
Get Experts at Happy Tummy to answer your queries regarding Nutrition and other food-related topics.

In our continued efforts to stand for your happy tummy, top experts at Aashirvaad Atta with Multigrains will answer any question that's on your mind around digestion, health and everything in between.


Neerudu Muniraj Vinod

1 year ago

I have problem with my spine , my digestion is slow.


Happy Tummy Expert

1 year ago

Dear Neerudu Muniraj Vinod, Thank you for the question The spine consists of 26 bones call

Dear Neerudu Muniraj Vinod,

Thank you for the question 

The spine consists of 26 bones called vertebrae, which protect and support the spinal cord and nerves. A number of conditions and injuries can affect the spine and may damage the vertebrae causing pain, and limit mobility.

Some of the common spine disorders are Degenerative spine and disc conditions like Arthritis, Degenerative disc disease, Herniated disc, Spinal stenosis, Spondylosis etc.

Spine disorders have a wide variety of causes depending on the particular condition. For some conditions, the causes are unknown. Common causes include: Accidents or falls, Congenital disorders (present since birth), Inflammation, Infection, Inherited disorders, Injuries ranging from minor to traumatic and Degenerative wear and tear that comes with aging. 

We would kindly request you to contact a specialized health care professional for such as an orthopedic for further assistance, diagnosis and management.

A healthy lifestyle management including a good balanced diet, adequate hydration, regular physical activity and hygiene & stress management is key to maintain a good digestive health. It is also important to ensure adequate fiber intake which is essential for a healthy gut and overall digestive health.

Gut microbiota includes a diverse community of bacteria in human gut, they carry out various functions that influences our overall health. The functions include, nutrient metabolism, natural defense against infections and regulation of immune system.

For managing a healthy gut it is important to consume a diversified balanced duet at regular intervals, maintain hydration and include dietary fibre in your daily diet. It is also important to engage in regular physical activity and include prebiotic and probiotics in your daily diet Prebiotics are food components that confer benefits to the host by selectively stimulating the growth of beneficial gut microbiota whereas Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that incur positive effects on human health. They are present in the human gut and are also taken through food products such as yogurt, fermented foods, dietary supplements etc.

Prebiotics naturally exist in different foods including, asparagus, garlic, chicory, onion, honey, banana, barley, tomato, rye, soybean, human’s and cow’s milk, peas, beans, etc.

The common sources of probiotics are yogurt, cultured buttermilk and cheese. The other foods that are produced by bacterial fermentation are, tempeh, sauerkraut, sour dough, bread etc.  Look for food products labelled ‘Probiotic’, ‘Probiotic food’, ‘Contains Probiotics’, ‘with Probiotics’ etc.

Daily RDA for fiber as per NIN, ICMR is: 25g per day for females & 30g per day for male

Here are a few guidelines for general digestive health.

-       Do not skip your meals, have small frequent meals at regular intervals.

-       Eat a well-balanced diet including all groups.

-       Include good amount of fiber in your daily balanced, some of the god sources of fiber include whole grain, multigrain, millets, fruits and vegetables, nuts etc.

-       Include a minimum of 5 of vegetables and 1 serving of fruit in a day as they are good sources of fiber and essential nutrients such as vitamin A, Vitamin B, iron, zinc etc.

-       Include prebiotics such as banana, soyabean, garlic etc., good sources of probiotics like yogurt, buttermilk etc., to maintain a healthy gut.

-       Avoid large, heavy meals, and practice portion guidance.

-       Deep fried foods to be restricted. Method of cooking like baking, grilling, boiling, steaming is preferable over deep frying with excess fat/ oil.

-       Try to limit the foods like caffeine, spices, raw onions etc.

-       Food should be eaten slowly and chewed well as fast eating provokes gastric feeding reflex.

-       Avoid lying down immediately after your meal consumption

-       Drink at least 8 glasses of water per day

-       Have a gap of minimum 2-3 hours between bedtime and your last meal

-       Engage in physical activity for a minimum of 30 minutes for at least 5 days a week

-       Try to follow a good sleep regimen in terms of both quantity and quality.


For a customised and personalised meal plan for specific conditions, please contact your Health care professional.

Hope we have answered your query.

Wishing you a great day ahead

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Shraddha Singh

1 year ago

I am 22 and my height is 5 feet 6 inch, and my weight is 45 kg. According to body mass index, I am underweight, please tell me what shall I do


Happy Tummy Expert

1 year ago

Dear Shraddha Singh, Thank you for the question

WHO has given different BMI (Body mass index) cla
Dear Shraddha Singh, Thank you for the question

WHO has given different BMI (Body mass index) classifications to categorise adults into different weight categories. BMI is a simple index of weight-for-height. It can be considered as a 2nd level indicator of overall health.
It can be calculated using a simple formula of BMI = Weight (kg) / Height (m²)
Following is the WHO BMI Classification
18.5 to 24.9 - Normal
Less than 18.5 - Underweight
25 to 29 - Overweight
Above 30 - Obese

As per WHO BMI (Body Mass Index) classification, a person weighing less than 18.5 kg/m2 is considered underweight.

According to your mentioned Height & weight your BMI is 16.18kg/m2 which is categorised as underweight as per WHO classification.
Ideal body weight for an individual can be calculated using the Broca Index (BI) which is: Ideal Standard Weight (kg) = Ht (cm) – 100
According to your mentioned Height & weight your Ideal body weight is 67kg

The causes of underweight or unintended weight loss can be due to genetics, inadequate food intake, stress, hormonal imbalance, malabsorption or other underlying health condition.

A high calorie and high protein diet is recommended for weight gain. Daily protein requirement should ideally be followed as 0.8-1g protein per kg body weight. Some of the sources of high protein include pulses, lentils, milk, paneer, soybean, eggs, lean meat, nuts & seeds etc.
With any weight gain diet, changes take time to reflect as your body requires sufficient time to adapt to the changes in order to show results.

Here are few guidelines that can be considered
- Having a Healthy Diversified Balanced Diet that includes all the food groups in the right quantity which thereby provides you with all the essential macro and micro nutrients that your body requires daily for proper functioning. Include energy dense foods, keeping in mind the daily needs.
- Maintain a positive energy balance where the calorie intake should be more than the energy expenditure.
- Include energy dense foods, keeping in mind the daily needs. Some of the energy dense foods include Whole wheat, Multigrain, millets, colocasia leaves, banana, raisins, apricots etc.
- Do not skip meals. Eat small frequent meals.
- Three major meals a day with healthy nutritious snacks in between is preferred.
- Try to increase the serving size and portion size gradually and systematically
- Include healthy fats from nuts and seeds.
- Drink at least 8 glasses of water per day to maintain hydration
- Indulging physical activity can help in increasing the appetite and give a feeling of hunger.
- Try to follow a good sleep regimen in terms of both quantity and quality.
For a customised and personalised meal plan for specific conditions, please contact your Health care professional.
Hope we have answered your query.
Wishing you a great day ahead.
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1 year ago

Myself sujay, my age is 19 and weight is 40kg i have to gain weight is 55kg

Fibre Intake Nutrition Digestive issues Food Lifestyle

Happy Tummy Expert

1 year ago

Dear Sujay, Thank you for the question

Adolescence or teen age is acritical period of our lives
Dear Sujay, Thank you for the question

Adolescence or teen age is acritical period of our lives in which our body undergoes rapid changes, growth and development. It is very essential to consume a healthy balanced diet with adequate amount of protein and other nutrients such as calcium, iron, vitamin D etc., which will help support growth, development, pubertal changes and strong bones.

In any weight management programme, it is very essential to consume a healthy diversified balanced diet with few dietary modifications and regular physical activity. For weight gain it is essential to focus on your daily balanced diet with high calorie, high protein and regular meals. With any weight gain diet, changes take time to reflect as your body requires sufficient time to adapt to the changes in order to show results.

Reference Ideal weight and height for a 19-year-old male is 58.4kg and 171.3cm respectively

Adolescence witnesses speedy physical and emotional development. These changes also demand for specific nutrient requirements. It is very important to consume a well-balanced diversified diet and engage in regular physical activity to support growth, pubertal changes, bone developments and increased haemoglobin production.

A high calorie and high protein diet is recommended for weight gain. Daily protein requirement should ideally be followed as 0.8-1g per day. Some of the sources of high protein include pulses, lentils, milk, paneer, soybean, eggs, lean meat, nuts & seeds etc.
Here are few guidelines that can be considered
- Having a Healthy Diversified Balanced Diet that includes all the food groups in the right quantity which thereby provides you with all the essential macro and micro nutrients that your body requires daily for proper functioning. Include energy dense foods, keeping in mind the daily needs.
- Maintain a positive energy balance where the calorie intake should be more than the energy expenditure.
- Include energy dense foods, keeping in mind the daily needs. Some of the energy dense foods include Whole wheat, Multigrain, millets, dairy products, nuts, Colocasia leaves, banana, raisins, pulses/lentils etc.
- Do not skip meals. Eat small frequent meals.
- Three major meals a day with healthy nutritious snacks in between is preferred.
- Try to increase the serving size and portion size gradually and systematically
- Include healthy fats from nuts and seeds.
- Drink at least 8 glasses of water per day to maintain hydration
- Indulging in physical activity can help in increasing the appetite and give a feeling of hunger.
- Try to follow a good sleep regimen in terms of both quantity and quality.
For a customised and personalised meal plan for specific conditions, please contact your Health care professional.
Hope we have answered your query.
Wishing you a great day ahead
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sandeep panigrahi

1 year ago

i am 38 years old male height is 180cm. and weight is 70 kg. i get hungry frequently even after eating balanced diet. unable to gain muscle and weight. all diagnostic test done and reports are normal. suggest me to gain muscle weight

Nutrition Digestive issues

Happy Tummy Expert

1 year ago

Dear sandeep panigrahi, Thank you for the question

Being Mindful while eating is necessary to ha
Dear sandeep panigrahi, Thank you for the question

Being Mindful while eating is necessary to have a control over food cravings & hunger. Mindfulness is an intentional focus on one’s thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations in the present moment. Eating mindfully is when you are using all of your physical and emotional senses to experience and enjoy the food choices you make. Mindful eating encourages one to make choices that will be satisfying and nourishing to the body.
Certain foods like high fiber can induce satiety an keep you full for longer. Foods rich in fiber include whole grains, millets, nuts, fruits & vegetables like apple, citrus fruits, green beans, peas, cauliflower etc. Include healthy snacks in between meals to curb hunger.
Gaining muscle mass requires specific exercise regimen followed by appropriate dietary changes, especially in terms of good quality proteins balanced with appropriate calories, which should be done under professional guidance.
Some of the nutrients that support healthy muscles and bone include protein, calcium, vitamin D, magnesium etc. Some of the food sources rich in these nutrients include milk and milk products, green leafy vegetables, lentils, soybean, nuts, etc. Include these foods in your daily balanced diet.
WHO has given different BMI (Body mass index) classifications to categorise adults into different weight categories. BMI is a simple index of weight-for-height. It can be considered as a 2nd level indicator of overall health.
It can be calculated using a simple formula of BMI = Weight (kg) / Height (m²)
Following is the WHO BMI Classification
18.5 to 24.9 - Normal
Less than 18.5 - Underweight
25 to 29 - Overweight
Above 30 - Obese

As per WHO BMI (Body Mass Index) classification, a person weighing less than 18.5 kg/m2 is considered underweight.

According to your mentioned Height & weight your BMI is 21.60kg/m2 which is categorised as Normal as per WHO classification.
Ideal body weight for an individual can be calculated using the Broca Index (BI) which is: Ideal Standard Weight (kg) = Ht (cm) – 100
According to your mentioned Height & weight your Ideal body weight is 80kg

The causes of underweight or unintended weight loss can be due to genetics, inadequate food intake, stress, hormonal imbalance, malabsorption or other underlying health condition.

A high calorie and high protein diet is recommended for weight gain. Daily protein requirement should ideally be followed as 0.8-1g protein per kg body weight. Some of the sources of high protein include pulses, lentils, milk, paneer, soybean, eggs, lean meat, nuts & seeds etc.
With any weight gain diet, changes take time to reflect as your body requires sufficient time to adapt to the changes in order to show results.

Here are few guidelines that can be considered
- Having a Healthy Diversified Balanced Diet that includes all the food groups in the right quantity which thereby provides you with all the essential macro and micro nutrients that your body requires daily for proper functioning. Include energy dense foods, keeping in mind the daily needs.
- Maintain a positive energy balance where the calorie intake should be more than the energy expenditure.
- Include energy dense foods, keeping in mind the daily needs. Some of the energy dense foods include Whole wheat, Multigrain, millets, colocasia leaves, banana, raisins, apricots etc.
- Do not skip meals. Eat small frequent meals.
- Three major meals a day with healthy nutritious snacks in between is preferred.
- Try to increase the serving size and portion size gradually and systematically
- Include healthy fats from nuts and seeds.
- Drink at least 8 glasses of water per day to maintain hydration
- Indulging physical activity can help in increasing the appetite and give a feeling of hunger.
- Try to follow a good sleep regimen in terms of both quantity and quality.
For a customised and personalised meal plan for specific conditions, please contact your Health care professional.
Hope we have answered your query.
Wishing you a great day ahead.
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sandeep panigrahi

1 year ago

thank you

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Priyanshu Tiwari

1 year ago

My current weight is 40 kg and I'm 19 year old. I have to increase my weight what should I do.

Nutrition Digestive issues Food

Happy Tummy Expert

1 year ago

Dear Priyanshu Tiwari, Thank you for the question

Adolescence or teen age is acritical period of
Dear Priyanshu Tiwari, Thank you for the question

Adolescence or teen age is acritical period of our lives in which our body undergoes rapid changes, growth and development. It is very essential to consume a healthy balanced diet with adequate amount of protein and other nutrients such as calcium, iron, vitamin D etc., which will help support growth, development, pubertal changes and strong bones.

Reference Ideal weight and height for a 19-year-old male is 58.4kg and 171.3cm respectively

The causes of underweight or unintended weight loss can be due to genetics, inadequate food intake, stress, hormonal imbalance, malabsorption or other underlying health condition.

A high calorie and high protein diet is recommended for weight gain. Daily protein requirement should ideally be followed as 0.8-1g protein per kg body weight. Some of the sources of high protein include pulses, lentils, milk, paneer, soybean, eggs, lean meat, nuts & seeds etc.
Here are few guidelines that can be considered
- Having a Healthy Diversified Balanced Diet that includes all the food groups in the right quantity which thereby provides you with all the essential macro and micro nutrients that your body requires daily for proper functioning. Include energy dense foods, keeping in mind the daily needs.
- Maintain a positive energy balance where the calorie intake should be more than the energy expenditure.
- Include energy dense foods, keeping in mind the daily needs. Some of the energy dense foods include Whole wheat, Multigrain, millets, dairy products, nuts, colocasia leaves, banana, raisins, pulses/lentils etc.
- Do not skip meals. Eat small frequent meals.
- Three major meals a day with healthy nutritious snacks in between is preferred.
- Try to increase the serving size and portion size gradually and systematically
- Include healthy fats from nuts and seeds.
- Drink at least 8 glasses of water per day to maintain hydration
- Indulging in physical activity can help in increasing the appetite and give a feeling of hunger.
- Try to follow a good sleep regimen in terms of both quantity and quality.
For a customised and personalised meal plan for specific conditions, please contact your Health care professional.
Hope we have answered your query.
Wishing you a great day ahead
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