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What I to be done to improve gut health of 8 yr old


1 year ago

What I to be done to improve gut health of 8 yr old

Fibre Intake Nutrition Digestive issues Food Lifestyle Kids Physical activity Intolerances Others

Happy Tummy Expert

1 year ago

Dear Anu, Thank you for the question

Ages 1-10 years witness gradual and continuous growth and development. During this period, it is important to take care of all nutritional needs and give children a nutritionally adequate & well-balanced diet, to ensure that growth and development is achieved optimally

A healthy lifestyle management including a good balanced diet, adequate hydration, regular physical activity and hygiene & stress management is key to maintain a good digestive health. It is also important to ensure adequate fiber intake which is essential for a healthy gut and overall digestive health.

Gut microbiota includes a diverse community of bacteria in human gut, they carry out various functions that influences our overall health. The functions include, nutrient metabolism, natural defense against infections and regulation of immune system.

For managing a healthy gut it is important to consume a diversified balanced diet at regular intervals, maintain hydration and include dietary fibre in your daily diet. It is also important to engage in regular physical activity and include prebiotic and probiotics in your daily diet Prebiotics are food components that confer benefits to the host by selectively stimulating the growth of beneficial gut microbiota whereas Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that incur positive effects on human health. They are present in the human gut and are also taken through food products such as yogurt, fermented foods, dietary supplements etc.

Prebiotics naturally exist in different foods including, asparagus, garlic, chicory, onion, honey, banana, barley, tomato, rye, soybean, human’s and cow’s milk, peas, beans, etc.

The common sources of probiotics are yogurt, cultured buttermilk and cheese. The other foods that are produced by bacterial fermentation are, tempeh, sauerkraut, sour dough, bread etc.  Look for food products labelled ‘Probiotic’, ‘Probiotic food’, ‘Contains Probiotics’, ‘with Probiotics’ etc.

Certain food intolerances can cause bloating and stomach pain after consuming specific foods. In lactose intolerance it is seen after consuming milk and milk products like cheese, paneer etc. And in gluten intolerance it is seen after consuming, wheat, rye, barley etc.

For further diagnosis and assistance kindly contact your child’s paediatrician

Daily RDA for fiber as per NIN, ICMR is: 26g for 7-9 year old

Here are a few guidelines for general digestive health of your child:

  • Give small frequent meals at regular intervals
  • Ensure the intake of well-balanced diet which includes all food groups .
  • Try to include whole grains like wheat, millets and multigrain in your child’s diet as they are a good source of fiber and other nutrients.
  • Vegetables including green leafy vegetables and locally available seasonal fruits should be part of their daily menu.
  • Talk to your child and let him know that food should be eaten slowly and chewed well.
  • Include a minimum of 3 serving of vegetables and 1 serving of fruit in a day as they are good sources of fiber and essential nutrients such as vitamin A, Vitamin B, iron, zinc etc.
  • Include prebiotics such as banana, soyabean, garlic etc., good sources of probiotics like yogurt, buttermilk etc., to maintain a healthy gut.
  • As the child to avoid lying down immediately after your meal consumption
  • Drink at least 7-8 glasses of water per day
  • Keep a gap of minimum 2-3 hours between bedtime and your child’s last meal
  • Ensure that the child follows a good sleep regimen in terms of both quantity and quality.

Here are a few dietary guidelines for children to be considered

  • The diet should include a variety of foods and ensure inclusion of all food groups. As teaching the child to eat everything on his plate will help him enjoy optimal health.
  • Make the plate colourful by including variety of fruits and vegetables
  • Food should be slightly seasoned so that they taste better and the child takes it well.
  • Child should never be forced to eat more than he can take
  • Food preference of the child should be taken into consideration by Emphasizing on the child's likes and dislikes
  • Foods like tea and coffee should be limited.
  • Home based diet provide adequately for growth and development of the child provided they are calorie dense and given in small frequent meals.
  • Foods that can cause choking should be avoided.
  • Ensure sufficient consumption of milk and milk products
  • Encourage involvement in food preparation for easy acceptance of new foods
  • Encourage physical activity for optimal growth

For a customised and personalised meal plan for specific conditions, please contact a Health care professional and your child’s paediatrician

Hope we have answered your query.

Wishing you a great day ahead

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