Your Road to Holistic Wellness: Triphala

Known as the Rasayana by Ayurveda, Triphala holds immense antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties that are excellent for health.
Kanchan Dulhani
25 Aug, 2023
15 min read

Do you remember when life was not as fast as today, but moving at a much slower pace? People used to live in synch with nature, and holistic wellness was not a TikTok trend but a way of life.

Even listening to it sounds so surreal.

Yes, we are talking about the time when everything was surrounded by nature and Ayurveda, where the benefits of each herb were given in detail.

Today, people may have forgotten the hidden gems of Indian cuisine, but they are not entirely lost.

One such is Triphala, a wonderful herb made of three fruits – amla, haritaki and bibhitaki.

These three powerful fruits were combined to create a superhero – Triphala to secure our well-being.

Our ancestors have relied significantly on these Ayurvedic practices to stay fit and healthy; now it’s time to return to our roots.

This magnificent superhero has existed for centuries; each excellent fruit offers its goodness and richness.

Now that people are becoming health conscious and looking for healthy and natural everyday options, Triphala is again in the limelight. So, today, we will discuss the different benefits of using it in this article.

Let’s begin this exciting journey.

What is Triphala?

Triphala, a magical blend rooted in the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda, is nature’s gift to holistic wellness [1]. Imagine three powerful fruits – amla, haritaki and bibhitaki – coming together in a synergistic dance to create something truly extraordinary.

These fruits unite to craft Triphala, a time-tested formulation designed to harmonize the body and rejuvenate it from the inside out.

You can find it in capsules, triphala churna or powder, juice, and even syrups.

There are many benefits of consuming it, but before that, let’s look at the three fruits and their role in Triphala.

1. Amla in Triphala

Amla, or Indian gooseberry, has always been considered an essential part of Indian Ayurveda. You will be surprised to know that amla is India’s oldest known edible fruit.

You can see amla grown everywhere in India, and have a very sharp, sour, and fibrous texture. Since amla is an excellent source of Vitamin C, it is perfect for building immunity.

2. Bibhitaki in Triphala

Bibhitaki grows on a giant tree known as Terminalia bellirica. The tree’s fruit – Bibhitaki, has been used since Ayurveda days to fight viral and bacterial infections.

It is an excellent source of tannins, flavones, lignans, ellagic and gallic acid, all considered healthy for the body [2].

It is most frequently used for its anti-inflammatory qualities.

3. Haritaki in Triphala

Do you know who is known as the king of medicines in Ayurveda? It is haritaki and is also an essential element of Triphala and has been utilized for various health conditions since antiquity [3].

It contains phytochemicals such as terpenes, polyphenols, anthocyanins, and flavonoids with strong health benefits. Haritaki is also thought to have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects.

Health Benefits of Triphala

Triphala benefits

Triphala isn’t just a blend of fruits; it’s a holistic treasure trove of health benefits waiting to be discovered.

Using its powder, churna, or any other form has many benefits. It isn’t a one-trick pony; it’s a multitasking marvel that balances your entire body.

Triphala’s benefits weave a tapestry of wellness, inviting you to experience the vitality and vibrancy from centuries of Ayurvedic wisdom.

#1 Triphala for Digestion

Triphala is renowned for its remarkable benefits in supporting digestion [4]. This Ayurvedic blend works synergistically to promote digestive health in several ways.

To begin, it improves how the digestive tract works by encouraging the development of digestive enzymes.

These enzymes aid in breaking down food, facilitating better nutrient absorption and smoother digestion, resulting in making your tummy happy tummy.

Secondly, it acts as a gentle yet effective natural laxative. Haritaki, one of the components, has mild laxative properties that help relieve constipation by promoting regular bowel movements.

Additionally, its general purifying and cleansing characteristics can aid in clearing the digestive tract of accumulated waste and pollutants.

In addition to assisting with digestion, this cleansing process can enhance the overall health of the gut and relieve symptoms like bloating and indigestion.

Digestive Quotient Test

While you learn the excellent benefits of Triphala for digestion, remember to check the Digestive Quotient Test. It is a beautiful initiative by Aashirvaad Atta with Multigrain to tell you about your digestive health by taking a simple test.

#2 Triphala Full of Anti-Inflammatory Properties

Triphala churna benefits extend beyond making your tummy happy tummy.

It also encompasses remarkable anti-inflammatory properties [5]. Amla effectively reduces inflammation due to its potent antioxidant and vitamin C content.

Free radicals, which cause tissue damage and inflammation, are neutralized by antioxidants.

By scavenging these harmful molecules, Amla aids in reducing oxidative stress and inflammation in various body systems.

Haritaki, another critical component, possesses anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties.

Its ability to calm irritation and soothe tissues can contribute to a reduction in inflammation-related discomfort.

Bibhitaki, known for its cleansing properties, also aids in managing inflammation by supporting the body’s natural detoxification processes.

By helping to eliminate toxins and waste, it indirectly contributes to lowering inflammation levels.

When the body has anti-inflammatory properties, it can fight against various infections, viruses, and bacteria, thus, increasing overall immunity.

#3 Triphala for Dental Health

Triphala’s benefits extend to dental health, offering a natural and holistic approach to oral care [6]. Its antibacterial qualities aid in preventing the development of dangerous germs in the mouth.

Lowering the incidence of cavities, gum disease, and foul breath helps enhance oral hygiene. So, how do you use it for dental health?

You can massage your gums with its powder or use it as a mouthwash to reduce gum inflammation and promote overall health.

Additionally, its natural cleansing and detoxifying properties can assist in reducing the buildup of plaque on teeth.

It not only supports a cleaner smile but also contributes to preventing dental issues like cavities and gum disease.

#4 Triphala for Weight Loss

For all those looking for a natural way to shed some extra kilos, Triphala is recognized for its potential benefits in supporting weight management [7].

Its blend can help improve the metabolism of your body.

Thus, allowing your body to absorb nutrients far better and preventing the accumulation of toxins that might hinder weight loss efforts.

It is also a potent herb that promotes weight loss. It stimulates the hormone cholecystokinin’s secretion, which notifies the brain when the stomach is full and gives you a satiated and fuller feeling.

You can take a tablespoon of its churna three times daily with warm water to reduce belly fat and lose weight.

#5 Triphala Improves Skin Health

This incredible herb has outshined itself in skin health as well [8]. It is because of the different fruits it is made of. For instance, amla, one of its components, is rich in vitamin C and antioxidants.

These antioxidants help neutralize free radicals contributing to premature ageing and skin damage. It can make skin radiant and lessen ageing symptoms like fine lines and wrinkles.

Additionally, its anti-inflammatory characteristics can aid in reducing inflammation, redness, and skin irritation.

People with sensitive or reactive skin may benefit the most from it. Similarly, its cleansing action can help remove impurities that might clog pores and prevent the skin from effectively retaining moisture.

It can result in improved skin hydration and a more youthful appearance.

So, how can you use it for healthy and radiant skin? You can use it externally as a face mask, scrub, or toner.

It is very easy to create a paste with its powder and water or other natural ingredients such as Gulab jal (rose water). It can provide exfoliation, cleansing, and nourishment to the skin.

#6 Helps in Reducing Stress

Believe it or not, if you are feeling fine, you will have lesser stress and one less thing to worry about – your health.

According to Ayurveda, imbalances in the doshas (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha) can contribute to stress [9].

Triphala’s balancing properties can help harmonize these doshas, potentially reducing tendencies toward stress.

Moreover, its rejuvenating effects on various bodily tissues can contribute to overall vitality.

Feeling more energized and vibrant makes you better equipped to cope with daily stressors.

Side Effects of Consuming Triphala

The herb Triphala is derived from fruits that are beneficial to general health; therefore, it is generally safe to consume.

The same is valid for everything in our world, though, as there is always a good and a negative side to a coin.

Therefore, it is imperative to understand the potential side effects of consuming its powder or any other variant.

One primary side effect is interference with any other drug or medicine.

If you are on prescribed medication and looking to introduce it into your diet, it is better to check it with your doctor and take the go-ahead. Sometimes, specific natural herbs may have some side effects with your regular medication.

Additionally, it is always a great idea to talk to your family doctor before introducing anything new, even if it is a natural product.

Not everyone’s body reacts in the same manner, and with a food product that one can easily consume, the other may face troubles.

So, check for any allergic conditions before consuming. It may not be because of Triphala, but one of the three fruits blended in it.

How Can You Include Triphala in Your Diet?

Including it in your diet is easy and even easier to find as it is available in various forms. You can purchase its powder, churan, juice, syrup, and capsule.

The best way to consume it is to take it between meals, preferably on an empty stomach. Taking 500 mg to 1 gram daily is also recommended as a safe amount.

You can mix the powder or churan with honey and warm water and drink the mixture before meals.

You can mix Triphala powder with ghee and warm water for a refreshing and soothing drink.


Triphala shines as a balancing gem prized for ages in holistic wellness.

It provides a symphony of advantages, including digestive support, detoxification, immune fortification, and much more, thanks to its combination of Amla, Haritaki, and Bibhitaki.

Triphala is a monument to the wisdom of old customs and the continuing force of nature as you travel through the realms of well-being.

It invites you to experience its soothing embrace, regardless of whether your goal is digestive harmony or general energy.

To maximize the benefits of Triphala for your particular route to well-being, keep in mind that, as with any wellness attempt, consultation with a healthcare practitioner or an Ayurvedic specialist can help you traverse your journey confidently.

Begin your wellness journey today and feel the change.


1. What is the benefit of including Triphala in the diet?

An age-old herbal treatment called Triphala has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties. It has several health advantages, including boosting general wellness and enhancing oral and digestive health.

2. Is it ok to consume Triphala every day?

It is generally safe to consume it on a daily basis, but remember, if you have any prescribed medications or known allergies, it is better to consult a doctor before introducing it into your diet.

3. Are there any side effects of eating or drinking Triphala?

Since it is made with a blend of three fruits, it is considered safe for general consumption. But if you have a known allergic situation, it is advisable to consult your doctor and then consume.

4. Should you take Triphala in the morning or at night?

The best way to consume it is between meals; hence, it can be taken in the morning or night.

5. Can Triphala help in reducing weight?

It has properties that make one feel full and satisfied. Therefore, it is considered an excellent natural way of reducing belly fat and maintaining overall weight.
