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Kaddu and petha are some of the typical pumpkin names in India. Most people love to eat it cooked, but do you know how great pumpkin seeds are?
To give you a little idea, they have been associated with health benefits for over 7500 years. Let’s find out everything in this article today.
Kaddu is said to have an extensive list of nutritional values which are great for health. They have good protein, vitamins, unsaturated fatty acids, and minerals. The best part is they are found easily everywhere in India and can be used to prepare many dishes.
What Are Pumpkin Seeds?
Pumpkin is a very popular vegetable in India. It is grown on large, long vines where female pumpkin flowers are turned into the Kaddu we eat. Pumpkin seeds, on the other hand, are inside this big round vegetable.
These seeds are flat and oval-shaped, and edible. The husk of the seeds is white, and the inside is green. You can rinse them under water once you remove them from the pumpkin.
Pumpkin Nutrition – The List
A 28-gram serving of pumpkin seeds contains the following nutrients [1]:
Carbohydrates | 3g |
Protein | 8.6g |
Fat | 14g |
Fibre | 1.7g |
Iron | 14% of the DV |
Magnesium | 40% of the DV |
White pumpkin is a highly nutritious vegetable and is called Kohla in Marathi. White pumpkin benefits are similar to the other variant and are good for cooking various cuisines. A lot of South Indian delicacies such as avial and sambhar are cooked with it.

Health Benefits of Pumpkin Seeds
In a small serving, these Kaddu seeds can offer a plateful of nutrients to your body. But remember, they are high in calories, so eat the amount that does not increase your weight. Below are some of the pumpkin seeds benefits for your reference.
1. Pumpkin Seeds May Aid In Digestion
Your body’s overall health is determined by how great your digestive system is. These seeds are rich in fibre[1]. Our body, especially the gut, needs fibre to function correctly and help digestion.
Hence it is one of the most fantastic pumpkin seeds health benefits. Good digestion will make your tummy a happy tummy, making you feel healthier and happier.
2. Kaddu Seeds May Help Sleep Better
Eating Kaddu seeds before going to bed can help you with better sleep. Kaddu seeds are also a great snack, and when you feel hungry after dinner and before bedtime, eat a few instead of eating anything unhealthy.
These seeds contain an amino acid that promotes sleep. At the same time, the zinc and copper present in these seeds can help improve sleep quality and duration.
3. Pumpkin Seeds May Help you Feel Calm
One of the benefits of eating pumpkin seeds is that your body will get a good amount of magnesium. Our body needs magnesium to remain calm and happy. By eating these seeds, you can reduce your stress while staying relaxed.
4. Kaddu Seeds May Enhance Immunity
Kaddu is an excellent source of different vitamins, including Vitamin K. Vitamin K is needed specifically by our body to heal wounds. Moreover, the various minerals in these healthy seeds fuel our bodies to fight against any diseases. Hence, consuming these seeds may help your body build immunity.
Just like seeds, you can enhance your immunity is one of the pumpkin juice benefits.
5. Kaddu Seeds Are High In Antioxidants
They may be small seeds but with great value to your body. Eating Kaddu seeds can help in reducing inflammation in your body. It is because they are a good source of antioxidants such as flavonoids [2].
These properties help in protecting the body cells from many health-related issues. Rubbing pumpkin seed oil on the area where there is inflammation may help reduce some of it [3].
6. Pumpkin Seeds May Support Bone Health
Kaddu seeds are very high in magnesium, which is required for 600+ chemical reactions in the body. Eating Kaddu seeds in one or the other form can also help in supporting bone health.
The available magnesium in our bodies supports the formation and maintenance of bone health. So, to have strong bones, include these little seeds in your diet.
7. Pumpkin Seeds May Help In Hair Growth
Oil made using pumpkin seeds is said to be suitable for controlling hair loss. It is believed that it may treat hair loss and help growth. Just like health, pumpkin seeds benefits for hair are also significant.
By regularly massaging hair with this oil, people can see an increase in their hair growth [4].
Also read – Best foods to improve hair health
8. Pumpkin Seeds May Promote Weight Loss
Since these seeds are full of fibre, consuming them will make you full for a long time. When your stomach is full, you will not need to eat again and again.
Thus, it will reduce your hunger cravings. Hence, it can assist you in your weight loss journey.
But remember, these seeds are also high in calories, so do not overeat, else it can result in weight gain instead of loss.
9. Pumpkin Seeds May Enhance Skin
These little pumpkin seeds have some excellent properties which can do wonders on your skin. They help in making skin soft and wrinkle-free.
Also, using these seeds in your diet can help remove acne and make your skin look young and bright.
10. Pumpkin Seeds Are Full Of Good Fat
These seeds contain a good amount of fat, which is good for the body. These are basically unsaturated fats, the ones bodies need the most. You should eat foods that are good in unsaturated fats rather than saturated.
Eating these seeds will help increase the good cholesterol and reduce the bad cholesterol.
Pumpkin Seeds Flavor and Texture
If you had tasted raw pumpkin, it would give you a bitter taste with a stringy texture. Since you cannot eat pumpkin just like that, it must be pureed or cooked.
When cooked, its texture changes from bitter to sweet, just like sweet potatoes.
On the other hand, the seeds are chewy and very mild in flavor. If you want a nutty and crunchy texture, roast them in the oven.
How to Eat Pumpkin Seeds?
Now that you know the benefits of pumpkin seeds, it is time to understand how to add them to your diet. You can buy these seeds with or without shells in any store easily.
Or even better, you can directly remove these seeds from the Kaddu. Here are a few ways to incorporate them into your meals:
1. Kaddu Seeds For Breakfast
People who start their day with something healthy should add these seeds to their breakfast. You can add them to your smoothies or mix them with yogurt. Kaddu seeds will also taste good when eating cereals.
You can even drink the juice of white pumpkin in the morning. Many white pumpkin juice benefits include building immunity and improving eyesight.
2. Kaddu Seeds For Lunch And Dinner
Kaddu seeds are versatile and can be used in almost anything. Try adding some seeds to your salad to give that extra crunch. You can even garnish your chicken or veg dish, soup, or pasta with these healthy seeds.
You can even drizzle some pumpkin seed oil over your greens and vegetables.
3. Pumpkin Seeds For Snacks
When you have a hunger prank between meals, eat these seeds and be healthy. Bake your bread and cookies with these seeds, roast them in the oven, and sprinkle some salt for a healthy evening snack.
Next time you prepare a dip, blend some of these seeds and enjoy with your favorite chips.
4. Pumpkin Seeds As A Butter
It is very easy to prepare seed butter at home. Seed butter gives a different and unique flavor to your ordinary butter. You can blend pumpkin seeds with some coconut oil until it is smooth.
Later, replace this seed butter with your regular or nut butter in your recipes. You can even find seed butter in grocery stores.
Tip – Use Aashirvaad Multigrain Atta for making your bread.
The atta is made of six whole grains and is highly fibrous. Three rotis made from this flour can offer you the fibre of 6 carrots or 4 beetroots!
Pumpkin Seeds Side Effects
Even though there are a lot of benefits to consuming pumpkin seeds, with everything, some side effects are attached. Since these seeds are fibrous, so if you are eating more in quantity, you may experience bloating and gas issues.
Additionally, since it may lead to a disturbed digestion process, there may be chances of constipation.
Hence, it is recommended not to overeat these amazing seeds, and if you face any of those mentioned above, contact your doctor for assistance.
Although these seeds are not allergic, there can be people with nuts and seeds allergies. People with these allergies may get body itching, rashes, headaches, and difficulty breathing.
Therefore, before eating pumpkin seeds, you should talk to a specialist.
Is There A Good Time To Eat Pumpkin Seeds?
Eating these seeds as a snack or with your meals would be best. Since they are fibrous, they will make you full soon. Add them to your diet chart for a perfect and balanced diet.
Additionally, you can eat before bed if you have insomnia or sleep disorder issues.
How to Buy and Store Pumpkin Seeds?
Look for unsalted and raw pumpkin seeds that you can use at home. You can also find salted ones, but they may contain more calories. Once opened, please keep them in an airtight container in a cool and dark place.
Concluding Thoughts…
Eating pumpkin or Kaddu seeds is like giving a bowl of nutrition to your body. They are full of the goodness of health. Including it in your daily lifestyle will show positive changes in your mood, sleep, and overall health.
There are a lot of pumpkin benefits that you can take advantage of by including it in your family’s meals. If you can’t eat them raw, bake them into goodies or mix them into shakes.
Whatever the form, these seeds will surely win your family’s heart.
Eating anything in excess is bad for health. If you eat these seeds in more than the required quantity, then you may have gas and bloating issues. It can further lead to constipation issues.
These seeds can be eaten in many ways. You can mix them in shakes, smoothies, or dips. You can even eat them roasted and salted as evening snacks. Mix them in your granola and eat healthy snacks.
Although it is safe to be eaten by anyone, infants and people with pumpkin allergies should avoid these seeds.
Pumpkin or Kaddu seeds can be a great addition to your family’s diet. They offer significant health benefits such as hair growth, digestion, and bone health, amongst others.
It is safe to eat 30 grams or around 1/4th cup of these seeds daily. But make sure not to overeat as it can lead to gastric and digestion issues.
Yes, the raw version of these seeds is more nutritious than the roasted one. The raw seeds have more fibre and unsaturated fats, which is good for the body. Although, most people like to eat the crunchy version with sprinkled salt.