1 month ago
I'm suffering from PCOD initial stage and high thyroid what can I eat or do in diet to maintain my thyroid in 1 week
1 month ago
Dear Urvashi, Thank you for the question.
Polycystic ovarian Disease (PCOD) is endocrine disorder in women of reproductive age, which may potentially affect the reproductive, hormonal and metabolic functions. There is no one particular diet or food dish that can stop or cure PCOD. Management of PCOD involves multiple factors such as Dietary intake, physical activity, lifestyle pattern, metabolic conditions, genetics, stress etc. However, it is necessary to follow a healthy balanced diet with low fat intake, good amount of protein and fibre for ideal weight management.
Here are a few tips to help manage PCOD/ PCOS
Thyroid disorders including hyper or hypothyroidism requires further diagnosis from specific medical experts. It is suggested to contact your health care professional for further assistance and management for thyroid disorders.
Here are few tips to manage Hypothyroidism
Hyperthyroidism is a pathological disorder in which excess thyroid hormone is synthesised and secreted by the thyroid gland. It is characterised by normal or high thyroid radioactive iodine uptake (thyrotoxicosis with hyperthyroidism or true hyperthyroidism). It is usually associated with weight loss and underweight.
Here are a few tips to help manage Hyperthyroidism
Here are few guidelines for healthy balanced diet that can be considered:
For a customised and personalised meal plan for specific conditions, please contact your Health care professional.
Hope we have answered your query.
Wishing you a great day ahead