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I'm suffering from hypothyroidism, iron and folate deficiency..I also have triglycerides and sgpt levels high what should I eat daily to stay healthy

Nabanita Sarkar

1 year ago

I'm suffering from hypothyroidism, iron and folate deficiency..I also have triglycerides and sgpt levels high what should I eat daily to stay healthy

Fibre Intake Nutrition Digestive issues Food Lifestyle

Happy Tummy Expert

1 year ago

Dear Nabanita, Thank you for the question

Micronutrient deficiencies like Iron, folic acid, Vitamin B12 are caused due to various factors such as inadequate recommended daily intake, poor lifestyle, malabsorption, eating disorder or an underlying medical condition.
Iodine is a main constituent of thyroid hormones (T3 and T4), iodine deficiency is one of the most common cause of hypothyroidism in adults. We recommend you to kindly contact your health care professional for further diagnosis and assistance.
Here are few guidelines that can be considered:
- Have a Diversified Balanced Diet that includes all the food groups in the right quantity which thereby provides you with all the essential macro and micro nutrients that your body requires daily for proper functioning.
- Try to incorporate the My plate Concept by dividing your plate into 4 quadrants, fill half of your plate with fruits and vegetables, the other two quadrants with cereals and protein. A small quantity of dairy intake is recommendable.
-Begin your day with a well-balanced breakfast as it is an important meal of the day.
-Avoid skipping meals. Also, try to avoid fasting and feasting too often.
- Consume small frequent meals, with healthy snacking options.
-Consume minimum 5 servings of vegetables and 1 serving of fruit as they are rich in Fiber, essential minerals & Vitamins as well as they give you a feeling of satiety.
-Try to limit the intake of Cruciferous vegetables like kale, turnips, cabbage, cauliflower etc., as they are known as goitrogens which can inhibit the synthesis of thyroid hormones.
-Try to consume more of Whole grains and Multigrain foods as they are a good source of fiber.
-Include iodized salt in your diet and food preparation.
- Essential micronutrients like Iron, folic acid, vitamin -B12 are present in dark green leafy vegetables, milk, whole grains, legumes and dry fruits, meat, eggs etc.
-Limit intake of deep-fried foods. Method of cooking like baking, grilling, boiling, steaming is preferable over deep frying with excess fat/ oil.
-Have your last meal at least 2-3 hours before sleep time.
-Drink adequate amount of water (minimum 8 glasses) of water daily to keep yourself well hydrated
-Engage in at least 30-45 minutes brisk walk/physical activity of moderate intensity at least 5 days a week.
-Try and follow a good sleep regimen in terms of both quantity and Quality.

For a customized and personalized meal plan for specific conditions, please contact your Health care professional.

Hope we have answered your query.
Wishing you a great day ahead

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