3 months ago
I am a gyming person. I need to eat protein things, so I how much salad I should eat before taking protein and is there any time gap I should give between salad and protein
3 months ago
Dear Sahil Gond, Thank you for the question
As a part of your diversified daily balanced diet, fruits and vegetables can be consumed throughout the day in between your major meals, during your mid- morning or evening snacks. It is recommended to Consume a minimum 5 servings of vegetables and 1 serving of fruit daily as they are rich in Fiber, essential minerals & Vitamins as well as they give you a feeling of satiety.
Protein is an important component of your daily balanced diet and inadequate intake may lead to loss of energy, fatigue, improper functioning of immune system etc. Protein is an important component for weight loss as it delays gastric emptying and gives a feeling of satiety. but, it should also include appropriate inclusion of other nutrients. High protein foods helps in maintaining lean body or muscle mass.
The Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) for protein for adult Man is 54g per day.
If an Individual is targeting on weight gain or muscle gain then 0.8-1g/kg body weight of protein is recommended
Some of the other functions of protein are:
Here are few guidelines that can be considered for nutrition management during workouts
Pre-workout –the role of nutrition is fueling
During Workout- The role of nutrition is performance
Post- workout – the role of nutrition is recovery
It is very important to be well hydrated when beginning your workout.
Do contact your fitness expert do discuss your protein needs as per your exercise routine. It is recommended to practice regular workouts and exercise under professional guidance.
For a customised and personalised meal plan for specific conditions please contact your Health care professional or any registered dietician.
Hope we have answered your query.