1 month ago
Can I consume magnesium supplement also which one is safe for women do suggest me how to lose weight?
1 month ago
Dear Maria Mirza, Thank you for the question
Magnesium is the fourth most abundant element in the human body. Magnesium plays an important role in many physiological functions. low intakes of magnesium or excessive losses, due to different causes and conditions, can lead to a magnesium subclinical deficiency. Early signs of magnesium deficiency include weakness, loss of appetite, fatigue, nausea, and vomiting. Afterwards, muscle contractions and cramps, numbness, tingling, personality changes, coronary spasms, abnormal heart rhythms, and seizures can occur when magnesium deficiency worsens.
The normal serum Mg levels is about 1.6–2.5 mg/dl.
The daily recommended dietary allowance for magnesium for women is 370mg/dl.
Seeds (pumpkin, sunflower, flaxseeds), legumes, nuts (almonds, cashews, Brazil nuts, and peanuts), whole grain breads, and cereals (brown rice, millet), some fruits, green leafy vegetables and cocoa are considered good sources of magnesium.
Supplements and Nutraceuticals can be included as apart of daily balanced diet, but the frequency and quantity of consumption must be followed under medical supervision and label instructions to avoid any negative implications. Excess and/or unsupervised intake of nutritional supplements is not considered safe for overall health.
For further advice and assistance kindly contact a health care professional.
Sustainable weight management requires a holistic approach which involves lifestyle management which includes Dietary modification, Physical activity, hydration, and stress management. With any weight loss plan changes take time to reflect as your body requires sufficient time to adapt to the changes in order to show results.
An ideal weight loss meal plan should include calorie deficit diet with appropriate exercise regime followed under professional guidance.
However here are few objectives to be considered when planning to start with a weight loss program.
Count Your Daily Calories
It can be calculated using a simple formula of BMI = Weight (kg) / Height (m²)
Following is the WHO BMI Classification
18.5 to 24.9 - Normal
Less than 18.5 - Underweight
25 to 29 - Overweight
Above 30 – Obese
Please note that it is recommended for the target weight to be within normal BMI
General Dietary Guidelines for weight loss that can be considered:
Some Physical Activity Tips:
Engage in at least 30-45 minutes of physical activity of moderate intensity such as walking for at least five days a week.
For a customised and personalised meal plan for specific conditions please contact your Health care professional or any registered dietician.
Hope we have answered your query.
Wishing you a great day ahead