Tiger Nuts: Benefits, Nutrition and How to eat ?

Discover why tiger nuts are a superfood that you may want to include in your diet because they have several health benefits.

Let’s talk about a nut that actually is not a nut – tiger nuts. Many of you may not have heard about this name, but it is slowly entering the Indian kitchens.

Don’t get confused with the name, it has nothing in relation with tigers, besides the strips. You may have heard them as chufa nuts, earthnuts, yellow nutsedge or earth almonds, and they are not new to us; they have been here for centuries.

You will be surprised that many Egyptians even kept these in their tombs to enjoy them after they died. Today, many people use them for their numerous health benefits.

Let’s know everything about this superfood.

What are Tiger Nuts?

Tiger nuts, also known as underground walnuts, are tuber and not nuts. A tuber is part of the plant’s stem below the soil’s surface. Potatoes are an excellent example of a tuber. It looks very similar to roots but is thicker.

Tiger nuts belong to the Cyperus esculentus plant, also known as yellow nutsedge. 

Tiger nuts have an almond-like, slightly sweet taste. They can be eaten raw or cooked and are also used for baking.

 Tiger nut flour, being gluten-free, has been gaining attention, especially among people with gluten intolerance and celiac disease.   

They can also be an excellent substitute for people with nut allergies. However, speaking with an expert dietician is recommended, especially if you are allergic to specific foods.

Nutritional Profile of Tiger Nuts

Here is the nutritional composition of these delicious and healthy nuts in 100 grams per serving [1]:

Calcium100 mg
Magnesium93 mg
Potassium717 mg
Sodium0 mg
Zinc3.5 mg
Vitamin C6 mg
Fat ( Total Lipid)23.33 g
Energy400 Kcal
Dietary Fibre33.3gm

Health Benefits of Tiger Nuts    

These nuts are an excellent source of natural minerals. Let’s look at some of its incredible health advantages:

Tiger Nuts Benefits

#1. Digestive Health

Several people worldwide face common digestion issues, such as constipation. Simple home remedies or ingredients in your kitchen may help support these issues.

Do you know it is so easy to check how your digestive health is performing? A quick 2-minute digestive quotient test is all you need.

If you are searching for healthy ingredients that may solve your common digestion issues – you may want to include these nuts in your diet.

These nuts are a great source of dietary fibre. This fibre is needed to feed the healthy and good gut bacteria that may help keep your digestive system running smoothly.

This fibre may also help manage constipation as it adds bulk to your stool and facilitates easy passage of food digested in the stomach.

Additionally, lipases, catalases, and amylases found in tiger nuts may help digestion and prevent gastrointestinal symptoms, including diarrhoea and flatulence [2].

#2. Teeth and Bones Health

The calcium in these nuts may help keep bones and teeth healthy. They are also sources of Magnesium, which may help in the structural development of bones and the active transport of calcium ions across cell membranes.

Similarly, vitamin C may also help absorb iron, which is needed to protect teeth and bones [3].

#3. Immune Health

Immune health should be everyone’s top priority, as a healthy immune system helps in protecting from diseases. The magnesium present in these tubers supports immune function and helps to promote normal muscle & nerve functions.

Vitamins C, E, and folic acid, on the other hand, may support the production of red blood cells and protect cell membranes [4].

#4. Skin Health

Vitamin C, a potent antioxidant in these nuts, may help with boosting collagen production. These nuts may also help fight cellular ageing by fighting free radicals.

Its oil may help hydrate your skin and protect it from external harm. It contains a good amount of magnesium, oleic acid, vitamins, tocopherols, and B vitamins.

The oil can be prepared by cold pressing the nuts, which may help nourish and keep your skin soft and supple.

In addition, the vitamin E in them may also protect your skin from oxidative damage and stress caused by environmental pollution and the sun.

Due to the presence of flavonoids, tiger nut has excellent antioxidant properties and can be used as a natural source of antioxidants.

Hence, it may support skin suppleness and manage acne and other skin problems. This vitamin may also help control skin itching [5].

#5. Packed with Antioxidants 

They are also a valuable source of Vitamin E, a potent antioxidant that aids in supporting immune and Heart health.

#6. Weight Management

Owing to their high fiber content, these nuts may help you stay full for a long time, giving you a feeling of satiety, and may reduce your cravings to eat frequently. 

However, it is important to remember that these nuts alone may not help you lose weight. Hence, you may want to include them along with a balanced diet to achieve your goals.

Also, remember that moderation is the key for any food to give us its optimum benefits; hence, we should consume these tubers in moderate amounts [6].

Check out my meal plan by Aashirvaad to know more about the fibre content in these nuts or any other ingredient.

#7. Heart Health

Studies reveal that Tiger nuts have a fat profile that is comparable to that of heart-healthy olive oil since they are an excellent source of monounsaturated fats and omega-3 fatty acids, which may help balance cholesterol levels.It is the high oleic acid content in them which helps to lower cholesterol levels in the body

Cholesterol plays a vital role in managing heart health. The fatty acid profile profile of these nuts may aid in managing your cholesterol and triglyceride levels. They may also enhance cardiovascular health by improving blood flow and lowering blood clot risks. [7]

#8. Diabetic Health

These nuts may also help keep your blood sugar levels under control. It may be because of the high fibre content that helps in slowing the absorption of sugar in your gut.

In fact, tiger nut milk may be recommended for diabetics, as its carbohydrate content is a base of sucrose

and starch (without glucose).[7] Moreover, a good amount of amino acid arginine present in them may liberate the hormone that produces insulin, which is essential to manage blood sugar levels [9].

Tiger Nut Milk Recipe

Quantity – 1 litre


Tiger nuts – 200 gram

Filtered water – 800 ml


  • Keep tiger nuts in a bowl or jug soaked with double their volume of filtered water for at least 12-24 hours.
  • Drain the nuts and rinse them well before using.
  • Add them to a blender, add 800 ml filtered water, and blend it for at least 1-2 minutes until you see a good consistency.
  • Strain the blended milk and store it in an airtight container.
  • This milk stays fresh for a minimum of five days.
  • If you see something sticky at the bottom of the container, don’t be afraid; it will be resistant to starch, so just shake it before using it.
  • Also, do not discard the leftover after straining the milk. It can be an excellent addition to smoothies or porridges.

How to Add Tiger Nuts to Your Diet?

Let’s look at some ways through which these nuts can become a part of your diet:

  • Eat them as a snack.
  • Soak them and add a few to your smoothie.
  • Add them to your homemade seed trail.
  • Bake them in your favourite recipe.
  • Toss chopped nuts in your salad.
  • Mix them with your porridge or oatmeal.
  • Blend them in your dips or sauces.
  • Add them while making homemade energy bars.

Precautions with Tiger Nuts

Even though these nuts may be exceptionally good, you must eat them in moderation. They are a rich source of fibre, and hence, excessive consumption may interfere with the digestive system and lead to bloating, flatulence, etc.


The nutty and delicious tiger nuts bring unique nutritional benefits and qualities that may excite and inspire you to include them in your diet.

They are sweet and flavour, offering wholesome goodness. Incorporating these nuts into your diet may be a healthy and delightful choice.

So, start your tasty, nutty, and flavourful journey to being healthy today with Tiger Nuts.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How to strain tiger nut milk?

You can use a nut strain bag or even a muslin cloth. You will need one of these,  as a fine mesh sieve won’t help straining the milk properly.

2. Can women eat tiger nuts?

Yes, tiger nuts are packed with healthy nutrients suitable for women’s health. These nuts may help in improving  their digestion and skin health.

3. Can you feel sleepy after eating tiger nuts?

No, no such evidence suggests that one can feel sleepy after eating these nuts.

4. How many tiger nuts can be eaten in a day?

You should try to eat these nuts in moderation. You can always check with your healthcare provider to understand the correct quantity per your needs.

5. Is there any adverse effect of eating tiger nuts on cholesterol?

No, tiger nuts do not increase cholesterol levels. They may help manage the bad cholesterol levels in your body.
