Unlocking the Hidden Treasures of Walnut Benefits for Your Body

Discover the health benefits of walnuts in this comprehensive guide! From heart health to enhancing brain health, find everything here!
Shilpa Bhowmick
21 Nov, 2023
14 min read

Usually, health and delicacy do not go together, at least in our minds. That which is healthy does not give those tempting kicks to our tongues; that which tantalizes falls dull on health grounds. 

But this is not the case in two scenarios – when you are a good and creative chef; and when the food is our crunchy walnut.

Brain-like, brain-boosting, and beautifully brown – these are walnuts. 

Walnuts are one of the most brilliant foods on the planet. They are super nutritious. They are heavenly. And above it, the walnut benefits are many. 

The brain-like shape of walnuts stands true to their quality as well – they boost brain power. But the benefits do not stop here. From heart health to weight, skin, and whatnot, walnuts help.

Let’s celebrate the numerous wonderful walnut benefits and learn the best ways to eat, precautions to take, and a few fun facts. 

Let’s crack the nut and dig deeper. 

Know Your Walnuts – Names, Nutrition, and Narrative

So, why walnut? Do they come from the wall? Or is it because they are as hard as a wall?

Actually, walnut comes from the Old English word ‘walhnutu’, means ‘wealh’ meaning foreign and ‘hnutu’ meaning nut. It is because the nut was introduced from Gaul and Italy. 

Walnuts are one of the oldest tree foods known to humanity.

The earliest evidence of their domestication and consumption comes from around 7,000 BC. That’s pretty old, much around the time when people had just started to domesticate pigs, sheep, and other cattle. 

Now, only a thing of true beauty and nutrition can travel far these many years (around 9000 years) without any fall. So, let’s look at what nutritional value have walnuts been nourishing humans with – 

Walnuts Nutritional Benefits (per 100 grams)[1]

NutrientAmount per 100g
VitaminsVitamin E (7.3mg), Vitamin B6 (0.15mg), Folate (28mcg), Niacin (1.4mg), Pantothenic acid (0.9mg), Vitamin B1 (0.1mg), Vitamin B2 (0.08mg), Vitamin C (0.4mg)
MineralsManganese (1.4mg), Magnesium (177mg), Calcium (98mg), Phosphorus (508mg), Potassium (441mg), Iron (2.5mg), Copper (1.2mg), Zinc (2.1mg), Selenium (3.6mcg)
PhytonutrientsEllagitannins, flavonoids, melatonin

The rich nutritional profile of walnuts and the many walnut benefits have uplifted this food to the category of superfood. Nutritionists and scientists around the world have been suggesting the goodness that almonds nourish us with. 

But before we move into the why of this, let’s look at how walnuts are called throughout India.

Walnut Names In Different Indian Languages

Hindiअखरोट (Akharot)
Malayalamഅക്രോട്ട് (Akshodam)
Tamilஅக்ரோட் (Akrod)
Teluguఅక్రోట్ (Akrot)
Kannadaಅಕ್ರೋಟು (Akrotu)
Bengaliআখরোট (Akhrot)
Gujaratiઅખરોટ (Akharot)
Odiaଅକ୍ରୋଟ (Akrot)

In the rest of the Indian languages, Walnuts are called Akhrot. 

Walnut Benefits – A Superfood with Super 

Walnut and aging have a good relationship between them. The walnut tree can live up to 500 years, and for those who cherish this nut, walnuts pass the grace of long age to them. 

Those who cherish the crunch of walnuts regularly age gracefully and live longer

Studies say it. This is just one of the many walnut benefits. Let’s have a look at them. [2]

1. Nuts are for guts

To have happy days, blissful ones, and happy tummy you must eat good food. And this good food must be digested well to ensure proper flow of energy. This means having a healthy gut microbiome. 

Walnuts contain health-promoting qualities that not only increase the numbers of good gut bacteria, but they also mobilize them to fight off the uninvited sickness in the guts.

One study done on 194 adults proved this as well, where those who embraced nuts every day for 8 weeks had a higher number of good gut bacteria.[3]  

Walnuts also hold the potential to nourish your guts by increasing the number of a certain type of bacterium that produces butyrate. [4]

And lastly, walnuts stand tall and prideful due to their omega-3 content. This fatty acid reduces inflammation in the guts and thus prevents digestive discomfort. [5]  

A much-required thing to enjoy this world without putting your hands on your stomach and whimper.

2. Amazing in terms of antioxidants

Walnuts will never disappoint you whenever you think about antioxidants. They are rich in it. 

Vitamin E, melatonin, and polyphenols, all these antioxidants are found in the papery skin of walnuts. And they offer some amazing benefits.

  • Vitamin E protects our cells’ membranes from damage and also strengthens the immunity
  • Melatonin detoxifies and helps us have a good night’s sleep
  • And polyphenols bring peace to our blood vessels, relax them, and enhance our blood circulation [6][7][8]

Such is the beauty of antioxidants that they never disappoint.

Not only this, but a study done on 60 participants showed that when they ate walnuts regularly, their bad cholesterol (LDL) fell down. [9]

3. A Big Brain Booster

When I was a kid, I apparently used to think that walnuts are for brains because they look like brains. And now I joyfully know how precise I was. A wonderful coincidence. 

Studies in both animals and humans say that long-term walnut consumption may reduce the risk and delay cognitive decline. It means that you can remember things more clearly as you age, argue wonderfully well with your siblings and spouse, and even sing and dance to your favourite beats. Merry old days. [10]

The profound impact of walnut benefits on your brain goes much further. 

Not just the ageing thing, walnuts even make you wiser in your younger days. They will help you remember where you left your keys, recall important dates well, pick up your luggage, learn guitar, dance pretty well, and even feel relaxed in stressful situations. [11]

Now, make the wise choice of eating walnuts and become wiser. 

This also brings us to our fourth of all the brilliant walnut benefits.

4. Boast their Omega-3 superiority

But why Omega-3? What’s the hype about? 

The whole world is chanting omegas these days because they deserve it. Omega-3 (ALA) and 6 acids cannot be produced by our bodies. They can only be obtained from other sources. And our bodies need them, crucially, to function well.

Omega acids, especially omega-3, bless our bodies with several benefits such as heart health, brain health, reduced inflammation, skin health, strengthened immunity, enhanced mood, and the list goes on. As told, they deserve this hype. Their ‘awesome omega-3 content’ is one of the best walnut benefits. [12]

A single serving of walnuts (1 ounce or 28.3 grams) provides around 2.5 grams of omega-3 fatty acids [13]

And how much do we need per day? 

Males and females aged 14 years or more require 1.6g and 1.1g of omega-3 respectively. [14]

Walnuts also contain around 10.8 grams of Omega 6 (Linoleic Acid) in 1 ounce or 28.3 grams. [15]

5. Your Worthy Weight Watcher

Obesity is already on the rise. It is sitting upon our health and sagging our lives down. Not only does it deter our movements, but it also invites several other of its evil companions such as cholesterol, blood pressure, blood sugar imbalance, etc. 

Now, you might wonder and question – “how can walnuts help when they are high in calories?”

Wonderful. Here is how –

  • Our bodies harness 21% less energy from them without compromising on nutrients [16]
  • Eating walnuts reduces appetite and cravings

People who consume walnuts on a regular basis can even curb their deep cravings for cake, fries, burgers, etc., as compared to eating other similar calorie-dense food. [17]

Further another study found that people cherishing 42 grams of walnuts each day had a reduced waistline, body weight, and BMI. [18] 

Another study done over a period of 12 months proved this same. [19]

Calories will only make you gain weight when you consume more than you burn. But bad calories and bad fat (LDL) will even make you gain weight even when you are in a calorie deficit. 

6. Your Recipe of Joy and Ease

The cases of depression are on the rise due to the busier lifestyle and poor eating habits. And over this, COVID-19 came like fuel on fire. It increased the prevalence by 25%. But some great news here – 

Research has revealed that enjoying a handful of these delicious nuts could be linked to brighter days and sunnier moods.[20] 

Those who consumed it regularly had depression scores a whopping 26% lower than non-nut consumers. And guess what? Women enjoyed a dazzling 32% lower depression score. [21]

Now, here is something amazing for the students as well – 

Daily consumption of walnuts can be protective against the negative impact of academic stress on students[22]

7. Raise Reproductive Health 

Walnut benefits go beyond the ordinary as well. Eating walnuts may be a beneficial addition to your diet for improved sperm health and male fertility. [23]

It is not just about the number of sperms, but sperms’ shape, vitality, and movement also get enhanced when you eat walnuts. A study done on 117 young men on a 3-month walnut diet proves it well. [24]

Also, antioxidants found in walnuts, which are high in numbers, protect sperms against the oxidative stress that they face. [25]

8. Ace Against Inflammation

Inflamation is natural. It is a defence mechanism that helps our bodies deal with pathogens and injuries. It is a necessary part of the body’s healing process. When inflammation happens, our bodies send white blood cells, nutrient flow, and production of protein to help deal with the wound or infection. 

However, chronic inflammation is a brutal thing that you might never want to happen. But walnuts can ascend like some angel for your body. 

Within their wavy and crunchy body, walnuts hold a substantial load of antioxidants, such as flavonoids, ellagic acid, and even melatonin.[26]

And as read above, walnuts even contain a significant amount of ALA. This plant-based omega-3 fatty acid is renowned for its potent anti-inflammatory effects. [27]

Walnut trees can live for centuries, with some specimens surviving for up to 500 years. That’s a lot of walnuts!

9. Weave and Heal Your Heart With Health 

It all started over 30 years ago when researchers noticed that folks who consumed nuts more frequently (4 times a week) had fewer heart disease events. But how come do walnuts help our hearts? [28]

What makes walnuts special is their impressive nutrient profile. They stay packed with unsaturated fatty acids, plant protein, phytosterols, fibre, essential minerals, and several heart-helpful vitamins. [29]

All these compounds positively impact your heart. These compounds take care of several things from

  • blood lipids 
  • inflammation, 
  • and even glycemic control.[30]

What you can do is to replace your unhealthy fat intake slowly and gradually with healthy fats such as walnuts and other nuts.

10. Beautiful Blood Sugar Balancer

Another one of the walnut benefits is that they bring balance to blood sugar levels. Now, we surely just saw how walnuts prevent weight gain and push out unhealthy fat from the body. All this leads to lower cholesterol levels and better insulin management. 

But, walnuts go far beyond their weight-management skill to maintain blood sugar. One study showed that walnut oil even helped those with insulin issues and made it easier for them. [31]

These were all but a few of the many walnut benefits that have been healing humanity for thousands of years.

However, as there are benefits, there are a few precautions to be taken when consuming these healthy nuts.

How many walnuts per day?

Now as a general rule, 43 grams of walnuts per day is suggested. This amount provides a good balance of the nutritional benefits of walnuts, including healthy fats, fiber, and various vitamins and minerals. This should be accompanied by a healthy diet incorporating vegetable, fibre and nutrient-rich food. [32]

When Not To Eat Walnuts – Precautions and Side Effects

While walnuts offer a myriad of health benefits, there are a few precautions to keep in mind. 

  • Firstly, if you face any nut allergies, start with smaller amounts and start with caution. Observe the changes. Adapt. 
  • Secondly, eat under healthier limits. Eating more of anything can lead to digestive discomfort.

A handful of walnuts for even years will provide you with positive outcomes. [33]

Not just humans, but even squirrels are known for hoarding and burying walnuts to enjoy later. They can bury thousands of walnuts each year.

Should You Soak Walnuts?

One of the confusions that hover around walnuts is that if they should be soaked to get maximum walnut benefits or not. As for soaking, it’s not necessary for walnuts. 

A study done on soaking nuts and their mineral bioavailability confirms this as well. However, you may increase their digestibility by soaking them. [34]

When soaking, make sure you maintain proper hygiene to ensure no growth of pathogens as you’ll be soaking them overnight or for longer hours. 

Simply soak in clean drinkable water for 4-8 hours or overnight. Drain the water, give them a wash, and enjoy. Or you may simply crack a few walnuts and eat them straight.

Cracking The Conclusion

Brain-like, brain-boosting, and beautifully brown, such are walnuts for you. 

From their inclusion in our diet, rooted in history over 9,000 years, to their remarkable nutritional profile boasting antioxidants, omega-3s, and more, walnuts are brilliant. They’re the secret behind ageing gracefully, boosting brainpower, nourishing your gut, and fighting inflammation. 

But the walnut benefits go way more. These brain-shaped wonders offer you a recipe for joy and ease, battling depression and improving your mood. Not only this. They even contribute to male fertility, help with blood sugar levels, and even aid in weight control. 

We understand that these delicious nuts can make you eat them more and more. But please eat them in healthy limits and observe for any allergies. Other than this, you are good to go, for years and years, growing gracefully. 

In a nutshell, add walnuts to your life, and you’ll be nuts about how good you feel!


What happens if I eat walnuts every day?

Eating walnuts every day can have several potential health benefits, including improved heart health, brain function, weight management, and better blood sugar control.

Is 2 walnuts a day enough?

Consuming 2 walnuts a day is a reasonable portion size for a daily snack. However, the recommended daily intake is generally about 43 grams, which is approximately 10 to 14 walnut halves, to maximize the nutritional benefits.

Which is better, walnut or almond?

Both walnuts and almonds offer unique health benefits. Walnuts are higher in omega-3 fatty acids, while almonds are rich in vitamin E. The choice between them depends on your nutritional needs and taste preferences. Including both in your diet would be the right way. However, consult a dietician and your physician for a comprehensive understanding of how much nuts your body needs.

Can we eat walnuts at night?

Eating walnuts at night is perfectly fine. They can be part of a healthy evening snack. However, be mindful of portion size, as walnuts are calorie-dense, and consuming them in excess right before bedtime may affect your digestion and sleep.

Are walnuts good for men?

Yes, walnuts are beneficial for both men and women. They are heart-healthy and provide essential nutrients. Some studies suggest potential benefits for men’s fertility and prostate health due to the presence of omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants in walnuts.

Can I eat walnuts with milk?

Yes, you can eat walnuts with milk. Combining walnuts with milk can make for a nutritious and satisfying addition to your diet, whether as part of a cereal, in a smoothie, or as an evening snack.

Can I drink walnut soaked water?

Soaking walnuts in water and then drinking the water is not a common practice and may not provide significant benefits. It’s generally more common to consume the whole walnut, either on its own or as an ingredient in various dishes. Drinking the water used for soaking might not offer the same nutritional value as consuming the nut itself.
