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Hey , I m a mother of 1 year old child .. and I m 23 year old but I M underweight i think of my genes .. plz help how to gain weight..


1 year ago

Hey , I m a mother of 1 year old child .. and I m 23 year old but I M underweight i think of my genes .. plz help how to gain weight..

Nutrition Food Lifestyle

Happy Tummy Expert

1 year ago

Dear Sameena, Thank you for the question
As per WHO BMI (Body Mass Index) classification, a person weighing less than 18.5kg/m2 is considered underweight. The causes of underweight can be due to genetics, inadequate food intake, stress, hormonal imbalance, malabsorption or other
underlying health condition.
Here are few guidelines that can be considered
- Maintain a positive energy balance where the calorie intake should be more than the energy expenditure.
- Include energy dense foods, keeping in mind the daily needs.
- Do not skip meals. Eat small frequent meals.
- Three major meals a day with healthy nutritious snacks in between is preferred.
- Try to increase the serving size and portion size gradually and
- Include healthy fats from nuts and seeds.
- Include protein sources (plant and/or animal sources) such as lentils, milk, paneer, lean meat, egg etc.
- Indulging physical activity can help in increasing the appetite and give a feeling of hunger.

For a customized and personalized meal plan for specific conditions, please contact your Health care professional.

Hope we have answered your query.
Wishing you a great day ahead

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