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Iam getting continuous gastric problems and acidity also

Ramprakash Manchikatla

1 year ago

Iam getting continuous gastric problems and acidity also

Nutrition Digestive issues

Happy Tummy Expert

1 year ago

Dear Ramprakash, Thank you for the question

Gastritis, Abdominal discomfort, Acidity can be an indication of sedentary lifestyle, digestive issues and/or due to an underlying health condition. For further diagnosis kindly contact your relevant health professional.

However here are few guidelines that can be considered-
- Regularity of meal timings is essential.
- Consume small frequent meals with portion size moderation.
- Healthy snacks in between meals are preferable.
- Deep Fried foods to be restricted. Method of cooking like baking, grilling, boiling, steaming is preferable over deep frying with excess fat/ oil.
- For severe gastric issues, bland food is recommended but moderate use of seasonings are permitted
- Food should be eaten slowly and chewed well as fast eating provokes gastric feeding reflex.
- Avoid lying down immediately after consuming food.
- Try to maintain 2-3 hours of gap between your bedtime and last meal of the day.

For a customized and personalized meal plan for specific conditions, please contact your Health care professional.
Hope we have answered your query.
Wishing you a great day ahead

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