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I am suddenly suffering from high blood pressure issue. Also anxiety depression and insomnia. Stomach problems.

All reports came normal doctor suggested to change diet and life style.
Please suggest healthy high fibre (Because have piles issue also)diet for me


10 months ago

I am suddenly suffering from high blood pressure issue. Also anxiety depression and insomnia. Stomach problems.

All reports came normal doctor suggested to change diet and life style.
Please suggest healthy high fibre (Because have piles issue also)diet for me

Fibre Intake Nutrition Digestive issues Food Lifestyle Physical activity

Happy Tummy Expert

10 months ago

Dear Abhijeet, Thank you for the question

Elevated blood pressure or Hypertension is one of the most common health problems, and is one amongst the multiple risk factors for cardiovascular disease. Hypertension treatment is usually based on drug administration along with lifestyle changes, especially diet modification which has been proven to be effective in managing high blood pressure.

For adults, Normal blood pressure is defined as 120/80 mmHg.

When blood pressure is equal to or above 140/90 mmHg it is considered to be raised or high.

Some of the symptoms associated include headache, dizziness, impaired vision, filing memory, shortness of breath, unexplained tiredness etc.

Elevated blood pressure arises from a combination of environmental, genetic, lifestyle and dietary factors. For further diagnosis and assistance kindly contact your specialized health care professional.

Adopting an overall dietary pattern such as the DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) diet is recommended

The DASH dietary pattern emphasizes on a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, low-fat dairy products, inclusion of lean meat such as chicken or fish etc., reduced saturated and total fat and reduced sodium intake.


Hemorrhoids are clusters of vascular tissues, smooth muscles, and connective tissues that lie along the anal canal in three columns—left lateral, right anterior, and right posterior positions. In internal hemorrhoids, bleeding is the most commonly reported symptom. The occurrence of bleeding is usually associated with defecation and almost always painless. Some of the common causes include low fiber diet, inadequate intake of water, heavy lifting, chronic constipation/diarrhoea etc.

Here are a few tips to help manage haemorrhoids/ piles

  • Include adequate amount of fiber to your daily balanced diet. Some of the good sources of fiber include Whole grains, multigrain, millets, Psyllium, fruits such as apples, banana, citrus fruits, vegetables like green beans, peas, potato, cauliflower, nuts and soybean etc.
  • An intake of at least 2 litres of water per day.
  • A glass of hot water , preferably taken with lemon juice taken early in the morning, stimulates gastro colic reflex and helps ease constipation.

Dietary fiber also known as roughage is a type of carbohydrate, It’s a component of the plant which is resistant to digestion by the enzymes in the human system. It is considered to be an essential component of your daily balanced diet.

Diets with a high content of fibre tend to have  positive effect on health like-

• Improves bowel function

• Adds bulk to stool and promotes regularity

• Helps reduced calorie intake due to the feeling of satiety (as fiber promotes a feeling of fullness).

• Regulates blood sugar level

• Regulates blood pressure

• Helps lowers total and LDL cholesterol thereby reducing the risk of heart diseases.

• Helps support growth of healthy gut bacteria and overall digestive health. 

Some of the good sources of fiber are as follows:

·       Vegetables such as green beans, peas, cauliflower, garlic, carrot, tomato etc.

·       Fruits including banana, apple, and citrus fruits like orange & sweet lime.

·       Whole grains- whole wheat, millets, multigrain, wheat bran, oats etc.

·       Dried beans, Legumes, Nuts & Seed

The Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) of fiber  male is 30g/day

Depression (major depressive disorder) is a serious medical illness that negatively affects how you feel, the way you think and how you act. Depression causes feelings of sadness and/or a loss of interest in activities you once enjoyed. It can lead to a variety of emotional and physical problems and can decrease your ability to function at work and at home. For further diagnosis, assistance & management kindly contact your specialised health care professional or a psychiatrist.

The quality of sleep has an enormous impact on daily life since poor or disordered sleep can affect your work, concentration, and the ability to interact with others. During sleep, both physical and mental restoration take place, allowing you to feel fresh and alert in the morning.

Poor sleep can be caused due to sedentary lifestyle, dietary factors, environmental factors, stress, and/or any underlying health condition which may require further medical assistance. We suggest you to please contact a specialized health care professional for further diagnosis and management.

Here are few tips for Sleep management

  • Balanced diet is largely made up of a variety of vegetables and fruits is able to provide the recommended daily intake of vitamins and nutrients, contributing to better sleep while promoting a healthy weight.
  • Have your last meal at least 2-3 hours before sleep time.
  • Prior to going to bed avoid/limit the intake of caffeinated beverages and foods such as tea, coffee, or Chocolate as they are a neurologic stimulant, which may lower the need to sleep and produces sleep disruption
  • Foods containing tryptophan which is an amino acid is linked to a number of sleep-promoting processes in the brain. Foods with tryptophan include milk, bananas, oats, etc. While tryptophan alone may not always cause sleepiness, its effects are enhanced when eaten with carbohydrates.
  • Commit to a sleep schedule and avoid screen time, bright light, noises and distractions during bed time.
  • Physical activity is known to help induce better sleep. Engage in at least 30-45 minutes brisk walk/physical activity of moderate intensity at least 5 days a week

Acidity, Bloating, heart burn, Gastritis, Abdominal discomfort can be a symptom of gastrointestinal digestive issues such as indigestion, constipation, IBS, intolerances etc., and/or due to an underlying health condition.

Certain food intolerances can cause bloating and stomach pain after consuming specific foods. In lactose intolerance it is seen after consuming milk and milk products like cheese, paneer etc. And in gluten intolerance it is seen after consuming, wheat, rye, barley etc.

Indigestion towards certain foods, malabsorption, inability to digest/absorb certain nutrients can occur due to intolerance, digestive issues, food allergies or any underlying health condition which requires medical attention.

We recommend you to consult a specialized health professional such as a gastroenterologist for further diagnosis and management.

A few guidelines for general digestive health to be considered:

  • Do not skip your meals, have small frequent meals at regular intervals.
  • Eat a well-balanced diet including minimum 5 serving of vegetables and 1 serving of fruit in a day as they are good sources of fiber and essential nutrients such as vitamin A, Vitamin B, iron, zinc etc.
  • Include prebiotics such as banana, soyabean, garlic etc., good sources of probiotics like yogurt, buttermilk etc., to maintain a healthy gut.
  • Try to include whole grains like wheat, multigrain and millets in your daily diet as they are a good source of fiber and other nutrients.
  • Avoid large, heavy meals, and practice portion guidance.
  • Deep fried foods to be restricted. Method of cooking like baking, grilling, boiling, steaming is preferable over deep frying with excess fat/ oil.
  • Food should be eaten slowly and chewed well as fast eating provokes gastric feeding reflex.
  • Avoid lying down immediately after your meal consumption
  • Drink at least 8-10 glasses of water per day
  • Have a gap of minimum 2-3 hours between bedtime and your last meal
  • Engage in physical activity for a minimum of 30-45 minutes for at least 5 days a week.
  • Try to follow a good sleep regimen in terms of both quantity and quality.

For a customised and personalised meal plan for specific conditions, please contact your Health care professional.

Hope we have answered your query.

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