Benefits Of Drinking Hot Water

Are you aware of the benefits of drinking hot water? From glowing skin to weight loss, hot water offers you numerous benefits.

It happens either when we suffer from cough and cold, or when the chilling winter takes over us. And then too, not many of us prefer drinking hot water. Some due to sloth and others due to disbelief. Despite this, our mothers keep on nudging us to drink hot water. Why? 

Ayurveda mentions how drinking warm or hot water (Ushnajalapana) could add layers of benefits to our lives. It links drinking hot water with enhanced digestion. But what does the research say about drinking hot water? Should we? And if yes, then when should we? Or what is the right temperature? We’ll discuss everything.

Let’s start!

Benefits of Drinking Hot Water

Benefits of Drinking Hot Water

Beyond its comforting warmth, hot water holds a wealth of therapeutic properties too. These benefits will vouch for its potency:

1. Hot Water Benefits Digestion

The very core of Ayurveda’s statement that hot water is beneficial is its ability to aid digestion. It states that hot water can enhance the digestive fire. This, in turn, enhances digestion.

In Ayurveda, drinking hot water is called ‘Ushnajalapana’ [1]

It states that “Warm water undergoes sweetness (Svaduvipaka) at the end of digestion and thus enhances it. It helps remove waste and toxins. A natural elixir it is. [2]

One study confirms this belief, too. In a 2011 study, people experienced better bowel movements and flatulence after consuming hot water. [3]

2. May Relieve Constipation

Because hot water can dial up the digestive fire and easier bowel movements, it holds the ability to put breaks on constipation, too. Also, this enhances the hydration level, which in turn leads to lessened constipation. According to a study, it proved effective for 56% of participants on the first day and 80% by the third day of warm water therapy. [4]

3. Detoxifies the Body

Drinking hot water can help flush out toxins by increasing internal body temperature, which promotes sweating and detoxification through perspiration and urine. 

According to a study, drinking hot water helps flush out toxins from the body and facilitates the excretion of toxins through sweat and urine. [5]

Additionally, it may also facilitate the clearing of blocked body channels or strotas.

4. May Magnify Metabolism

Metabolism is our body’s ability to transform food into energy and thus use it for numerous functions such as hormone production, healing, running, etc. The better our metabolism, the more energetic we feel.

Although hot water doesn’t contain any calories in itself, it tunes our bodies in such a way that leads to an enhanced metabolism. 

In a study, those who consumed hot water at a temperature of around 37° C experienced increased metabolism. This increased metabolism peaked at around 30-40 minutes after consuming hot water. [6]

Furthermore, enhanced metabolism is directly linked to better body weight. This means hot water may also help one lose weight faster. So, the theories that claim that drinking hot water benefits weight loss are not completely delusional. 

To multiply this weight loss effect, you may try infusing little coriander and fennel seeds into the hot water. 

5. Supports Weight Loss

Hot water can promote weight loss by increasing the feeling of fullness and boosting metabolism. A study found that drinking hot water with lemon significantly increases the metabolic rate and allows the body to burn more calories, aiding in weight management. [7]

Another study found that drinking hot water increased the thermogenic rate to 40%, which helps with the weight loss journey. [8]

The “Sharangdhar Samhita Madhyam Khanda,” an esteemed Ayurvedic prinple, discusses the medoghan (fat-cutting) properties of hot water. According to this, incorporating hot water and honey into your routine can be beneficial during your weight loss journey.

6. Counters Cold and Cough Symptoms

As believed by our mothers and Ayurveda, hot water has the potential to help counter the effects of cold and cough. But what does science say about it? A study done on those suffering from cold and flu can give us some clues. [9]

When those suffering from nasal blockage and flu consumed hot water, they experienced immediate relief from several symptoms such as cough, sneezing, nasal congestion, cold, etc. 

To enhance the potential of hot water to heal cold and cough, try adding ginger, clove, and black pepper to it. 

7. May Shut the Shivers

We all know how brutally the Indian winters make our spines shiver. Sometimes, even layer after layer of clothes fail to contain those chills. But it’s a defensive response. 

We shiver to maintain the falling temperatures of our bodies. Shivering creates warmth and thus protects us from cold. However, it also takes a toll on our energy reserves.

A simple cup of hot water can do the same to us. Drinking water at a temperature of 52° Celsius can trigger the thermoreceptors present in the human abdomen and help reduce the cold shivering. So, it is best to back it with some warm clothes on. [10]

8. Helps in Achalasia

Achalasia might be a new addition to your vocab, but it’s something that impacts some people in the world. When this disorder happens, the oesophageal muscles that help us carry food from mouth to stomach fail to function properly. This creates difficulty swallowing. Drinking hot water can help here.

Hot water benefits those suffering from achalasia. Numerous studies have confirmed that people experience improvements in their achalasia symptoms after drinking hot water. [11][12]

This even implies that drinking hot water can keep the food pipe and its muscles under regular check. A bonus indeed!

9 . Helps in Better Blood Flow 

We all know how soothing it is to stand under a warm shower. It relaxes. It eases our worries and prepares us for a soothing sleep. The reason? Hot water has the potential to relax blood vessels. It dilates them and thus allows for improved circulation.

Although more research has to be done around it, this same effect is believed to happen upon consuming warm or hot water. Try to sip on some lukewarm water or even a cup of chamomile tea near bedtime to have a good night’s sleep.

10. Promotes Healthy Skin

Hot water helps maintain skin hydration and can improve blood flow, which aids in nutrient delivery to the skin and the removal of toxins. Drinking hot water also helps improve skin health, reducing dryness and preventing premature aging.

These are all the hot water benefits that have been believed, studied, and concluded well. But apart from this, there are numerous other benefits that have not been studied well. For example:

  • Hot water infuses radiance into one’s skin by clearing up toxins build-ups and enhances mood.
  • The warmth of hot water can relax muscles in the abdominal area, which helps alleviate menstrual cramps. 
  • Hot water can promote hair health by maintaining overall hydration and improving blood circulation to the scalp. 
  • Drinking hot water helps maintain hydration, which is crucial for supporting immune function. 

Now, As much as drinking hot water is beneficial, it can be equally harmful if consumed in the wrong way. There are things that one must know beforehand regarding time, temperature, and quantity.

When Not To Drink Hot Water?

Hot water is beneficial almost always except a few times. This is when you must avoid drinking hot water:

  • Although hot water enhances digestive fire, it can hamper it when consumed right before, during, or after a meal. Always keep a gap
  • According to Ayurveda, people suffering from eye problems, anaemia, and abdomen enlargement must also avoid drinking too much water at once. Try drinking sip by sip [13]

So, when to drink? Try drinking warm water early morning on an empty stomach for the best results. 

What Is the Right Temperature for Drinking Hot Water?

Our bodies can harness the benefits of hot water only when provided with the right temperature. Although not many have confirmed this, consuming water with temperatures ranging from 37° C. to 52° C. can do wonders for your body. Just remember not to burn your tongue. 


The practice of drinking hot water is age-old in India. From ancient times till today, it has always been encouraged by our mothers. And now, scientific studies prove well that drinking hot water is more than just a comforting ritual. It’s simple yet potent enough to serve us good health.

Where drinking warm or hot water benefits our digestion and relieves constipation, there it also works on kicking up the metabolism and easing cold symptoms. Some studies have even found it impactful in achalasia. While further research may unveil even more advantages, the existing evidence strongly suggests bringing this warm beverage into our daily routine. 

Just be mindful. Make sure the temperature and timing is right. 32° C to 57° C and never before, during, or after a meal.

So, are you ready to embrace this natural remedy that takes nothing but some heat, some water, and some wisdom?


Is it good to drink hot water every day?

It is totally safe to drink hot water each day to reap its benefits. However, make sure not to use piping-hot water but lukewarm. 

Are there any disadvantages of drinking hot water?

Generally, drinking hot water does not impact negatively except when consumed at the wrong hours. Always ensure not to consume it before, during, or after your meals.

Is it good to drink hot water by itself?

One may either drink lukewarm water as it is or brew oneself a cup of tea, either detoxifying tea, calming tea such as chamomile, or simply coffee.

Does hot water detox your body?

Although Ayurveda and traditional medicine believe that hot water holds detoxifying potential, no scientific studies have yet been done to prove it.

What are the benefits of drinking hot water?

Drinking hot water benefits in numerous ways such as enhancing digestion, helping with cough and cold, relieving constipation, relieving achalasia, reducing cold shivers, etc.