Curd or Dahi Benefits Unveiled: The Surprising Health Secrets You Never Knew!

Curd has a long list of health benefits that are sure to please. Read on to learn how delicious and versatile curd helps your body!
Shilpa Bhowmick
17 Jul, 2023
14 min read

“Eat curd daily”, “Don’t eat it at night”, “Use curd on your hair and see the difference” – we keep hearing about curd every now and then. 

In India, this potent food has been cherished for centuries. And why not? 

If we believe the words of our grandmothers, curd, or dahi, holds the secret to good health in its cream. 

It can make our guts strong and blissful, help grow hair stronger and shinier, and make our tongue dance on its taste and bones strong. 

But how much truth do these words hold within? 

In this article, we’ll be discussing all the many curd benefits, told and untold, but proven indeed. 

Apart from it, we’ll tell you how and when you must eat curd (or drink), the precautions you must take, and a few interesting facts. Let’s scoop in.

Know Your Curd (Dahi): Nutritional Value, Names, and Taste.

Among the many curd benefits, one comes from its nutritional value. It is not only rich in various digestive enzymes but is also a vault of numerous micro and macronutrients. 

Let’s have a look at what nutrients we get from eating 150 grams of curd.

Curd or Dahi – nutritional value – 150 grams[1]

Energy146 kcal
Protein14-16 grams
Fat 7.5 grams
Carbs6 grams
MineralsCalcium, Phosphorous, Potassium, Zinc, Iron, Magnesium, etc.
VitaminsVitamin B2, B12, etc.

As we see, this milk-made delight is rich in numerous essential vitamins and minerals. 

And above this, its protein content is excellent. Attractive not only for gym buffs but for everyone. We all need protein to lead a healthier life. 

Apart from being a rich source of protein, this cooling food has many other benefits. 

We’ll look at all those curd benefits, but before that, we must get rid of a common confusion – Curd vs Yogurt. 

These two names have got the world scratching its head — if curd and yoghurt are the same or not. 

Are curd and yoghurt the same thing?

Let’s start with the answer and then clarify it. And the answer is both yes and no. We’ll tell you why.

Curd and Yogurt, although are the same, still hold a bit of difference. And the difference lies in how they are made. 

How are curd and yoghurt made?

Both curd and yoghurt are made after curdling the milk. To curdle the milk, different strains of bacteria (good bacteria) are added to the milk at a lukewarm temperature. 

These bacteria are different from what we add to make yoghurt. 

Where curd is made by adding either lemon, chilli, or Lactobacillus bacteria, Yogurt is made by adding either Streptococcus thermophiles or Lactobacillus bulgaricus. 

That’s all there is. 

Is there any difference in taste?

While both these dairy products look the same, their taste notes differ slightly. When you scoop out a spoon full of curd and eat it, you feel a bit of sourness in it. 

This is not the case with yoghurt. And because yoghurt is a commercial product, you’ll usually find its different flavours. You may find strawberry yoghurt, banana yoghurt, greek, fat, non-fat, fortified, and many more.

Names of curd in different Indian languages

Although the taste of curd remains the same throughout India, its name differs. As you travel from one state to another, you find people calling it differently. 

Curd names in different Indian languages

HindiDahi (दही)
BengaliDoi (দই)
TamilThayir (தயிர்)
TeluguPerugu (పెరుగు)
KannadaMosaru (ಮೊಸರು)
MalayalamThairu (തൈര്)
Gujarati, Marathi, Punabi, Odia, and UrduDahi

Benefits of Curd

First thing first – because curd is a dairy product, people suffering from lactose intolerance must avoid it. We’ll discuss what alternatives they may have later in this article. 

Now, let’s dive into the sea full of curd benefits. 

1. Graces your guts with goodness

This is one of the oldest known curd benefits.

Curd contains a colossal amount of good gut bacteria. These bacteria, also known as probiotics, help our bodies digest food well. The higher their number, the better for us. Consequently, we get more energy out of the same food and improved health. So, if you feel weak even after eating adequate food, chances are your food is not getting absorbed well or you are eating junk.

Another way curd helps our guts is through healing. Got an upset stomach? Feeling curls happening inside? Have a cup of curd or dahi and you’ll feel light. Or if you don’t like curd, have a glass of lassi instead. This will help you reduce your bloating issues. 

Curd has also been a favourite traditional treatment against diarrhoea. It promotes a flow of ease and coolness in your intestines. As a result, you feel good and get the required relief.

2. A good gracious dose of protein

If there is any nutrient that has gotten enough attention today, it is protein. And for all the right reasons. Protein not only helps you have those aesthetic muscles but also serves many other bodily functions. 

Our bodies require protein to create and repair organs, make antibodies and hormones, and use it as energy. Lack of protein means a lack of a healthier life. 

One of the key curd benefits is its high protein content. This creamy delight is a gem when it comes to protein. A mere 100 grams of curd may provide you with around 10 grams of rich protein. If you don’t like the taste of it (which is a rare case), you may turn your curd into a smoothie. 

3. Invigorates and improves immunity

After the Covid pandemic kicked in, the word ‘immunity’ became a permanent dweller of each mouth. Not just this. If you open your television and watch any food-related commercial, chances are that you’ll hear this word much. 

But why do you have to buy supplements when natural food can provide you with the same?

Curd contains essential minerals and vitamins that help build immunity. There is zinc, potassium, magnesium, and vitamin 6 and 12. All these micronutrients support immune functions. Furthermore, both curd and yoghurt have been found to be stimulating the immune system. 

4. Maintains blood pressure

When it comes to improving blood pressure, the curd benefits are truly remarkable. If you’ve read well through this point, you might know that curd contains minerals like potassium and magnesium. These trace minerals are known to be helpful in maintaining blood pressure. And we understand how vital this is for a peaceful life. [2]

High or low blood pressure not only stops us from cherishing our favourite foods but it also puts a halt to our movements. Furthermore, we attract lots of health issues due to this. Not to mention the falling mental health. But with curd? Not the case. 

Having a cup of curd can help you with an improved BP.

5. Strengthens bones

Stronger bones mean stronger life. You lift well, you run well, you win well. Such that when you walk longer distances, you don’t curse the journey but cherish it. What’s more? A cup of curd tastes much more delicious. [3]

Curd is very well known since ages for its bone-strengthening properties. It contains all the essential minerals that help us have a strong set of 206 bones. 

  • Firstly, it contains calcium. Now, calcium is what makes up the major proportion of bones – nearly 65%. Also, 99% of what we eat as calcium goes to bones.
  • Secondly, curd contains magnesium, phosphorous, and potassium. Now, these minerals lead to greater bone density. Bone density means you have a good amount of bone minerals in bone tissues.
  • Lastly, it has protein. Although protein doesn’t make bones muscular (which is as foolish as it can get), it helps in better mineral absorption. Consequently, you get improved bone density.

What a wonderful world right? Or may be wonderful curd. 

6. Knocks out germs

Germs! The wet blankets of the micro world. Once these microscopic creatures say hello to your bloodstream, you say adios to good healthy days. Cold, cough, infection, and whatnot. Now, curd can help you deal with these issues. Although it doesn’t happen overnight, it happens. 

Curd has antibacterial and antifungal properties. Studies have raised curd to be the winner against numerous fungi and bacteria in the boxing ring. What’s more? Commercially made curd under strict measures was shown to have higher potency against bacteria and fungi. Mainly, the curd was found to be effective against Malassezia fungi and Staphylococcus. These fungi are the main villain behind dandruff. [4][5]

Curd is pretty effective against dandruff-causing fungi and itch-causing bacteria

This thing is not new to us. Traditionally, throughout India, curd has been used for hair health. So, apart from fighting various germs inside the body, it also fights them over the scalp. 

Furthermore, the intake of curd can actually help women have good vaginal health. It is because curd and yoghurt restore and maintain the balance of yeast and bacteria inside the vagina. A healthy balance indeed. In fact, one study found a mixture of honey and curd to be more potent against vaginal yeast infections. In this study, pregnant women applied this mixture vaginally. The results surpassed those of clinical cures by around 15%. [6]

7. Cools down the core temperature

Now, it is time to discover the cooling and refreshing curd benefits. If you have walked and lived through the South-Indian cities, you might be well versed in their tradition of having curd rice in summer. It is an ancient tradition that has been carried down for its sheer effectiveness. 

Curd, when eaten, acts as a coolant. This is the reason it is a well-known summer drink throughout India. You will find numerous types of flavoured lassis, curds, and curd-made dishes throughout the Indian span. And this is also the reason people avoid it in the winter and cough and cold. 

To increase its cooling potential, try adding cucumber and onion to your curd. Make a delectable raita and cherish it with your food. A wonderful way to have a cool, calm, and composed head. 

8. Makes you better, happier, and wiser

No. We are not saying this out of our love for curd. There is a reason why we love our beloved curd rice. 

Curd, when blended with rice, actually promotes goodness in the body. This is one of the rarely known curd benefits. And this happens due to a compound that curd contains — Tryptophan. 

Tryptophan is an amino acid that our body doesn’t produce on its own. This means that we can only have it through food. But why curd rice? 

A study found that carbs can actually promote the concentration of tryptophan in the brain. Now, we all know that rice contains lots of carbs. In fact, uncooked rice is 80% carbs. Tryptophan can only be converted into serotonin in the presence of carbs. And rice provides just the right environment. But what with serotonin? [7]

Serotonin is often referred to as a ‘feel-good hormone’. It is because these hormones promote satiation, joy, and other good emotions. 

So, the next time you feel low, try having a bowl of cool curd rice. 

Indeed, the curd is excellent. But it only takes a little lack of knowledge to turn something excellent into something toxic. Curd, when eaten wrongly, can work against your wellness. There are things to know, precautions to be made, and the right time to cherish it.

Curd – When to eat, how to eat, and precautions to be made

There is a reason why our mothers deny us even a spoon of curd when we suffer from cold. It is because it worsens the symptoms. Similarly, there are lots of things that we must know before making curd a good part of our good and healthy life. 

What is the right time to eat curd?

So, let’s start with when to eat curd. Because curd brings down the core temperature of the human body, it must be avoided during the nighttime. Have it any time during the day. You may have it between your meals as a cool companion. Also, you may have it after your meal to promote good digestion. Many people drink it in the form of buttermilk or lassi. 

Now, if you are planning to have it first thing in the morning right after waking up, you may think once again. Because it is slightly sour, it can increase the amount of acid in the morning. Again, it depends. So try it out and decide for yourself. 

Precautions to make while eating curd

While indeed there are numerous curd benefits, there are a few side-effects too. So, here are the things you must be wary of while consuming this food:

  • Make sure you are not lactose-intolerant. If you suffer from any allergy post-eating, stop.
  • Curd must be handled with cleanliness and stored in a hygienic place. This will help you avoid contamination.
  • If you suffer from arthritis, consult your doctor before consuming any sour food.
  • Don’t keep it stored for days. Make fresh and cherish.
  • Try to have it in its natural form. If possible, either set it at home or buy from a trustable source. 

And if you can’t have curd, try yoghurt instead. If you can’t have yoghurt either, try having plant-based curd such as soy curd, coconut curd, etc.


So, there you have it – a treasure trove of numerous curd benefits and secrets unveiled! From its protein-packed punch to its immune-boosting wonders, gut-healing properties, and bone-strengthening prowess, curd proves to be a true culinary gem. It not only fights off annoying germs but also cools us down in the sweltering heat. And against the scorching summery suns, it also offers a refreshing respite. However, as with any precious treasure, precautions must be taken. 

Remember to consume curd at the right time and be aware of any individual considerations. Also, handle it hygienically. It will help you preserve its true goodness. 

Let curd add its creamy goodness and health-boosting properties to your plate. So, grab a spoon, delve into the world of curd, and enjoy the delightful benefits it brings to your life!

Is it good to eat curd every day?

Yes, it is generally good to eat curd every day. Curd is a rich source of probiotics, which are beneficial bacteria that support gut health and digestion.

Is curd hot or cold for the body?

In terms of its effect on body temperature, curd is considered cooling or cold. It has a soothing effect and can help balance body heat, especially during hot weather or when experiencing conditions like acidity or heartburn. Consuming curd can help cool down the body and provide relief from heat-related discomfort.

Does curd increase heat in the body?

No, curd does not increase heat in the body. In fact, curd has a cooling effect on the body, as mentioned earlier.

Is curd good for acidity and gas?

Yes, curd can be beneficial for acidity and gas-related issues. It contains lactic acid bacteria, which can help improve digestion and alleviate symptoms of acidity and gas. The probiotics in curd promote a healthy gut environment by balancing the gut flora and aiding in the breakdown of food.

What are the side effects of curd?

Curd is generally safe for consumption and does not have significant side effects for most people. However, some individuals may be intolerant or allergic to dairy products, including curd. In such cases, consumption of curd may lead to symptoms like bloating, diarrhea, or abdominal discomfort. Additionally, if curd is not stored properly or is consumed past its expiration date, it may cause foodborne illnesses.
