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I don't poop everday.. what fruit/vegetables/whole grain should u take every day for regular bowel movement as well as increase metabolism

Bethsebi Lalremruati

1 year ago

I don't poop everday.. what fruit/vegetables/whole grain should u take every day for regular bowel movement as well as increase metabolism

Fibre Intake Digestive issues Food Physical activity

Happy Tummy Expert

1 year ago

Dear Bethsebi Lalremruati, Thank you for the question

As per some experts, it can be considered healthy to have a bowel movement ranging from 3 times a day to 3 times a week. But in case you are experiencing gastrointestinal issues such as constipation, diarrhoea, stomach cramps/pain, nausea etc., please contact a specialised health care professional such as a gastroenterologist, for further diagnosis and management.

Dietary fiber also known as roughage is a type of carbohydrate, It’s a component of the plant which is resistant to digestion by the enzymes in the human system. It is considered to be an essential component of your daily balanced diet.

The Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) of fiber for female is 25g per day

There are many kinds of fibers like soluble (as in oats, apple), insoluble (whole grain) , prebiotic (onion, green banana, chicory)  which occur naturally in various foods we eat in our daily diet and all of them are beneficial for us in their own unique way.  Diets with a high content of fibre tend to have a positive effect on health like-

  • Improves bowel function
  • Adds bulk to stool and promotes regularity
  • Helps reduced calorie intake due to the feeling of satiety (as fiber promotes a feeling of fullness).
  • Regulates blood sugar level
  • Regulates blood pressure
  • Helps lowers total and LDL cholesterol thereby reducing the risk of heart diseases.
  • Helps support growth of healthy gut bacteria and overall digestive health.

Some of the good sources of fiber are as follows:

  • Vegetables such as green beans, peas, cauliflower, garlic, carrot, tomato etc.
  • Fruits including banana, apple, and citrus fruits like orange & sweet lime.
  • Whole grains- whole wheat, millets, multigrain, wheat bran, oats etc.
  • Dried beans, Legumes, Nuts & Seed

You can look out for products with claims on being “source or rich in” fiber also to be included as a part of an overall diversified balanced diet.

It is necessary to improve your overall digestive system which involves a healthy lifestyle management including a good balanced diet, adequate hydration, regular physical activity and hygiene & stress management is key to maintain a good digestive health. It is also important to ensure adequate fiber intake which is essential for a healthy gut and overall digestive health.

Gut microbiota includes a diverse community of bacteria in human gut, they carry out various functions that influences our overall health. The functions include, nutrient metabolism, natural defense against infections and regulation of immune system.

For managing a healthy gut it is important to consume a diversified balanced diet at regular intervals, maintain hydration and include dietary fibre in your daily diet. It is also important to engage in regular physical activity and include prebiotic and probiotics in your daily diet Prebiotics are food components that confer benefits to the host by selectively stimulating the growth of beneficial gut microbiota whereas Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that incur positive effects on human health. They are present in the human gut and are also taken through food products such as yogurt, fermented foods, dietary supplements etc.

Prebiotics naturally exist in different foods including, asparagus, garlic, chicory, onion, honey, banana, barley, tomato, rye, soybean, human’s and cow’s milk, peas, beans, etc.

The common sources of probiotics are yogurt, cultured buttermilk and cheese. The other foods that are produced by bacterial fermentation are, tempeh, sauerkraut, sour dough, bread etc.  Look for food products labelled ‘Probiotic’, ‘Probiotic food’, ‘Contains Probiotics’, ‘with Probiotics’ etc.

Daily RDA for fiber as per NIN, ICMR is: 25g per day for female

Here are a few guidelines for general digestive health.

  • Do not skip your meals, have small frequent meals at regular intervals.
  • Eat a well-balanced diet including minimum 5 serving of vegetables and 1 serving of fruit in a day as they are good sources of fiber and essential nutrients such as vitamin A, Vitamin B, iron, zinc etc.
  • Include prebiotics such as banana, soyabean, garlic etc., good sources of probiotics like yogurt, buttermilk etc., to maintain a healthy gut.
  • Try to include whole grains like wheat, millets and multigrain in your diet as they are a good source of fiber and other nutrients.
  • Limit the intake of dairy and fiber in case of loose stools/diarrhea
  • Avoid large, heavy meals, and practice portion guidance.
  • Deep fried foods to be restricted. Method of cooking like baking, grilling, boiling, steaming is preferable over deep frying with excess fat/ oil.
  • Try to limit the foods like caffeine, spices, raw onions etc.
  • Food should be eaten slowly and chewed well as fast eating provokes gastric feeding reflex.
  • Avoid lying down immediately after your meal consumption
  • Drink at least 8-10 glasses of water per day
  • Have a gap of minimum 2-3 hours between bedtime and your last meal
  • Engage in physical activity for a minimum of 30-45 minutes for at least 5 days a week.
  • Try to follow a good sleep regimen in terms of both quantity and quality.

Metabolism refers to the whole sum of reactions that occur throughout the body within each cell and that provide the body with energy. This energy gets used for vital processes and the synthesis of new organic material.

There are several factors that affect metabolism including gender, age, lifestyle & environmental factors, diet, genetics etc. Studies have shown that some foods can help improve metabolism, they include, cinnamon, green coffee, broccoli, nuts etc. Gut microbiota helps regulate metabolism and energy balance, consume banana, garlic, yogurt, buttermilk etc., which are good sources of probiotics and prebiotics to maintain healthy gut. Regular physical activity or exercise also helps in improving the metabolism.

For a customised and personalised meal plan for specific conditions, please contact your Health care professional.

Hope we have answered your query.

Wishing you a great day ahead

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