consumption.
Mangoes must be avoided in the weight loss journey for these reasons:
- They are loaded with calories
- Mangoes have a high GI and are heavy to digest
A 100-gram ripe mango provides anywhere between 45-60 calories.
So, having even 1 medium-sized ripe mango (which can easily weigh well over 100 grams), can load your system up with simple sugars. This can come between you and your calorie goals. You may surely taste a mango here and there, but it is best not to consume it beyond limits. [1]
2. Lychee (Litchi)
These tiny berries could be the favourites of many due to their exotic and down-to-earth taste. But these tiny beauties could also be bad for your weight, similar to mangoes.
A 100-gram lychee can easily provide 55 calories
These stay loaded with simple sugars. So, it is always better to avoid them. But, because they are tiny, you may easily pick up a couple of berries and cherish them. [2]
3. Dates
Dates pull most of us into Arabian vibes. This sweet and caramel-coloured fruit might be utterly delicious, but in terms of calories, it is a big no.
100 grams of dates can easily provide around 340 calories
Also, there could be many packed dates out there that have been sweetened. They can shoot up your blood sugar level even more.
However, if you are athletic and are physically very active, taking a few dates can actually help you with essential nutrients and energy. It is because dates are a rich source of potassium, copper, magnesium, antioxidants, etc. [3]
4. Raisins
You might have heard your ancestors recommending you boil a palmful of raisins in milk and drink to get rid of weakness. Well, it could be true. One reason behind this could be its high energy content.
Similar to dates, raisins also contain high amounts of calories, most of which come from their carb content.
100 grams of raisins provide around 310 calories
This can pull you back from your weight loss journey.
If the purpose behind your raisin consumption is its antioxidant properties, there are plenty of other options available such as papaya, starfruit, etc. [4]
5. Bananas
You might have heard of milk and banana as a great weight-gain recipe. Ripe bananas are a big no if you are on your weight loss journey. There are two reasons behind this:
- They contain a good amount of calories
- They have a high GI (over 70)
These things make bananas give you an immediate burst of energy. For this very reason, you might have seen athletes eating bananas on the field.
100 grams of ripe bananas provide well over 110 calories
So, keep these energy boosters away unless all through your weight loss gain. [5][6]
6. Grapes
Grapes are nature’s candy. They stay loaded with natural sugars as well. This might sound harmless, but too much sugar spikes your insulin and makes you crave more food throughout the day.
100 grams of grapes provide around 100 calories
And because these are delicious, you may easily overeat them.
Also, grapes have a medium GI – around 60-70 – which can cause a sudden spike in insulin. You will get only around 1 gram of fibre from a 100-gram grape. This is of no help in your weight loss journey.
So, the wisdom lies in avoiding these green temptations. [7][8]
7. Dried Canned Fruits
Dried canned fruits should be avoided for weight loss due to their concentrated sugar content and calorie density.
During the dehydration process, fruits lose water but retain their natural sugars, resulting in a higher calorie concentration per serving compared to fresh fruits. They lose their fibre content a lot and thus have an opposite effect on our body compared to fresh fruits.
Many canned fruits are also often packaged in syrup, increasing their sugar content even further. Consuming these dried canned fruits can lead to spikes in blood sugar levels, promoting weight gain rather than loss.
Opting for fresh fruits or those canned in water or natural juice can be a healthier choice when aiming to manage weight effectively.
8. Avocados
Avocadoes and weight gain? Were not these a weight loss recipe? Indeed.
Avocados have been found to help in weight loss. However, because these fruits stay loaded with healthy fats (unsaturated), they provide comparatively more calories. And it is this calorie-related thing that makes it the fruit that should be consumed cautiously when on a weight loss journey.
100 grams of avocado can easily provide around 160 calories
This can push you into a state of calorie surplus and you might gain weight instead of losing it.
However, if you want to consume this healthy fruit, replace a few other bad calories with it. [9]
9. Figs
If you’ve ever tried figs, you might remember those strong, sugary sensations they provide. That’s because figs contain high amounts of natural sugars. This is the reason figs are often suggested to those with physical weakness.
100 grams of dried figs can load you up with around 250 calories
Note that we are discussing dried figs here. Also, the same stands true for several other dried fruits as well, such as apricots, prunes, etc.
Also, because figs have a GI between 56 and 69, they provide a quick sugar spike. So, they stand higher on the list of dried fruits to avoid weight loss. [10][11]
10. Coconut Meat
Although coconut is enjoyed much throughout India, it is much loved in Southern India due to its proximity to oceans. It is super delicious and possesses several brilliant properties such as antifungal, anti-inflammatory, etc. However, coconut meat also loads us with calories.
100 grams of coconut meat provides around 354 calories
The main reason behind this is that it contains high-fat content. So, if you are looking to lose weight, look to lose coconut meat as well. A few sprinkles here and there are all fine. [12]
So, these were 10 fruits to avoid for weight loss. However, there are a few other things as well when it comes to fruit and weight loss. Here are some cautionary tips:
- Try to avoid fruit juices as they take away all the essential fibre from them. And as we know, fibre is crucial for weight loss. Fruit juices contain more sugars and calories in less amount. This way, you might unconsciously consume huge amounts of calories.
- Instead, go for fibre rich low-calorie fresh fruits like apples, and since it is summers watermelons and muskmelons.
- Try accompanying your diet with other weight loss strategies, such as
- Physical exercise (at least 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week)
- Stress management (Yoga, meditation, mindfulness, etc.)
- Proper hydration (at least 8 glasses a day)
- Proper sleep
- And smile
All these things can work together to give you your desired weight.
So, there you have it – 10 juicy tricksters that could lure you well and that you must stay away from if on a weight loss journey. The reason? Their high sugar content, more calories, and high GI. All these things can make you gain weight instead of losing it.
Mangoes, lychee, dates, raisins, bananas, grapes, and even avocados, all these fruits should be avoided if you want to achieve flawless weight loss.
Remember, it’s not about completely ditching these fruits but being mindful of portion sizes and strategic about incorporating them. Don’t forget that fresh is always best – skip the processed juices that are loaded with extra sugar and ditch the dried versions of these fruits whenever possible.
We rarely realise that a bit of smart decisions can do wonders for our health. And soon, you’ll be well on your way to reaching your weight loss goals, while still enjoying the delicious world of fruits!
Fruits themselves don’t cause obesity. However, there are some fruits high in sugar, calories, and GI that cause weight gain. Enjoy them in moderation!
If you want to lose weight, fruits like mangoes, grapes, bananas, raisins, grapes, avocados, lychee, dates, and dried figs should be avoided. They are higher in sugar and calories.
Fruit juice does not contain any fibre and remains high in sugar and calories. It is best to avoid fruit juices for weight loss.
Weight loss should not be based on one strategy. Rather, it is a mix of several strategies. Combine a balanced diet with exercise, stress management, sleep, and water for healthy weight loss.